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Jeffords translate Portuguese

76 parallel translation
- Jeffords?
- Jeffords?
How do you know, Jeffords?
Como sabes isso, Jeffords?
Jeffords I think I know how we can stop Cochise.
Jeffords acho que sei como podemos parar o Cochise.
Jeffords, I'm an expert on open warfare.
Jeffords, eu sou um especialista em guerra em terreno aberto...
- Jeffords!
- Jeffords!
- Maybe Captain Jeffords became too friendly with the Apaches.
- Talvez o capitão Jeffords ficou demasiado amigo dos Apaches.
The mail's piled up and the route's guaranteed safe by Tom Jeffords and Cochise.
O correio está pronto e a estrada está segura por Tom Jeffords e Cochise.
Looks like you'll have to go yourself, Jeffords.
Parece que tens que ir tu próprio, Jeffords.
It don't pay to bet with Tom Jeffords.
É melhor pagares ao Tom Jeffords.
You are not a renegade, Jeffords.
Ninguém te chamou renegado, Jeffords.
Here's your 300 dollars, Jeffords.
Aqui estão os teus 300 dólares, Jeffords.
Those signal of Jeffords did us a lot of good a lot of good.
Esses sinais do Jeffords ajudaram muito mesmo muito.
Yeah, Captain Jeffords.
Sim, Capitão Jeffords.
Jeffords nothing can compensate you for the terrible thing that happened.
Jeffords nada o pode compensar da coisa terrível que aconteceu.
Tom Jeffords chasing Cochise.
Aprendi uma coisa quando estive... com Tom Jeffords a perseguir o Cochise.
Okay, Janice, I'm going to need you to make sure Mr Jeffords gets his meds. And FYI, don't lean over him, he's handsy.
Ok, Janice, vou precisar que verifique se o Sr. Jeffers toma os remédios, e atenção, não te debruces sobre ele, ele é apalpador.
Why'd he tell me to give meds to Mr Jeffords?
Porque é que ele me mandou verificar o Mr.
Chief Jeffords from Brooklyn South is waiting for you in the conference room.
O chefe Jeffords, da Brooklyn Sul, espera-o na sala de conferência.
Sergeant jeffords, a word.
Sargento Jeffords, uma palavra.
sergeant jeffords, my office.
Sargento Jeffords, no meu escritório.
ma'am, can you please describe the perp to sergeant jeffords?
Pode descrever o criminoso para o Sargento Jeffords?
captain, the credit really goes to sergeant jeffords.
Capitão, o mérito vai realmente para o Sargento Jeffords.
sergeant jeffords, thank you for coming in today.
Sargento Jeffords, obrigada por ter vindo.
nice work, jeffords.
Bom trabalho, Jeffords.
check this out. sergeant jeffords searched the internet for "undiscovered muscle."
O Sargento Jeffords pesquisou "músculo desconhecido".
I want to assure you that the call to put sergeant Jeffords back in the field wasn't a spur-of-the-moment, impulse decision.
Quero assegurar que a decisão que pôs o Sargento de volta ao activo não foi do calor do momento, uma decisão impulsiva.
Sergeant Jeffords was correct when he said that his choice to go back in the field that night was an impulse decision.
O Sargento Jeffords estava certo ao dizer que voltar ao activo naquela noite, foi uma decisão impulsiva.
With the twins learning how to walk, chaos reigns at the Jeffords household.
Com as gémeas a começarem a andar, o caos reina na residência Jeffords.
Sergeant jeffords is just getting back in the field.
O Sargento Jeffords acabou de voltar ao activo.
Terry jeffords is back!
Terry Jeffords voltou!
[doorbell rings]
Whoo! You have one play. You give the ball to Jeffords, and he runs it in.
Tu só passas a bola ao Jeffords e ele marca o ponto.
The Holt-Jeffords vortex.
o vórtice Holt-Jeffords.
Jeffords and I will get right to work.
Vamos já voltar ao trabalho.
Sergeant jeffords,
Sargento Jeffords, tem razão.
You know what I'm saying? Terry jeffords, allow me to introduce to you...
Terry Jeffords, permite-me apresentar-te...
Jake and Terry. Chocolate and milk.
Jeffords e Peralta, Jake e Terry.
Put your hands together for the dance duo, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jeffords.
Um aplauso para o duo de dança Mr. e Mrs. Terry Jeffords!
Sergeant Jeffords, why don't you just lie down?
Sargento Jeffords, porque não se deita logo?
Sergeant Jeffords. Raymond.
Sargento Jeffords, Raymond.
Turkey day. Once sergeant Jeffords and I are gone, Peralta will be the officer in command.
Na nossa ausência, o Peralta ficará responsável.
Jeffords and I will come right away.
O Jeffords e eu vamos já para aí.
I can't believe that you, of all people, are my biggest problem today, Jeffords.
Não acredito que logo o Jeffords seja o meu maior problema hoje.
Just follow Sergeant Jeffords'lead.
Façam como o sargento Jeffords.
Nathaniel Jeffords, Alexa Jeffords...
Nathaniel Jeffords, Alexa Jeffords...
You, Terry Jeffords, are pregnant.
Tu, Terry Jeffords, estás grávido.
Hurricane Jeffords.
Furacão Jeffords.
Sergeant Jeffords. Sharon.
Sargento Jeffords, Sharon.
Oh, you and I both know what Mother Jeffords would say.
Mas perguntei a si, Detective Diaz, pois você entende de vingança. Sabemos o que a Mamã Jeffords diria.
Terry jeffords.
- Terry Jeffords.
Jeffords and Peralta.
Fazemos uma equipa de morte.

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