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Keyes translate Portuguese

323 parallel translation
Walter Neff to Barton Keyes, Claims Manager.
De Walter Neff para Barton Keyes, chefe de sinistros.
Dear Keyes... I suppose you'll call this a confession when you hear it.
Estimado Keyes, suponho que chamarás a isto uma confissão.
Hold tight to that cheap cigar of yours, Keyes.
Agarra-te bem ao teu charuto.
But to tell you the truth, Keyes... I wasn't a whole lot interested in goldfish right then. Or in auto renewals, or in Mr. Dietrichson and his daughter Lola.
Mas na verdade, não estava interessado nos peixes nem no seguro, nem no Sr. Drietchson ou na sua filha.
Maybe you would have known, Keyes... the minute she mentioned accident insurance, but I didn't.
Talvez tu o tivesses antecipado quando ela mencionou o seguro de acidentes,... mas eu não.
Mr. Neff, Mr. Keyes wants to see you.
Sr. Neff, o Sr. Keyes quer vê-lo.
I ain't feeling so good, Mr. Keyes.
- Não me sinto muito bem.
Are we an insurance company, or just a bunch of dimwitted amateurs... to write a policy on a mug like that? Now, wait a minute, Keyes.
Tratamos de seguros, ou somos uns amadores que vendem apólices a delinquentes?
Yeah, and you've loved every minute of it, Keyes.
- Tu adoras este trabalho, Keyes.
We've got a guy in our office named Keyes. For him a setup like that'd be just like a slice of rare roast beef.
Temos um indivíduo chamado Keyes que trataria essa situação como se fosse um doce.
Because you know how it is, Keyes.
Sabes como é, Keyes.
Look, Keyes, I'm not trying to whitewash myself.
Presta atenção, Keyes não estou a tentar desculpar-me.
That was it, Keyes.
Foi assim, Keyes.
I was trying to think with your brains, Keyes... because I wanted all the answers ready... for all the questions you were gonna spring as soon as Dietrichson was dead.
Estava a tentar pensar como tu, Keyes, porque queria ter as respostas às perguntas que farias assim que o Dietrichson morresse.
You know that big market up on Los Feliz, Keyes?
Conheces o supermercado grande que há em Los Feliz?
You may remember that date, Keyes.
Talvez te recordes, Keyes.
Hello, Keyes.
Olá, Keyes.
- Keyes, suppose I join you in your office? - That's all right.
Keyes, continuamos no teu escritório?
- Sorry, Keyes.
- Desculpa, Keyes.
Now look, Keyes, I've got to call on a prospect.
- Tenho de ver um cliente.
I don't think I want it, Keyes.
Acho que não vou querer, Keyes.
Yes, Keyes.
Sim, Keyes.
And yet, Keyes, as I was walking down the street to the drugstore... suddenly it came over me that everything would go wrong.
Apesar disso, Keyes, enquanto me dirigia à loja tive a súbita sensação de que tudo estava mal.
It sounds crazy, Keyes, but it's true, so help me.
Parece loucura, mas é a verdade.
That was the longest night I ever lived through, Keyes... and the next day was worse, when the story had broke in the papers... and they started talking about it at the office... and the day after that, when you started digging into it.
Foi a noite mais longa da minha vida, Keyes. No dia seguinte foi pior, com as notícias nos jornais. Começaram a falar disso no escritório.
- Hello, Keyes.
Olá, Keyes.
You find this an uncomfortably warm day, Mr. Keyes?
Acha que está calor, Sr. Keyes?
You don't, Mr. Keyes?
- Não, Sr. Keyes? O que pensa do caso?
Not even a hunch. I'm surprised, Mr. Keyes.
Surpreende-me, Sr. Keyes.
This is Mr. Keyes.
Este é o Sr. Keyes.
Mr. Keyes, I was raised in the insurance business.
Sr. Keyes, fui criado neste negócio.
I could have hugged you right then and there, Keyes... you and your statistics.
Podia-te abraçar naquele momento, Keyes. A ti e às tuas estatísticas.
You're crazy, Keyes. She wasn't even on the train.
- Estás doido, ela nem ia no comboio.
Only you haven't got a single thing to go on, Keyes.
Só que não tens nenhuma evidência, Keyes.
- Good night, Keyes.
Boa noite, Keyes.
You don't know Keyes. Once he gets his teeth into something, he never lets go.
Não conheces o Keyes, quando agarra a presa, nunca mais a larga.
But not of Keyes. I'm afraid of us.
Não do Keyes, mas de nós.
And I had no chance to talk to Phyllis. You were watching her like a hawk, Keyes.
Não podia falar com a Phyllis, estavas a vigiá-la como um falcão, Keyes.
Monday morning there was a note on my desk that you wanted to see me, Keyes.
Na segunda, tinha uma mensagem a dizer que querias ver-me.
You're way ahead of me, Keyes.
Vais muito depressa, Keyes.
Fancy all right, Keyes, but maybe it's a little too fancy. Is it?
Sim, é elaborado, Keyes, talvez até demasiado elaborado.
- Yes, sir, Mr. Keyes.
- Sim, Sr. Keyes.
Mister Keyes, I'm a Medford man. Medford, Oregon.
- Sou de Medford, Oregon.
You were pretty good in there for a while, Keyes.
Começaste bem, Keyes.
Remember, Keyes?
Lembras-te, Keyes?
- Thank you, Mr. Keyes.
Obrigado, Sr. Keyes.
I don't rate this beef.
Keyes, não é bem assim.
I may need you later.
Entre, Sr. Keyes.
Come in, Mr. Keyes. You, too, Mr. Neff.
Você também, Sr. Neff.
- What was his name, Keyes?
Como se chamava, Keyes?
- Good night, Keyes.
- Boa noite, Keyes.

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