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Keyshawn translate Portuguese

25 parallel translation
Could you get me Keyshawn Johnson, please?
Pode ligar-me ao Keyshawn Johnson, por favor?
- Keyshawn.
- Keyshawn.
Look, I will trade you Keyshawn and Maddox for Lewis. - Maddox? - And I'm gonna be losing out on this deal.
Olha, troco o Kisham e Mathics pelo Louis.
but here she is, and here you are, and here I am asking you guys if you'd like to go on a double date with me and Keyshawn.
"Esta mulher deve morrer sozinha", mas cá está ela e cá estão vocês e vim perguntar-vos se querem sair comigo e com o Keyshawn.
We're going to dinner with Sunny and Keyshawn.
Vamos jantar com a Sunny e o Keyshawn.
This is Keyshawn.
Este é o Keyshawn.
Slow your roll, Keyshawn.
Sim. Vai com calma, Keyshawn.
Well, maybe this crisis will bring you back to God. As it brought Keyshawn.
Talvez a crise te reaproxime de Deus, como aconteceu ao Keyshawn.
- Hello, Reverend, Keyshawn.
- Olá, Reverendo. Keyshawn...
What exactly is your messed up medical situation, Keyshawn?
Afinal qual é a sua situação clínica marada?
My name is Keyshawn McWilliams.
" Sou o Keyshawn McWilliams.
Travel with Keyshawn would be like... Jesus spending his days with prostitutes and lepers.
Viajar com o Keyshawn seria como ter Jesus a conviver com prostitutas e leprosos.
My name is Keyshawn. My people call me Ki-Ki.
Eu chamo-me Keyshawn, mas tratam-me por Keykey.
I'm sorry to say it like that, I've been around Keyshawn too much.
Desculpa a franqueza. Convivo demasiado com o Keyshawn.
- Keyshawn.
- Keyshawn!
Why does she think you're here, Keyshawn?
O que julga ela que faz aqui?
Love takes honesty, Keyshawn.
- É preciso ser sincero no amor.
And this is Keyshawn and Rakeesha. Hi.
- O Keyshawn e a Rakeesha.
My name is Keyshawn.
Chamo-me Keyshawn!
My name is Keyshawn.
Eu sou Keyshawn!
Actually... that's a deal breaker.
Por acaso... Essa foi decisiva. Lamento, Keyshawn, mas não posso continuar contigo.
But what about Norm and Keyshawn?
E o Norm e o Keyshawn?
Keyshawn Willis. 13 years old. Killed in a drive-by Thursday.
Keshawn Willis, 13 anos, morreu num tiroteio, na quinta-feira.
Because Keyshawn, he's back with the...
E quem perde sou eu, neste negócio.
Keyshawn don't do the bump.
O Keyshawn não dá cuzadas.

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