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Kirkland translate Portuguese

198 parallel translation
That's heading into the Kirkland Dam area.
Isso fica dentro da área da represa de Kirkland.
In spite of the fact that they've switched cars... we have reason to believe that they're still in the Kirkland area.
Apesar de eles trocarem de carros... nós temos razões para acreditar que eles continuem na área de Kirkland.
- Off to work, Mrs. Kirkland.
- Vamos trabalhar, Mrs. Kirkland.
- How are you, Mrs. Kirkland?
- Como está, Mrs. Kirkland?
- Is this Lee Kirkland's house?
- É aqui a casa do Lee Kirkland?
Meet Officer Kirkland at the motor pool.
Vá ter com a Agente Kirkland ao parque das motos.
Officer Kathleen Kirkland and I appreciate you not calling me sir.
Agente Kathleen Kirkland e agradecia que não me chamasses senhor.
It's Kirkland. My partner.
É a Kirkland, a minha parceira.
With regards to Kirkland....
No que diz respeito à Kirkland...
You and Kirkland?
Tu e a Kirkland?
- I got a date with Kirkland.
- Tenho um encontro com a Kirkland.
Good night, Kirkland.
Boa noite, Kirkland.
Kirkland, 46!
- Sim, muito bem.
Reschedule Kirkland for, uh, Friday, 1.30.
Transfira o Kirkland para sexta, 13 : 30.
Listen, I want you to reschedule Kirkland.
Quero que marque o Kirkland para outra altura.
I'm just under a lot of pressure with this... this Kirkland thing.
Tenho andado muito enervado com esta coisa do Kirkland.
- Kirkland's office.
- Escritório do Sr. Kirkland.
- John Millaney for Brian Kirkland.
- John Millaney para Brian Kirkland.
Mr Kirkland asked me to inform you he's obtained representation elsewhere, and that if you have a message for Mr Kirkland to leave it with me.
O Sr. Kirkland pediu-me que o informasse que já arranjou outro advogado, e que se tem alguma mensagem, que ma dê, que eu depois transmito.
Kirkland Smith, you got a phone call.
Kirkland Smith, telefone para ti.
Kirkland, you've got some visitors.
Kirkland, tens visitas.
Kirkland Smith is the dude who kept Reggie alive in the joint.
O Kirkland Smith manteve o Reggie vivo dentro da prisão.
Yes. On line four, we have Russell from Kirkland.
Sim, na linha quatro, temos o Russell de Kirkland.
- Kirkland asleep?
- O Kirkland dorme?
It could be AWACS out of Kirkland jamming us.
Podia ser um AWACS da base de Kirkland que interferiu.
And Al, I think that's Powell going in there with Secretary Kirkland.
Agora não te enganes. Ali vai o Powell com o Ministro Kirkland.
I'm runnin'security tonight. I got a lot on my mind. Kirkland's high profile.
Hoje tenho a segurança a meu cargo.
He's all over the news... and brings the nutcases out of the woodwork.
Todos os jornais falam do Kirkland. Isso chama a atenção dos tarados.
And now, the distinguished secretary of defence... of the United States of America, Mr Charles Kirkland.
Ora ouve. E agora o ilustre Ministro da Defesa dos Estados Unidos o sr. Charles Kirkland.
I told them the secretary would be better protected with me running the operation, because I know the area, the layout of the arena and the local law enforcement.
Disse que o Kirkland ficava mais bem protegido por mim porque conheço a zona, o pavilhão e as autoridades locais.
I get assigned, I step out of position, the secretary takes a bullet in the throat. - Why were you out of position?
Depois abandono o meu posto e o Kirkland leva um tiro na garganta.
Secretary Kirkland was shot in the neck.
O Kirkland foi atingido no pescoço.
It's the secretary's.
Isto é sangue do Kirkland.
Unless you want the 9 : 00 news to give the secretary's wife and kids... a close-up look at his internal organs.
Salvo se quer que os jornais mostrem o interior do Kirkland à família dele.
Secretary of Defence Charles Kirkland... is in critical condition at the Atlantic City Medical Center... after being struck by an assassin's bullet... while attending a boxing match at the Atlantic City Arena.
O Ministro Kirkland está em estado crítico no Hospital de Atlantic City depois de atingido a tiro quando assistia a um combate de boxe.
I sent an anonymous E-mail to Secretary Kirkland... telling him that I suspected that these results were doctored.
Mandei um "E-mail" anónimo ao Kirkland a dizer-lhe que suspeitava que os resultados fossem falsos.
Secretary Kirkland, welcome to Atlantic City. Are you here on official business?
Ministro Kirkland, está aqui em missão oficial?
- Talking with Rabat before he shoots Kirkland? - Yeah.
A falar com o Rabat antes dele disparar sobre o Kirkland?
Kirkland died ten minutes ago. Five minutes from now, I gotta be on TV.
O Kirkland morreu há dez minutos e eu vou à TV daqui a cinco.
I just received word... Secretary Charles Evans Kirkland is dead.
Acabo de ser informado de que o Ministro Kirkland morreu às 10 : 48 da noite.
Production of the AirGuard missile system will go ahead... in accordance with Secretary Kirkland's wishes.
A produção do sistema de mísseis Air Guard continuará de acordo com os desejos do Ministro Kirkland.
Charles Kirkland... was a politician.
O Kirkland era um político de beijar bebés e não um soldado.
Today in Brighton Park, Richard Santoro, Atlantic City's new police hero, received a special valour award for heroism... from Mayor Frank Sanchini. The mayor extended the public's thanks to Santoro for his lifesaving efforts... on behalf of Julia Costello, the Powell Aircraft researcher who exposed the deadly conspiracy... that led to the assassination of Defence Secretary Charles Kirkland.
Hoje, Richard Santoro, o herói da polícia de Atlantic City recebeu o prémio por coragem excepcional do "mayor" Sanchini pelos seus esforços para salvar a vida de Julia Costello a cientista que desmascarou a conspiração que levou ao assassinato de Charles Kirkland.
Kirkland, watch your hands.
Kirkland, cuidado com as mäos.
Come on, Kirkland. Let's go.
Vamos embora, Kirkland.
Good morning, Mr Kirkland.
Bom dia, Mr. Kirkland.
Sure, Mr Kirkland.
Claro, Mr. Kirkland.
Mr Kirkland, what happened?
Mr. Kirkland, o que aconteceu?
- Hi, Mr Kirkland.
- Olá, Mr. Kirkland.

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