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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ L ] / Lentz

Lentz translate Portuguese

31 parallel translation
I'm going to stop off and see Wilma Lentz.
Vou ver a Wilma Lentz.
Hello, Mrs. Lentz.
- Olá, Sra. Lentz.
Make room for Wilma Lentz tomorrow.
Você pode ver Wilma Lentz amanhã?
Lentz's name is on the chart.
O nome do Lentz está na escala.
Devlin MacGregor and Lentz.
Devlin MacGregor e Lentz.
Lentz was supervising the protocol for RDU-90.
O Lentz supervisionava o protocolo do RDU-90.
It was Lentz.
Foi o Lentz.
Richard, Lentz is dead.
Richard, o Lentz morreu.
I think his name is Lentz.
Creio que se chama Alec Lentz.
Need some information about a Dr. Lentz who was on staff here.
Queremos informações sobre um Dr. Lentz, que fazia parte dos quadros.
You think Lentz is the bad guy?
Achas que o Lentz é o mau da fita?
Lentz died August 21st.
Lentz morreu a 21 de Agosto.
Nichols also knew Lentz.
O Nichols também conhecia o Lentz.
He was Lentz's boss.
Era patrão do Lentz.
Dr. Alexander Lentz.
Dr. Alexander Lentz.
You switched the samples after Lentz died.
Trocaste as amostras... após a morte do Lentz.
After Lentz died, you were the only one who had access.
Após a morte do Lentz, só tu tinhas acesso.
You killed Lentz too?
Também mataste o Lentz?
- We're seeing the Garcia picture.
A Roz e a Chaya Lentz.
Devlin MacGregor and Lentz.
O Devlin MacGregor e o Lentz.
He knew I found out it was causing liver damage. It was Lentz.
Ele sabia que eu descobrira que causava danos no fígado.
Lentz is dead.
Richard, o Lentz morreu.
Tom, Mr. Lentz was trying to say something.
O Sr. Lenz estava a tentar dizer alguma coisa. Desculpe.
Go ahead, Mr. Lentz.
Diga lá, Sr. Lenz.
His name is Wendell Lentz and I've confirmed that he's one of Dominic Galuska's parolees.
O nome dele é Wendell Lentz, e já confirmei que ele é um preso na condicional do Galuska.
Vice Principal Smith-Lentz.
Vice-directora Smith-Lentz.
Kimble, he found out that Nichols, along with Devlin MacGregor and Lentz, who has mysteriously died, they had hired Frederick Sykes, the one-armed man, to kill Kimble.
O Kimble descobriu que o Nichols, junto com o Devlin MacGregor e o Lentz, que morreu misteriosamente, contrataram o Frederick Sykes, o maneta, para matar o Kimble.
Lentz sent this guy in?
Foi o Lentz que o mandou?
These are my movie girls, this is Roz and Chaya Lentz.
Estas são as minhas amigas do cinema.

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