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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ M ] / Maybe it's

Maybe it's translate Portuguese

12,728 parallel translation
Maybe it's time you got out of there before you get fired. And do what?
Talvez devesses sair de lá antes que sejas despedido.
No, it's too soon for rigor mortis to set in, but... maybe they have another kind of weapon.
Não, é demasiado cedo para o "rigor mortis" se ter instalado, mas... talvez eles tenham outro tipo de arma.
Maybe it's part of a plan.
Talvez façam parte de um plano.
You can never say that it's a good thing when someone is dead, but maybe with Richard this has been for the best.
Nunca se pode dizer que é uma coisa boa quando alguém está morto... DUPLO DE "MINDHORN" ... mas talvez com o Richard, isto tenha sido pelo melhor.
Maybe it's who we need to be.
Talvez... seja assim que temos de ser.
Maybe because there's no one here to fix it.
Talvez seja porque não há cá ninguém para o arranjar.
- Maybe it's you.
Talvez sejas tu.
And maybe things are getting out of whack because it's our time.
Talvez esteja tudo descontrolado por ser a nossa altura.
Well, maybe she's just covering it up, you know, like turn that rape upside down or whatever.
Talvez esteja a disfarçar, a virar a página da violação.
Maybe he's gotta warm up to it.
Talvez ele precise de tempo.
Maybe it's the switch of an old Walkman.
Talvez seja o interruptor de um velho walkman.
No, it's not about- - I don't know, maybe it is, okay?
- Não. Não é... Não sei.
Maybe it's too soon.
Talvez seja demasiado cedo.
Maybe, but it's not about how they act.
Talvez, mas não é sobre como eles agem.
Maybe it's dental floss.
Talvez seja fio dentário.
Maybe it's true, then.
Sim. Então, talvez seja verdade.
Maybe it's not interested in us.
- Talvez não tenha interesse em nós.
They're telling us it's gonna be at least an hour, maybe more.
Estão a dizer-nos que irá demorar pelo menos uma hora, talvez mais.
But maybe it's also related to Merapi?
Mas talvez esteja relacionado com o Merapi, certo?
Just out of the dirt, where it's been 100,000 years, maybe.
Acabei de o tirar do solo, onde esteve durante 100 mil anos, talvez.
Maybe it's not new math at all.
Talvez não seja uma nova matemática.
Just stop. Have you ever thought that maybe it's your stupid, crazy podcast that did this?
Já pensaste que talvez fosse o teu estúpido Podcast que provocou isto?
Yeah, but maybe it's time to stop obsessing over these murders.
Sim, mas talvez seja hora de acabar com a obsessão por esses assassinatos.
Last night, it was like he thought I was going to break or something. Maybe he just sees me as the broken girl, and he's just not up for it. I don't know.
Ontem à noite, foi como se ele pensasse que eu ia quebrar ou assim.
Maybe it's some yuppie holiday- - Earth Day or Yom Kippur or something.
Talvez seja um feriado de ricos. Dia da Terra ou Yom Kippur.
Maybe it's just you.
Talvez sejas o único.
Maybe it's coming from more than one place.
Talvez isso venha de mais do que um lugar.
It's the most amazing opportunity I've had in my life, and maybe the most amazing one i ever will have, but I just think my priorities are a little bit... slow down for a second, kid.
É a oportunidade mais fantástica que já tive na vida e talvez a mais fantástica que alguma vez terei, mas acho que as minhas prioridades são um pouco... Abranda por um instante, puto.
Maybe next time we have a chat like this, it's not in the FBI gun range at 8 : 00 at night.
Talvez da próxima vez que tenhamos uma conversa assim, não seja no campo de tiro do FBI às 20 : 00h.
Maybe it's what it does.
Talvez só faça isso.
Maybe it's too much.
Talvez seja demasiado.
Or maybe it's the pain.
Ou talvez seja a dor.
Maybe it's taking longer because of how bad you were hurt, but it's happening.
Talvez demore mais tempo por causa de como foste magoado, mas está a acontecer.
Maybe it's time to check on his progress.
Talvez seja altura de ir verificar os seus progressos.
Maybe there's fingerprints in it.
Talvez haja impressões digitais dentro dele.
I don't really know what's going on with you lately, but maybe it's a good time to talk to your mom.
Não sei mesmo o que se passa contigo ultimamente... mas talvez seja uma boa altura para falar com a tua mãe.
Well, if Claudia is not seeing ghosts, maybe it's because she's not a Banshee.
Se a Claudia não anda a ver fantasmas, talvez isso é porque ela não seja uma Banshee.
Maybe. It's like he was right here.
É como se ele tivesse logo aqui.
Maybe the sneaking's only part of it.
Talvez o esgueirar seja só uma parte.
All I know is that there's something that's really bothering you and if I know what it is, maybe I can help.
Só sei que alguma coisa anda a incomodar-te. E se soubesse o que é, talvez pudesse ajudar.
Is it possible that he's not the guy we thought he was, that maybe he's better than we thought he was?
É possível que ele não seja o tipo que pensamos que era, que talvez seja melhor - do que pensamos que era?
Or maybe it was just somebody who's able to make themselves look like Roy.
Ou talvez seja alguém que pode transformar-se no Roy.
Maybe he's doing it to protect you because he loves you, and you need to return that love with a little bit of trust.
Talvez esteja a fazer isso para proteger-te, porque ama-te. E em troca desse amor, tens de dar um pouco de confiança. - Eu amo-te.
Maybe I'm meant for great things, maybe I'm not, but whatever it is, it's not this.
Posso estar destinada a grandes coisas, ou não, mas não é isto.
I think it's, like, maybe... what makes us human.
Acho que talvez seja o que nos torna humanos.
Maybe so, but from here on... it's only family.
Talvez, mas daqui em diante... será apenas família.
Maybe it's time for a change.
Bom, talvez seja hora de mudar.
Maybe, it's the Tequila talking, but maybe just a little bit.
Talvez seja a tequila falando, mas talvez um pouquinho.
Maybe it's because I always wanted to believe that this other world was out there.
Talvez porque sempre quis acreditar que havia um outro mundo.
I think maybe it's the best if you two just stay clear.
Acho melhor manterem a distância.
Well, maybe it's true.
Bem, talvez seja verdade.

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