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Mumps translate Portuguese

136 parallel translation
Look, he's got the mumps.
Olhe p'ra ele, está com papeira!
I'll trade you two mumps for a measle, Bella.
Troco duas papeiras por um sarampo, Bella.
Shall I phone and tell him I've caught the mumps or something and stay a while?
Telefono-lhe a dizer que tenho papeira ou outra coisa, para ficar uns tempos?
Seems I must discontinue my research, spend my life diagnosing measles mumps, and whooping cough or encounter his serious disapproval.
Tenho de parar com a pesquisa, passar a vida a diagnosticar sarampo, papeira e tosse convulsa, ou enfrentar a sua séria desaprovação.
I've had the mumps.
Tive papeira.
You forget that we were brought up together. We had the measles and mumps together.
Fomos criados juntos, tivemos sarampo e papeira juntos.
Nah, not a thing... except I got the mumps in Naples.
Não, nada... excepto ter apanhado a papeira em Nápoles.
Yes, but Randy came down with the mumps this morning.
Sim, mas o Randy acordou esta manhã com papeira.
No, not yet, but baby gorillas do get the mumps.
Ainda não, mas os bebés gorilas também apanham papeira.
If it's mumps, I'll die.
Se for papeira, morro.
Taylor and Fitcher have the mumps.
- A seção inteira. - Calhoun e Fisher estão com sarampo.
I once had the mumps. but I got over it.
Tive sarampo e sobrevivi.
I've worked here for thirty years. I nursed you when you caught mumps so you ought to know me quite well.
Trabalho aqui há 30 anos, tratei todas as doenças... assim que o Sr. conhece-me como a ponta dos dedos.
Hobbs has come down with the mumps!
O Hobs está com papeira!
"Mumps," said the doctor. "Measles," said the nurse.
"Papeira", disse o médico "Sarampo", disse a enfermeira
Man, he's funny like a case of travelling mumps.
Tem mais piada que uma epidemia de sarampo.
How about the measles, mumps, chickenpox, whooping cough?
E sarampo, papeira, varicela, tosse convulsa?
scarlet fever, and diphtheria, and measles, and whooping cough, and mumps.
escarlatina, difteria, sarampo, tosse ferina e caxumba.
You had mumps when you were 18!
Teve papeira aos 18 anos?
" Mumps vaccine on the market.
" Saiu a vacina da papeira.
"... what officials term the first clearly effective vaccine to prevent mumps.
" a primeira vacina contra a papeira considerada eficaz pelos técnicos.
I heard the kids have the mumps.
Soube que estavam doentes.
The mumps.
- Papeira.
Are the mumps serious?
Papeira é grave?
- Except when I had the mumps.
- Quando tive papeira, não.
I mean, no measles or mumps or chickenpox.
Não teve sarampo nem papeira nem varicela.
According to this message, a crazy old lady relative of Limbani had a vision that he'd risen from the dead and it spread through the tribe like... the mumps.
De acordo com a mensagem, uma velha parente louca do Limbani viu-o ressuscitar e espalhou a notícia pela tribo...
I just told him I wasn't over this case of the mumps I had.
Disse-lhe que ainda não tinha recuperado da papeira que tive.
They're the spots in measles, the swellings in mumps, the funny walk in cystitis.
São como as manchas do sarampo, o inchaço da papeira, o andar estranho da cistite...
Traitor, scoundrel, sold, drunk, vampire, worm... lazy, pig, greedy, stingy, scoundrel... rascal, blackmailer... rabble, wholesale mumps, repugnant, senile, intellectual... thief, scheming, idiotic, asshole, Jewish, Huguenot... shameless, livid...
Traidor, crápula, vendido, bêbedo, vampiro, verme preguiçoso, porco, avarento, sovina, canalha, - patife, chantagista, canalha, atacado de papeira, repugnante, senil, intelectual, - - panamista, conspirador, idiota, imbecil, judeu, huguenote, desavergonhado, lívido...
Look, I've got a colleague in that room and he's sick with the mumps.
Olhe, eu tenho um colega naquele quarto doente com papeira.
I think you have the mumps.
Acho que tens papeira.
I think Lisa has the mumps.
Doutor, eu acho que a Lisa está com papeira.
Don't waste the mumps.
Não desperdices a papeira.
Lisa has the mumps.
Parece que a pequena Lisa tem papeira.
The mumps?
I think you have the mumps.
Acho que tens sarampo.
I think Lisa has the mumps.
Doutor, eu acho que a Lisa está com sarampo.
Don't waste the mumps.
Não desperdices o sarampo.
Lisa has the mumps.
Bem, parece que a pequena Lisa tem sarampo.
The mumps?
Pois não e está a morrer de papeira.
You've had your shots- - measles, mumps, rabies?
Tomou as vacinas todas? Sarampo, papeira, raiva?
My little grandson has the mumps, face up to here, my wife says he looks like Fat Albo...
Meu netinho está com caxumba, o rosto vem até aqui, minha mulher diz que ele parece com Fat Albert...
Have you ever had the bad mumps?
Teve papeira?
Never had the bad mumps.
Näo, nunca.
He had the bad mumps when he was 1 2.
O Michael teve papeira aos 1 2 anos.
... checking for mumps.
... a papeira.
- Do you have the mumps?
- Tens papeira? - Não.
Once Salem's done with the body, the kid will think he's been home with the mumps. Duh.
Roland, espera.

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