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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ N ] / Nishida

Nishida translate Portuguese

7 parallel translation
Nishida, you need to practice properly!
Nishida, tens que praticar como deve ser!
This is Nishida, our drummer Camus.
Este é Nishida, o baterista-personagem Camus.
Oh, Nishida...
Oh, Nishida...
If you aren't here... I'll surely just become a good host of a karaoke bar... and Nishida will become a criminal as a pervert.
Se tu não voltares eu irei certamente trabalhar para um bar de karaoke Nishida tornar-se-á um criminoso.
Tokugawa Toshiyuki Nishida
Tokugawa Toshiyuki Nishida
Are you familiar with the recent study of Tanzanian chimpanzees by Nishida and Hosaka out of Kyoto University?
Estás familiarizada com o estudo sobre os chimpanzés da Tanzania de Nishida e Hosaka da Universidade de Quioto?

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