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Oilers translate Portuguese

34 parallel translation
Four oilers, four firemen, two wipers. P.U. What smells bad around here?
Quatro lubrificadores, quatro bombeiros, um empregado de limpeza.
Four oilers. Four firemen.
Quatro técnicos para as caldeiras, dois empregados de limpeza.
Oilers leading 21-19, Houston driving.
Oilers ganham por 21-19. Houston ataca.
The Oilers have won it 21 to 19.
- The Oilers ganharam por 21 - 19.
The Heeber Oilers.
Aos Heeber Oilers.
How long were you with the Oilers?
Quanto tempo jogaste nos Oilers?
They're a bit bigger than real players - like the Houston Oilers - and slower, but not much.
São mais altas que os jogadores - como os Houston Oilers - e lentas, mas não muito.
Well, when you said we were gonna see Gretzky and the Oilers, I figured it was worth a trip.
Bem, quando disseste que íamos ver o Gretzky e os Oilers, calculei que valia a pena a viagem.
I can't wait to see Gretzky and those Oilers skate.
Estou ansioso por ver o Gretzky e os Oilers.
Tight end for the Oilers? My knee gimped out on me?
Jogava a avançado nos "Oilers".
The Oilers moved to Tennessee, where there's no oil.
Ds Dilers foram para o Tennessee, onde não existe petróleo.
Houston's gone nowhere with Warren Moon.
Os Houston Oilers não foi muito longe com o Warren Moon.
First they were the Oilers, and now they're the Titans.
Primeiro foram os Oilers, agora são os Titans.
The Houston Oilers are the Tennessee Titans?
Os Oilers de Houston são os Titans de Tennesse?
" The Oilers have posted a perfect 9-0 mark, winning on the road against perennial powerhouses
"Os Oilers têm a marca perfeita de 9-0. " Vencendo bem as eternas equipas enérgicas...
"Richmond center has been big as the Oilers are'boyed."'
"O centro de Richmond sente-se grande enquanto os Oilers são... " estimados "?
Y'all gonna wanna see the look on the faces of them rich fancy-schoolers when the Richmond Oilers roll into town.
Todos vão querer ver a expressão das caras... dos estudantes betinhos quando os Richmond Oilers chegarem à cidade.
The third and final day of the 22nd Bayhill Tournament finds the host team, Bayhill, trying to win the championship against the surprising Richmond Oilers. Defense!
O terceiro e último dia do 22º Torneio de Bayhill, vê a equipa da casa, Bayhill, a tentar vencer o campeonato... contra os surpreendentes Richmond Oilers.
We are the Richmond Oilers.
Somos os Richmond Oilers.
Do you know what Oilers stands for?
Sabem o que significa Oilers?
The highly ranked Oilers have a perfect season on the court, but some players were in big trouble academically.
Os qualificadíssimos Oilers têm uma época perfeita em campo, mas alguns jogadores estavam academicamente em sarilhos.
He was quarterback of the Houston Oilers.
Ele foi defesa do Houston Oilers.
- Uh, The Oilers.
Os Oilers, definitivamente.
Surgeons. I expect you to have read these notes from Walter Reed and Edmonton... go, oilers!
Cirurgiões, espero que tenham lido estas anotações do Walter Reed e Edmonton, sobre procedimentos de fasciotomia.
Well, first of all, I would need you to use the parts of this plane to build some kind of Einsteinian TV that could pick up Oilers games.
Primeiro, tu tens que usar as partes do avião para criar uma TV Einsteiniana que apanhasse o jogo dos Oilers.
You took a road trip with your father to watch the Houston Oilers play the Philadelphia Eagles.
Fui com o teu pai ver o jogo, Houston Oilers contra o Philadelphia Eagles.
Which means you hate the Edmonton Oilers, which is why you destroyed the Wayne Gretzky head shot!
Significa que detestas os Edmonton Oilers... Por isso é que destruíste a foto do Wayne Gretzky.
And in a drastic turn of events, the Panthers are neck and neck with the Oilers.
Uma mudança dramática dos acontecimentos fez com que os Panthers estejam taco a taco com os Oilers.
Yeah, beat the Oilers by seven.
Ganhámos por sete aos Oilers.
The Oilers?
Aos Oilers?
Thad "Rufio" Johnson is a juggernaut.
Thad "Rufio" Johnson é um camião. TITANS - OILERS SEMANA 10
You an Oilers fan?
É fã dos Oilers?
Four oilers. Three abs.
Quatro lubrificadores.

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