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Okcupid translate Portuguese

11 parallel translation
Uh, OKCupid... and... what is it?
"OKCupid". E... como se lê?
There's nothing illegal about having three different profiles on okCupid, all right?
Não há nada de ilegal em ter três perfis num site de namoros, certo?
Now 40-year-olds are still living with mommy, lying on OkCupid, and taking pictures of their food. What do you want, Crowley?
Agora, os que têm 40 anos ainda vivem com a mamã, mentem nos sites de encontros e tiram fotografias à comida.
Facebook, OkCupid, Instagram, e-mail.
Facebook, OkCupid, Instagram, e-mail.
OkCupido? O quê?
You should try ok cupid, come on!
Devias experimentar o OKCupid. Vá lá.
What's wrong with ok cupid?
Qual é o mal do OKCupid?
So, on a scale of one to, like, a fucking million... How terrible is everyone on ok cupid?
Numa escala de um a um milhão, quão horríveis são as pessoas no OKCupid?
I thought of signing her up with OkCupid.
Pensei inscrevê-la no OkCupid.
For all you know, Rebecca might already be on OkCupid or dating.
Não sabe se a Rebecca já está no OkCupid, ou a namorar.
Grindr, okcupid.
Grindr, OkCupid.

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