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Orchids translate Portuguese

347 parallel translation
Get me a dozen orchids and take them to Madame Mata Hari.
Compre uma dúzia de orquídeas e leve-as para Madame Mata Hari.
Orchids again, Madame!
Orquídeas outra vez, Madame!
Grow orchids?
Cultivar orquídeas?
He gives me daisies and roses and orchids
Ele dá-me margaridas, Rosas e orquídeas,
If you mean diamonds and orchids, that breed died out just before my time. Yes, isn't it a pity?
Se fala de diamantes e orquídeas isso acabou antes do meu tempo.
A great newspaperman. No orchids, Walter.
Sim leva uma grande jornalista.
Let's shower her with orchids!
Vamos cobri-la de orquídeas!
What woman wouldn't like a husband who brings her orchids?
Que mulher é que não gostaria de um marido que lhe dá orquideas?
There's a whole valley of orchids just across the river.
Há um vale repleto de orquídeas no outro lado do rio.
When we were first married, it was orchids.
No início, eram orquídeas.
That's a funny thing about orchids.
As orquídeas säo engraçadas.
I was talking to a guy the other day who breeds... Raises orchids.
No outro dia, falei com um que planta... cultiva orquídeas.
Get the two most beautiful orchids you can find.
Arranje duas belas orquideas.
If the orchids and notes intrigue her I'll furnish the young man myself.
Se as orquideas a intrigarem eu arranjarei o jovem.
"Dearly beloved, I send you orchids..."
"Querida amada, envio-Ihe orquideas..."
Be kind to these orchids.
Seja gentil para estas orquideas.
- No orchids for almost a week.
- Quase uma semana sem orquideas.
She hasn't received orchids all week.
Nao recebeu orquideas, esta semana.
No orchids all week?
Nao recebeu orquideas?
Take them, buy two magnificent orchids attach the note, then take the flowers to my home.
Compre duas belas orquideas, junte o cartao e entregue-as em minha casa.
- I delivered the orchids for you now you're going...
- Entreguei-Ihe as orquideas...
- You delivered the orchids?
-... e agora o senhor... - Entregou as orquideas?
- Couldn't be orchids, could it?
- Sera das orquideas?
The orchids, the notes.
As orquideas, as mensagens.
I saw him bring the orchids this afternoon.
Vi-o entregar as orquideas esta tarde.
- You took her the orchids, didn't you?
- Levou-Ihe as orquideas, nao foi?
Why, I left some orchids at your door, yes.
Sim, deixei umas orquideas a sua porta.
She's been receiving orchids and love notes from an unknown admirer.
Recebeu orquideas e mensagens de amor de um desconhecido.
He brought the orchids.
Trouxe as orquideas.
He hasn't sent any more orchids, has he?
Mandou mais orquideas?
Any man who arrived when she was ready and waiting for the lover who intrigued her, who brought her orchids.
Que surgisse quando ela esperava o desconhecido que Ihe dava orquideas.
He wrote all the notes you received, and he sent all the orchids.
Escreveu todas as mensagens e enviou todas as orquideas.
When I delivered the orchids, Maria, you jumped at conclusions.
Quando entreguei as orquideas, Maria, precipitaste-te.
If these orchids aren't out of here by the time I get back, I'll... I'll set fire to them.
Se vejo estas orquideas ca quando voltar pego-Ihes fogo!
I didn't ask for orchids.
- Eu não pedi orquídeas.
Some girls, when a fella comes to see her, he brings flowers orchids even. I'm the other type girl.
Há raparigas, que quando um rapaz vem vê-las, ele traz flores se calhar orquídeas, eu sou outro tipo de rapariga.
The orchids are an excuse for the heat.
As orquídeas são desculpa para o calor.
- Do you like orchids?
- Gosta de orquídeas?
Oh, Oliver, I didn't thank you for these wonderful orchids, really.
Oliver, não te agradeci por estas maravilhosas orquídeas.
I want to order three dozen roses, half a dozen orchids, and send them to Mme Grosnay, 151 Avenue Victor Hugo.
Quero encomendar 3 dúzias de rosas, meia dúzia de orquídeas para enviar para Mme. Grosnay, Avenue Victor Hugo, 151.
I've seen orchids
Tenho visto orquídeas
- And the roses and orchids?
- E as rosas e as orquídeas?
And also the orchids.
E também as orquídeas.
Instead of a bunch of normal flowers, I sent orchids
Mandei orquídeas. São mais caras, mas fazem mais vista.
Tree orchids.
" Orchids to Molly and Terry Donahue,
Orquídeas para a Molly e o Terry.
What a place to grow orchids.
Isto até dava para criar orquideas.
Fly in some orchids from Hawaii.
Combina um dos teus grandes fins-de-semana. Convida toda a gente.
Like that time you airmailed two orchids to Marian, two, mind you, every day.
Como daquela vez em que mandaste entregar duas orquídeas à Marian, duas, lembras-te, todos os dias.
I wanted them to fly orchids from our greenhouse, but Long lsland is fogged in.
Pedi que trouxessem orquídeas de avião, mas havia nevoeiro em Long Island.

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