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Overpowered translate Portuguese

144 parallel translation
The police overpowered him.
Lutou desesperadamente mas foi dominado.
They overpowered Basil as he lay by my side.
Eles dominaram o Basil que estava a meu lado.
He, his brother Hal and another convict named Kobish overpowered a guard and fled without arousing suspicion.
Ele, o seu irmao Hal e outro condenado, chamado Kobish, dominaram um guarda e fugiram sem leíantar suspeitas.
Overpowered him and left him for dead?
Bateste-lhe e o deixaste esticado?
I was overpowered before I knew there was a struggle.
Deixaram-me sem sentidos antes de poder agir.
For ten years, that brute has overpowered and irritated me!
À dez anos que essa besta me domina e irrita!
The guard outside had been overpowered.
O guarda que estava à porta estava desmaiado e o quarto estava vazio.
Besides, I don't think Denise is strong enough to have overpowered that woman.
Além disso, não acho a Denise assim tão forte a ponto de dominar aquela mulher.
Tell me again how the girl overpowered you. She- -
Diga-me novamente como é que a rapariga o sobrepujou.
Tiger, how did he get away? He overpowered me.
Tiger, como é que ele fugiu?
The three of you might have overpowered me... with the loss of but one.
Os três juntos podiam ter-me derrotado... apenas com a perda de um.
They've overpowered the shields at deck 36, Engineering.
Eles sobrecarregaram os escudos. Penetração no nível 36, Engenharia.
I tried to stop her, but she overpowered me.
Eu tentei impedi-la mas ela venceu-me.
The doctor must have overpowered him.
O médico deve tê-lo dominado. O médico?
When we got here to Jeraddo I overpowered the crew and I stole whatever I'd need to build a life.
Quando chegámos aqui a Jeraddo, eu apoderei-me da tripulação e roubei seja o que for que eu precisasse para construir uma vida.
You overpowered the crew?
Apoderas-te-te da tripulação?
This is the work of a 100-year-old serial killer who overpowered a six-foot-two businessman?
Que isto é obra de um assassino em série de 100 anos, capaz de dominar um homem de negócios de 1,90m?
You'll have complete access to the ship evaluation reports but, to put it simply, it's overgunned and overpowered for a ship its size.
Terá acesso completo aos relatórios de avaliação da nave mas essencialmente, tem armas e potência a mais para o seu tamanho.
I was not in danger from suffering from not being overpowered, thank you, Captain.
Me parece que nunca senti que estivesse em perigo de pôr-me nervosa. Obrigado, capitão.
I am not afraid of being overpowered by the impression.
Não receio ser esmagado pela impressão.
Miss Woodhouse, we come quite overpowered.
Srta. Woodhouse, quanta honra!
Ra's forces overpowered my team and...
As forças de Ra superiorizaram-se à minha equipa...
Yes, he said he was able to return fire before it was overpowered.
Sim, ele disse que tinha conseguido disparar alguns tiros.
My small vessel would be overpowered in seconds.
Minha pequena nave seria alcançada em segundos.
They overpowered us in minutes, and those of us who survived were put in some kind of stasis.
Nos sobrepujaram em minutos, e aqueles que sobreviveram foram postos em algum tipo de êxtase.
Just because you overpowered a man by mistake you think you got the right to come late by half an hour?
Só porque você atingiu um homem por engano... você acha que tem o direito de vir atrasada meia hora?
We didn't want to give them to him, but he overpowered us.
Não queríamos dar-lho. Mas ele foi mais forte.
I tried to stop them, sir, but they overpowered me.
Tentei impedi-los, mas eles dominaram-me!
You overpowered him.
Some dropouts must have overpowered the reverend.
Os delinquentes devem ter dominado o Reverendo!
But you overpowered him.
Mas você o superou.
They can tell their people that the mighty American military was overpowered by...
Podem dizer ao povo que o poderoso exército americano foi derrotado por...
The odour of burning flesh overpowered everything else.
O cheiro a carne queimada sobrepôs-se a tudo o resto.
" but they overpowered it
" mas eles dominaram-no
Quite overpowered with horror and anguish,
"Totalmente dominado pelo horror e pela angústia,"
She overpowered me!
Ela dominou-me!
You overpowered him. And you beat him.
Confrontaram-no, imobilizaram-no e espancaram-no.
He identified himself, he attempted to make an arrest... you overpowered him and you shot him.
ldentificou-se, tentou prender-vos, vocês dominaram-no e mataram-no.
We were thinking Millander posed as a hitchhiker, overpowered Walker, and then faked a gunshot in the car.
Pensamos que o Millander se fez passar por alguém que pedia boleia, dominou o Walker e fingiu um tiroteio no carro.
Bender's odor is so mild, it's being overpowered by local sources.
O odor do Bender é tão suave, que outros mais próximos tapam-no. Viva!
They overpowered me, sir.
Dominaram-me, senhor.
They overpowered me and got away.
Dominaram-me e escaparam.
They overpowered me.
Eles dominaram-me.
The singer was arrested Thursday night after a woman claimed he and three other men overpowered her in a hotel suite.
O cantor foi preso na noite de quinta-feira, após uma mulher ter alegado que ele e três outros homens a subjugaram numa suite de hotel.
My first officer and I were looking for food and water when they overpowered the men guarding them and killed them in cold blood.
Eu e o meu primeiro-oficial procurávamos comida e água, quando eles derrubaram os guardas e os mataram a sangue-frio.
- by the Ayatollah Khomeini, they stormed the embassy, fought the Marine guard for three hours, overpowered them, and took dozens of American hostages.
- O Baker. - pelo Ayatolá Khomeini, assaltaram a Embaixada, numa luta com os Marines durante três horas, foi invadida e foram feitas várias dezenas de reféns.
They overpowered two guards, and stole their weapons.
Eles dominaram 2 guardas, e roubaram as armas.
He overpowered you?
Ele dominou-o?
These men could have been overpowered.
Aqueles homens podiam ter sido dominados.
Small enough to be overpowered.
Pequeno o suficiente para serem dominados.
They overpowered me.

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