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Overthinking translate Portuguese

97 parallel translation
Now you're overthinking this.
Agora você está exagerando as coisas.
But maybe I'm overthinking this.
Talvez esteja a pensar muito.
Overthinking of the stupid little things, mate.
Pensas demais!
You're overthinking'it.
Estás a pensar demais nisso.
Anyhoo, the key to fathering is don't overthink, because overthinking is, um -
Enfim, a chave para a paternidade é não pensar demais porque pensar demais é...
There's such a thing as overthinking a situation, Lieutenant.
Existe o que se chama de pensar demais sobre uma situação, Tte.
I was overthinking it.
Eu estava a exagerar.
You're overthinking this.
Está a exagerar.
Am I overthinking this?
- Estarei a imaginar coisas?
You're overthinking.
Estás a pensar de mais.
Look, I'm tired of overthinking every single thing, you know?
Estou cansado de pensar demasiado nas coisas.
Yeah, I got to stop overthinking everything like I used to.
Tenho de deixar de pensar demasiado como costumava fazer.
I just... I'm probably just overthinking it.
Talvez esteja a pensar demasiado no assunto.
Now you're overthinking this.
Está exagerando.
You're overthinking things.
Estás a pensar demasiado.
Maybe I am overthinking it.
Talvez esteja a pensar demasiado.
- You're overthinking this.
Estás a pensar demais.
I'm just overthinking.
Estou só a pensar.
You know, you're overthinking this.
Estás a empolar isto tudo.
I think that you're overthinking iT.
- Que pensas demais.
- I'm overthinking this, aren't I? - Yeah.
- Estou a pensar demais, não estou?
Oh, you're overthinking it, Zo.
Está a pensar demais, Zo.
Maybe we're overthinking this.
Talvez estejamos a precipitarmo-nos com isto.
Kiddo, you are overthinking this.
Miúdo, tu estás preocupado à toa.
You know, you're overthinking this.
- Está a pensar muito além.
We've overthinking it.
Estamos a complicar.
You're overthinking this. Uh-huh.
Estás a exagerar.
That's all right, Kara, because you're probably just overthinking things like you always do.
Está tudo bem, Kara, porque provavelmente estás a cismar como sempre o fazes.
You're overthinking it.
Estás a pensar demais.
I'm so overthinking about this.
Estou tão farta de pensar nisto!
I think you're overthinking this.
- Estás a preocupar-te demais.
Maybe I'm overthinking it.
Talvez esteja a pensar demasiado nisso.
I think I am. I think I'm overthinking it.
Acho que sim, estou a pensar demasiado nisso.
Well, I think you may be overthinking things there.
Acho que estás a racionalizar demais o assunto.
Actually, some research indicates that by not overthinking, the less intelligent handle emotions better.
Na verdade, alguma pesquisa indica que, por não pensar demasiado, o menos inteligente lida melhor com as emoções.
Okay, Addison, you're overthinking this.
Addison, estás a pensar demais.
- Are we overthinking this?
- Estamos a pensar demais sobre isto?
You're overthinking it.
- Estão a pensar demasiado nisso.
Forget encryption keys, I am totally overthinking this!
Esquece as chaves de encriptação. Estava a pensar demais!
Spencer, you're overthinking this.
Spencer, estás a pensar demasiado nisso.
You're overthinking this.
Estás a pensar demais sobre isto. - Não, não estou.
I'm overthinking it.
Estou a pensar demais.
Please, I feel... I feel you overthinking this already.
Por favor, eu acho... que já estás a pensar demasiado.
Well, maybe I'm overthinking this. Mm.
Talvez eu esteja pensando demais.
You're overthinking this, really.
Estás a exagerar, verdade.
Because he's an idiot- - you're overthinking this.
Está a analisar demasiado.
I think you're overthinking it.
Acho que estás a exagerar.
You're overthinking this.
- Just stop overthinking it.
Pára de racionalizar isso.
There's no such thing as overthinking.
- Não existe pensar além.
Maybe we're overthinking this.
Talvez estejamos a racionalizar demais.

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