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Preysing translate Portuguese

43 parallel translation
Even our big boss, Preysing, is staying here.
Até o nosso chefão, o Preysing, está aqui.
This is General Director Preysing.
Aqui fala o Director Geral Preysing.
Is Mr. Preysing in?
O Sr. Preysing está?
- Mr. Preysing.
Sr. Preysing.
Visitor. - Mr. Preysing.
Uma visita.
Send her to Mr. Preysing's room. 166.
Mande-a para o quarto do Sr. Preysing. O 166.
The same kind of room you'd give General Director Preysing.
O mesmo tipo de quarto que dariam ao Director Geral Preysing.
I'm as good as Mr. Preysing.
Sou tão bom como o Sr. Preysing.
I can pay for a room the same as Mr. Preysing.
Posso pagar por um quarto tanto quanto o Sr. Preysing.
Mr. Preysing.
O Sr. Preysing.
- Preysing.
- Preysing.
- Preysing.
- O Preysing.
Mr. Preysing's calls to 162 for the day.
O Sr. Preysing pede o 162 o dia todo.
Yes, Mr. Preysing, that's what we want to know.
Sim, Sr. Preysing, é o que nós queremos saber.
Have you said anything about Manchester, Mr. Preysing?
Disse alguma coisa sobre Manchester, Sr. Preysing?
But since then, the Preysing Company has fallen on evil days.
Mas, desde então, a Preysing Company tem tido dias maus.
But Mr. Preysing has too great a regard for the certainty...
Mas o Sr. Preysing tem demasiada consideração pela certeza...
Good night, Preysing.
Boa noite, Preysing.
Preysing, I hope you pull through.
Preysing, espero que consiga.
Preysing, you sign here.
Preysing, assine aqui.
"definitely off." Preysing!
"definitivamente cancelado." Preysing!
- Presently, Mr. Preysing.
- Em breve, Sr. Preysing.
Good evening, Mr. Preysing.
Boa noite, Sr. Preysing.
Mr. Kringelein, Mr. Preysing.
Sr. Kringelein, o Sr. Preysing.
Does the world belong to you, Mr. Preysing?
O mundo pertence-lhe, Sr. Preysing?
- I must go back to Mr. Preysing now.
- Tenho de voltar agora para o Sr. Preysing.
Mr. Preysing, I am not taking orders from you here.
Sr. Preysing, aqui não acato ordens suas.
If I'm dirt, you're a lot dirtier... Mr. Industrial Magnate Preysing!
Se não presto, presta muito menos... o Sr. Magnata da Indústria Preysing!
Did you find that young lady for Mr. Preysing?
Encontrou aquela jovem para o Sr. Preysing?
I understand you perfectly, Mr. Preysing.
Compreendo-o perfeitamente, Sr. Preysing.
"How do you do, Mr. Preysing."
"Como vai, Sr. Preysing?"
- This your room, Preysing?
- Este é o seu quarto, Preysing?
Look here, Preysing... I'm completely at your mercy.
Olhe, Preysing, estou à sua mercê.
- Preysing's room.
- No quarto do Preysing.
Many, many thanks, Mr. Industrial Magnate Preysing...
Muitíssimo obrigado, Sr. Magnata da Industria Preysing,
O Preysing?
- I'm afraid so, Mr. Preysing.
- Receio que sim, Sr. Preysing.
We've taken care of all that, Mr. Preysing.
Cuidamos de tudo.
The big manufacturer Preysing killed Baron von Geigern.
O grande industrial Preysing matou o Barão von Geigern.
And a man like Preysing has to kill him.
E um homem como o Preysing tinha de matá-lo.
You know, I didn't like Preysing right off.
Sabe, nunca gostei do Preysing.
Do you think you'd have as good a time with me... as you did with Preysing?
Acha que se divertirá tanto comigo... como se divertiu com o Preysing?

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