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Pulse is thready translate Portuguese

75 parallel translation
Pulse is thready, blood pressure dropping steadily.
Pulsação por um fio, tensão arterial a descer continuamente.
Pulse is thready.
O pulso está fraco.
Pulse is thready at 145.
Pulso instável, a 145.
His pulse is thready.
Tem o pulso fraco.
- His pulse is thready.
- O pulso está fraco.
My... my pulse is thready.
A minha pulsação está filiforme.
His pulse is thready and he's bleeding internally.
A pulsação é fraca e ele tem uma hemorragia interna.
Pulse is thready, bradying down to 50.
Pulso débil, baixando a 50.
Pulse is thready.
- Pulso instável.
- Pulse is thready at 110.
- Pulso irregular, 110.
- Pulse is thready.
- Pulso fraco.
Pulse is thready.
Pulso está débil.
His pulse is thready.
O seu pulso está fraco.
Her pulse is thready, and she's nonresponsive, and there's an empty bottle of pills on the nightstand.
O pulso está fraco e não reage. Há comprimidos na mesa.
- Pulse is thready.
- Pulso instável.
v.p. 60, pulse is thready.
VP 60, a pulsação está filiforme.
His pulse is thready, but he's breathing.
His pulse is thready, but he's breathing.
Her pulse is thready and tachy.
O pulso está filiforme e tem taquicardia.
Pulse is thready, about 150.
Pulso acelerado, por volta de 150.
Her pulse is thready.
Tem o pulso fraco.
Pulse is thready, lungs appear to be intact, but you need to get here fast.
O pulso está fraco e os pulmões aparentemente estão intactos, mas têm de vir depressa.
Pulse is thready.
- O pulso está fraco.
Pulse is thready.
- A pulsação está fraca.
Pulse is thready!
Pulso fraco.
His pulse is thready. There's no breath sounds.
O pulso está fraco e não tem respiração.
Pulse is thready, and he's bled through the dressing.
Pulso filiforme e a sangrar através da compressa.
- All right. - Pulse is thready, but it's there.
Pulso débil, mas existe.
Pulse is thready.
Pulsação fraca.
Webber's pulse is thready. Systolic's 80.
O pulso do Webber está baixo, saturação 80.
Pulse is thready.
- Ele não está a responder.
His pulse is thready.
O pulso dele mal se sente.
- Pulse is 1 50 and thready, BP's 50 palp.
- Pulso a 1 50 e fibroso, TA a 50.
Pulse is 112 and thready. B.P. has dropped from 75 to 60.
Pulso 112, tensão a diminuir.
- BP is 90 / 50, pulse is 60 and thready.
- TA, 90 / 50, pulso, 60 e instável.
Pulse is weak and thready at 140.
A pulsação está fraca, a 140.
- Pulse is 124 and thready. - Abby?
Pede roupa seca na recepção e espera.
- Pulse is 110, thready.
- Pulso, 110, fibroso.
Radial pulse is pretty thready.
Pulso radial bastante fibroso.
- Pulse is weak and thready.
- O pulso está fraco e instável.
Pulse is weak and thready.
Pulso fraco e filiforme.
- Timmy's on it. Pulse is thready.
Pulso débil.
Her pulse is weak and thready.
Tem a pulsação muito fraca.
Pulse is 140 and thready.
Pulso 140 e a enfraquecer.
Pulse is weak and thready. Do something.
Tem o pulso fraco e imperceptível.
Her pulse is weak and thready.
O pulso está fraco e imperceptível.
Pulse is weak and thready.
Tem 40,6ºC de temperatura.
His pulse is thready.
A sua pulsação está diminuída.
Pulse is 140 and thready.
O pulso a 140 e fraco.
Pulse is 120 and thready.
Pulso 120 e a oscilar.
Come on. Pulse is weak and thready.
Tem a pulsação fraca.
His pulse is thready.
Pulso baixo, ainda não acordou.

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