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Pyotr translate Portuguese

78 parallel translation
Pyotr ZINOVYEV as Khmyr Yelena YEGOROVA as Anna
Khmyr... Piotr ZINOVIEV Anna... Elena EGOROVA
Scenario : Pyotr Pavlenko Sergei Eisenstein
Realização de S. M. EISENSTEIN.
Pyotr, make a hole in here.
Piotre, faz um buraco.
Our Darya gets fat in Pyotr's absence.
A nossa Dária até se rebola toda quando o Piotre näo está.
- And Pyotr?
- Petrô näo me dá uma mäo?
Did Pyotr come for leave?
Petrô näo esteve de férias?
While guests are not here, tell Pyotr what's happening in the world.
Enquanto o povo se junta, conta a Piotre o que se passa por aí.
You tell him, Pyotr.
Petrô, explica-lhe.
I visited Pyotr last week.
Fui ver Piotre, na semana passada.
Pyotr is a very thrifty man.
Petrô é muito parcimonioso.
Pyotr Melekhov, come out!
Petrô Mélikhaf! Sai daí!
Oh, Pyotr dear...
Ai, meu Pétia...
Oh, Pyotr...
Ai, meu Pétia...
How could Pyotr live with you?
Como pôde Petrô suportar-te?
Tell me, my dear, how you killed my husband Pyotr.
Conta lá, querido compadrezinho, como mataste o teu compadre Piotre Pantiléievitch, o meu marido.
And this is... for Pyotr.
E isto... pelo Pétia.
Take it, Mother, to remember Pyotr.
Isto, mamae, é para homenagear o Pétia.
Who killed Pyotr?
Quem matou Piotre?
If Pyotr had caught me, what would he have done?
Se Petrô me tivesse apanhado, que faria ele?
You killed my brother Pyotr, and I don't remind you about it.
Mataste o meu irmäo Piotre, mas näo te quero mal por isso.
Pyotr Volynets :
Piotr Volynets :
Pyotr Volynets, I consecrate this mission to you.
Piotr Volynets, designo-te para essa façanha.
That will be Pyotr's job.
Mas Piotr.
You will accompany Pyotr to the banquet.
Piotr e tu, ireis ao festim.
To the health of the hero of our last campaign, His Highness Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration!
À saúde do príncipe Piotre lvanavitch Bagration, herói da última campanha!
Uncle Pyotr! I've found it!
Tio Piotre, achei!
Pyotr, people from the prince are here. They're asking for you.
Piotre, vieram da parte do príncipe saber de ti!
She and Pyotr Ilyich are standing behind the high grass at Zharov.
Ela e Piotre llitch estäo perto de Jarav.
Pyotr Kirillovich, Prince Bolkonsky is your friend.
Piotre Kirillavitch, o príncipe Bolkonski é seu amigo.
To the health of the hero of our last campaign, His Highness Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration!
À saúde do príncipe Piotre Ivanavitch Bagration, herói da última campanha!
She and Pyotr Ilyich are standing behind the high grass at Zharov.
Ela e Piotre llitch estão perto de Jarav.
Hurry on to Prince Pyotr Ivanovich, and find out exactly what happened.
Vai ter com o príncipe Piotre Ivanavitch e inteira-te da situação.
Pyotr Kirillovich, come here! We recognized you!
Piotre Kirillavitch, venha, reconhecemo-lo!
Hurry on to Prince Pyotr Ivanovich, and find out exactly what happened.
Vai ter com o príncipe Piotre lvanavitch e inteira-te da situaçäo.
You are familiar with "The 1812 Overture" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky?
Conhecem a "Abertura 1812" de Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky?
- Pyotr chernov
Pyotr, give him his skins.
Petka, que se lixe.
No more, Pyotr!
Chega Pétia.
Pyotr, enough.
Captain Pyotr VELYAMINOV
Capitão - Piotre VELIAMINAV
Dear Pyotr Nikolayevich, I've been in Italy 2 years, very important ones, both for my profession as a musician and for my everyday life.
Querido Piotar Nicolaievic, há dois anos que me encontro em Itália, extremamente importantes em todos os sentidos, quer para a minha profissão de músico, quer pela vida de todos os dias.
Nikolai Averiushkin as Zhora Pyotr Shcherbakov as Bavurin
Nikolai Averiushkin como Zhora, Pyotr Shcherbakov como Bavurin
I'm done with.
Pyotr, estou cansado.
- Pyotor asked us
- O Pyotr pediu-nos.
Pyotr Mamonov
Pyotr Mamonov
Dmitry Vyacheslav Alexandrovich Dzerzhinsky, first son of Alexander Pyotr Abramovich Dzerzhinsky, from the Kingdom of Novgorod and you... you are Pampinea Anastasi, soon to be my bride.
Dimitri Vyacheslav Alexander Dzerzhinski. Primogénito de Alexander Piotr Abramovich Dzerzhinski. Do reino de Novgorod e tu...
Give Pyotr a hand.
Ajuda Piotre.

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