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Ridgefield translate Portuguese

29 parallel translation
I am never going to leave Ridgefield.
Eu nunca vou deixar Ridgefield.
Why do you need to leave Ridgefield?
Porquê que precisas de deixar Ridgefield?
So then, expect delays from Ridgefield Park.
Por isso, conte com demora a partir de Ridgefield Park.
I'm in the last year here in Ridgefield High.
Estou no último ano aqui em Ridgefield High.
I find it unbelievable that a town like Ridgefield, almost grown in neighboring blocks and only met now.
Acho inacreditável que numa cidadezinha como Ridgefield, praticamente cresceram em quarteirões vizinhos e só se conheceram agora.
Wait, was captain of the leaders Ridgefield cheerleader?
Espera, foi capitã das líderes da claque de Ridgefield?
The kings of Ridgefield came out today.
Os reis de Ridgefield saíram hoje.
Ridgefield will win, win, win!
Ridgefield vai vencer, vencer, vencer!
Look, Ridgefield college.
Vejam só, o colégio Ridgefield.
Ridgefield gives me a terrible allergy.
O Ridgefield dá-me uma alergia terrível.
In fact, she graduated from Us in Ridgefield.
Na verdade, ela formou-se connosco em Ridgefield.
And I'm in Ridgefield veteran.
E sou veterana no Ridgefield.
Or is that girl, high school in Ridgefield.
Ou és aquela miúda, do colégio, em Ridgefield.
Check in with Ridgefield?
- Está bem. - Verificaste tudo com Ridgefield?
Lang, did I hear you mention Ridgefield?
- Lang, ouvi-o a mencionar Ridgefield?
Ridgefield. Private security firm that the government has contracted out to transfer prisoners.
Ridgefield, a empresa privada que o governo contratou para fazer a transferência de prisioneiros?
Or maybe I have a cousin Elmo Ridgefield.
Ou talvez tenha um primo chamado Elmo Ridgefield.
So you're using whatever he gives you to buy off Ridgefield. And they're gonna let Keller escape during the transfer.
Portanto, vai usar o que ele lhe der para subornar o pessoal da Ridgefield, e eles irão deixar o Keller fugir durante a transferência.
Hey, Ridgefield 429, this is Agent Jones.
Ridgefield 429, fala o Agente Jones.
This is Agent Jones.
Ridgefield 429, fala o Agente Jones.
Ridgefield 429, come in.
Ridgefield 429, comunique.
Mr. Carr, we're going to fight to push all the fault onto the manufacturer, Jackson Ridgefield.
Sr. Carr, vamos lutar para pôr toda a culpa no fabricante, Jackson Ridgefield.
Because they've never left Ridgefield?
Por nunca ter deixado Ridgefield?
He owns all the Dick's Sporting Goods. I manage the one in Ridgefield.
É dono de todos os Material Desportivo Dick's. Sou gerente do de Ridgefield.
Max and Sam, both at Ridgefield Prep.
Max e Sam, ambos na escola Ridgefield.
You fought with him at Ridgefield.
Lutou com ele em Ridgefield.
Repeat, Ridgefield 429.
How much further to Ridgefield?
- Quanto falta para Ridgefield?

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