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Seeley booth translate Portuguese

142 parallel translation
seeley booth. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Get your broad shoulders over here.
Ele mentiu sobre a sua vocação, sobre onde morou.
FBI. Seeley Booth and a forensic anthropologist.
Agente Booth e uma antropóloga forense.
FBI, special Agent Seeley Booth,
FBI, Agente Especial Seeley Booth,
special Agent Seeley Booth.
Agente especial Booth.
I'm special Agent Seeley Booth from the FBI.
Sou o agente especial Seeley Booth do FBI.
special Agent Seeley Booth, meet Assistant US Attorney Ken Weeks.
Agente Especial Seeley Booth, apresento-lhe o Promotor de Justiça Federal Ken Weeks.
- Agent Seeley Booth, I'm Jesse Kane.
- Agente Seeley Booth, sou o Jesse Kane.
I'm special Agent Seeley Booth.
Sou o Agente Especial Seeley Booth.
Peter, this is my friend Seeley Booth.
Peter, este é o meu amigo Seeley Booth.
James, meet agent seely Booth.
James, apresento-lhe o Agente Seeley Booth.
Special Agent "In Charge" Seeley Booth.
Agente especial "Responsável" Seeley Booth.
Hi, Mrs Epps, I'm Special Agent Seeley Booth.
Sra. Epps. Sou o o agente especial Seeley Booth.
Father Toby Coulter, meet my partner Seeley Booth.
- Padre Toby Coulter. conheça meu parceiro, Seeley Booth.
Clark Edison, meet Special Agent Seeley Booth.
- Clark Edison, agente Seeley Booth.
John Adamson? F.B.I. Agent Seeley Booth.
John Adamson, agente Seeley Booth, do FBI.
- I'm Special Agent Seeley Booth.
- Sou o agente Seeley Booth.
Because you're all "Dr. Brennan" and "Special Agent Seeley Booth" and it's Christmas and I have a puckish side that will not be denied.
Porque é toda "Dra. Brennan" para cá, "agente especial Booth" para lá e é Natal e eu tenho um lado travesso que não nego.
You kiss Seeley Booth on the lips and I'll make sure your daddy has his dream Christmas.
Se beijar o Seeley Booth nos lábios, o seu pai terá o Natal dos seus sonhos.
Special Agent Seeley Booth remains in critical condition.
O agente especial Seeley Booth encontra-se em estado crítico.
My partner, Seeley Booth.
O meu parceiro, Booth.
There's nothing wider than Seeley Booth.
Não há vida mais cheia que a do Seeley Booth.
This is my partner, Special Agent Seeley Booth.
Este é o meu parceiro, o agente especial Seeley Booth.
"Special Agent Seeley Booth".
"Agente Especial Seeley Booth".
I knew Seeley Booth.
Conhecia o Booth.
May God's mercy and love shine on Seeley Booth as he takes his place beside the Lord.
Que Deus tenha misericórdia de Seeley Booth quando entrar no Reino dos Céus.
My partner, FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth, gave his lecture at Scotland Yard last night.
O meu colega, o Agente Especial do FBI Seeley Booth, fez a sua apresentação ontem na Scotland Yard.
Booth- - Seeley Booth.
Booth, Seeley Booth.
Sir Seeley Booth.
Sir Seeley Booth.
I'm just saying, you know, calling someone like, uh, hey, Sir Seeley Booth, now that is civilized.
Falo apenas em dar a alguém o nome Sir Seeley Booth. Isso é civilizado.
On behalf of Her Majesty, the Queen of England, I dub you Sir Seeley Booth...
Em nome de Sua Majestade, a Rainha de Inglaterra, nomeio-o Sir Seeley Booth,
So, uh, Seeley Booth, Mark Gaffney.
Portanto, uh, Seeley Booth, Mark Gaffney.
I would like to propose a toast to my partner Seeley Booth.
Eu gostaria de propor um brinde ao meu parceiro Seeley Booth.
I would like to propose a toast to my partner, Seeley Booth.
Gostaria de fazer um brinde ao meu parceiro, Seeley Booth.
Yeah, I got it. FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth.
Agente Seeley Booth, do FBI.
Agent Seeley Booth.
- Agente Seeley Booth.
- Seeley Booth.
- Seeley Booth.
- I have taken Seeley Booth.
- Tenho o Seeley Booth.
If you involve law enforcement, I will know, and Seeley Booth will die.
Se envolver a Polícia, saberei e o Seeley Booth morrerá.
If you involve law enforcement, I will know, and Seeley Booth will die.
Se envolver a Polícia, saberei, e o Seeley Booth morrerá.
And Seeley Booth will die.
E o Seeley Booth morrerá.
And I'm Special Agent Seeley Booth, this here is, uh...
Sou o Agente Especial Seeley Booth, esta aqui é, hum...
Oh! Dr. Amayo, I'd like you to meet my associate, Seeley Booth.
Dr. Amayo, gostava de lhe apresentar o meu companheiro, o Seeley Booth.
Seeley Booth.
- Olá. Seeley Booth.
Then I'll have the full might of Seeley Booth behind me.
Aí terei toda a protecção do Seeley Booth atrás de mim.
What's wrong with you, Seeley Booth?
O que se passa consigo, Seeley Booth?
FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth.
Agente Especial do FBI, Seeley Booth.
Hi, this is Special Agent Seeley Booth with the FBI, Dr. Malloy.
Olá, sou o Agente Especial Seeley Booth do FBI, Dr. Malloy.
FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth.
FBI Agente Especial Seeley Booth.
Sou do FBI, Agente Especial Seeley Booth, esta é a minha parceira, a Dra. Temperance Brennan.
Special Agent Seeley Booth.
Agente Especial Seeley Booth.
Special Agent Seeley Joseph Booth.
Agente Especial Seeley Joseph Booth.

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