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Sentences translate Portuguese

891 parallel translation
Repeat your sentences
Repita as frases.
- That's two sentences starting with "I."
- É a segunda frase com "eu".
Both sentences run concurrently.
Ambas as sentenças serão cumpridas simultâneamente.
Look, Tony, rather than go through another one of your sentences, I'll show you how it's done.
Olha, Tony, antes de continuares a articular mais frases,... mostro-te como isto se faz.
Naturally, before throwing me out, he had to know a little about me. So in a few well-chosen sentences, I gave him the details.
Naturalmente, antes de despejar-me tinha que saber algo a meu respeito,... assim, em poucas palavras dei-lhe os detalhes.
He would say a few sentences, sometimes broken by silence sometimes linked up with the monotonous continuity of a prayer
Algumas frases, entre-cortadas pelo silêncio, encadeavam-se com a contínua monotonia de uma oração.
Eight sentences in five years.
Oito sentenças em cinco anos.
You're very skilled at making sentences more colourful.
Tu sabes colorir as frases com mais pitoresco.
The court sentences you to death by hanging.
O tribunal o condena a ser enforcado.
The court martial is piling up sentences.
O tribunal de campo näo pára de julgar.
"An alarming number of sentences " began with the pronoun'I',
"Um alarmante número de frases começadas com o pronome" eu ",
Então o tribunal o sentencia à prisão na penitenciária do estado...
It's one thing to get our sentences reduced.
Nós podemos ter a nossa sentença reduzida.
Sentences were passed against defendants... just because they were Poles, or Jews, or politically undesirable.
Sentenças eram ditadas contra acusados... somente por serem polacos, judeus, ou politicamente indesejáveis.
Were the sentences carried out?
As condenações foram cumpridas?
Ernst Janning was able to effect mitigation of sentences... when, without his influence, the results would have been much worse.
Ernst Janning foi capaz de abrandar sentenças... quando, sem sua influência, os resultados poderiam ser bem piores.
And you don't get the help of the German people... by sentencing their leaders to stiff prison sentences.
E não vamos conseguí-la... condenando os seus líderes a rigorosas sentenças de prisão.
EmiI Hahn... the tribunal finds you guilty and sentences you to life imprisonment.
Emil Hahn... o tribunal declara-o culpado e condena-o à prisão perpétua.
Friedrich Hoffstetter... the tribunal finds you guilty and sentences you to life imprisonment.
Friedrich Hoffstetter... o tribunal declara-o culpado e condena-o à prisão perpétua.
Werner Lammpe... the tribunal finds you guilty... and sentences you to life imprisonment.
Werner Lammpe... o tribunal declara-o culpado... e condena-o à prisão perpétua.
Ernst Janning... the tribunal finds you guilty... and sentences you to life imprisonment.
Ernst Janning... o tribunal declara-o culpado... e condena-o à prisão perpétua.
The others received light sentences.
Os outros receberam sentenças leves.
And there's some pretty good sentences and paragraphs. All right.
E já tem algumas frases e parágrafos bem bons.
Have you ever listened to your sentences?
Já alguma vez ouviste as tuas frases?
on this day, September 8 of the year 1812... the military judicial commission sentences the accused to death by shooting.
Em nome do imperador e rei, o Tribunal Militar condenou os acusados à pena capital por fusillement.
Sentences, psychiatric treatment.
Sentenças, tratamento psiquiátrico.
Let's say that if any of these men distinguish themselves... then we will give serious consideration to commuting their sentences.
Se algum desses homens brilhar, consideraremos seriamente reduzi-lhe a sentença.
After our last little party, the generals were all in favor... of sending you back to finish your sentences.
Depois da nossa festinha, os generais estavam todos a favor de vos mandar de volta para terminarem as sentenças.
If you don't agree there are three death sentences against you.
Se não concordares... Tens três condenações à morte em cima.
And as detention sentences go, this one isn't er... too uncomfortable.
Em termos de sentenças de detenção, esta não é muito desconfortável.
Maxwell Smart, this court now sentences you to be taken to the state penitentiary
Maxwell Smart, este tribunal sentencia-o a ser levado para a penitenciária estadual...
I don't mind that you never finish lunch, but I mind that you never finish sentences.
Minnie, não me importa que nunca acabes o teu almoço, mas preocupa-me que nunca acabes as tuas frases.
Lieutenant Lisa, play back those last two sentences from Mr. Spock's tirade.
Passe as duas últimas frases da declamação do Sr. Spock.
- Ooh, her? She was on at me for giving dolly sentences, you know, specially in that arson case. Yes.
- Quem, aquela?
And fourth sentences perfectly normally.
- Não. Posso dizer as terceiras e quartas frases de forma normal.
Now, South Africa? You've got your cat of nine tails, you've got four death sentences a week, you've got cheap drinks, slave labour and a booming stock market.
Mas na África do Sul há chibatas, umas quatro sentenças de morte por semana.
Now having been found guilty of the charge of murder in the first degree, this court sentences you, John Kehoe, Frank McAndrew, Thomas Dougherty, to be confined to the county prison until the date of your execution, when you shall be hanged by the neck until dead.
Este tribunal considerou-os culpados de homicídio em primeiro grau e sentencia-os, John Kehoe, Frank McAndrew e Thomas Dougherty, a aguardarem na cadeia a data da execução, por enforcamento.
The court hereby sentences you...
O tribunal te sentencia...
I sat in the car and read a map and spelled out sentences with my tongue on the roof of my mouth where nobody could read them.
Ficava sentada a ler o mapa e a tracejar frases no céu da boca, com a língua, onde ninguém podia lê-las.
In a hundred years, there have been 1500 faith trials, and only 5 death sentences.
Em cem anos, mil e quinhentos autos de fé, e somente cinco com condenação a penas capitais.
You now contest some of my assertions, some sentences taken here and there from my writings, in order to twist their meaning and turn them against me.
Vocês agora, estão a contestar algumas frases, algumas linhas, extraídas ao acaso dos meus livros, para distorcer o seu significado. e usá-lo contra mim!
One of his sentences struck me :
Uma frase, tocou-me :
After serving your full terms in prison those of you with sentences of eight years or more will remain in Guiana as workers and colonists for a period equal to that of your original sentences.
Cumprida a vossa pena, ficarão em Guiana os que foram condenados a oito ou mais anos. Passarão, então, a operários e colonializadores durante novamente um período equivalente ao da respectiva pena.
First attempts at escape add two years in solitary to existing sentences.
A primeira tentativa de fuga significa mais dois anos de prisão isolada, além da pena que tendes.
First attempt at escape add two years in solitary to existing sentences.
A primeira tentativa adicionará dois anos de prisão isolada à pena já existente.
—... finishing the sentences, yes.
- Terminar as frases, sim.
... to finish sentences, yes.
- Terminar frases, sim.
You see, our method is to reassure the patient by re-creating normal... Then we try and get them into a position where they suddenly find that they're completing other people's sentences themselves! —... conditions?
O nosso método é confortar o paciente, recriando condições...
These sentences add up.
Estas sentenças väo-se somando.
- Random sentences strung together.
Frases ao acaso, ditas juntas.

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