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She doesn't have to know translate Portuguese

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She doesn't have to know.
Ela nem tem que saber.
You know, when a girl is 20, her boy will marry her up in a minute, but when she's 30, doesn't she have a time trying to make him say the hard word?
Sabe, quando a menina tem 20 anos, o namorado casa com ela na hora, mas, aos 30, é que ela tem trabalho... em tentar fazê-lo pronunciar aquela palavra difícil?
I still have to speak to the lady, of course. She doesn't know yet?
Mas ainda tenho de conversar com a senhora, claro está.
You know, she doesn't have to be beautiful, just patient.
Sabe, ela não faz tenha que ser bonito, só paciente.
My mother doesn't have a place for me where she lives and she doesn't know what else to do with me.
A minha mãe não tem espaço para mim em casa e não sabe que mais fazer comigo.
As fine as she is, she doesn't have to know how to sing.
Gira como é, não tem de saber cantar.
She doesn't have to know how we do this.
Ela não tem que saber como o fazemos.
If she doesn't sit on the floor, I don't know why I have to.
Se ela não se senta no chão, Não sei porque tenho que me sentar eu.
She doesn't have to know.
Ela não tem que saber.
She doesn't have to know.
Ela não tem de saber.
She doesn't have to know you gave it to me because she left it on my machine.
Ela não precisa de saber que mo deu, porque o deixou no meu atendedor.
She doesn't have to know where it came from.
Ela não precisa de saber de onde veio.
But she doesn't have to know it was him.
Mas ela não tem de saber que foi ele.
She doesn't know that sometimes boys have to be boys.
Ela não sabe que algumas vez meninos tem que ser meninos.
Because we have to tell her. She doesn't know. She doesn't know.
Porque temos de lhe dizer, ela não sabe nada do que aconteceu ao Andrea.
And she doesn't have to know.
- Como está ela?
She doesn't have to know we had sex.
Diz-lhe que eu só precisei de um sítio para passar a noite Ela não precisa de saber que estivémos no sexo a noite toda
I have a friend that I really wanted to take. I don't know. I guess she doesn't see me that way.
Tenho uma amiga que eu gostaria de levar, eu não sei, eu acho que ela só me vê como amigo, sabe.
She doesn't know how to have fun.
Não sabe divertir-se.
I have this friend who's about to have a worse day... and she doesn't even know it yet.
Tenho uma amiga que está prestes a ter um dia ainda pior e ainda não o sabe.
Oh, I know I have to--it's just that... nobody knows- - well, my friend knows, but she doesn't know- - I mean she doesn't know it's today.
Sei que tenho que fazer, mas... ninguém sabe, bem, uma amiga... mas não sabe que é hoje.
He doesn't have to be gorgeous, as long as she's, you know, feasible.
Ela não tem de ser fabulosa, desde que seja, Sabe, apresentável.
Kate doesn't know squat about being in the Marines. She doesn't have to.
A Kate não sabe nada sobre fuzileiros, nem precisa de saber.
Well she doesn't have to know right away, does she?
Bom ela não precisa de saber já, pois não?
She doesn't have to know.
Ela não precisa de saber.
Last week, my mother was prepared to come... but when time came, she didn't want to... she doesn't have the courage, she doesn't know how she'll react... when she sees me in jail.
Semana passada, a mãe se arrumou toda pra vir... mas chegou na hora de vir, diz que ela não quis... ela não tem coragem, ela não sabe como vai reagir... me vendo dentro de um presídio.
I wanted so much to be there for her, you know? I wanted to make up for the fact that she doesn't have two parents.
Queria tanto apoiá-la, compensar a falta da mãe.
She always wants to know what i'm doing, who i'm with. But when you need to talk to her, she doesn't have time.
Ela quer sempre saber o que estou a fazer, com quem estou... mas, quando precisas de falar com ela, nunca tem tempo.
She's embarrassed and doesn't want us to know that she doesn't have anybody to celebrate with.
Está envergonhada e não quer que se saiba que não tem ninguém com quem celebrar.
How were we supposed to know she doesn't have a brother?
A sério.
Well, then you have to show her love first, even if it means she doesn't know how to love you.
Bem, então tem que lhe mostrar o amor primeiro, mesmo que isso signifique que ela não saiba amar-lhe.
She panics, she wants this, she doesn't know how to have it. Know what?
Entra em pânico, quer isto, não sabe como o obter.
I've known her long enough to know she doesn't have any of those things that would make me not love her.
Conheço-a o suficiente para saber que ela não tem nada que me faça não amá-la.
You know what? This concealer here? This isn't going to change the fact that she doesn't have a house!
A base não vai alterar o facto de ela não ter casa.
I was going to have her anyway. Only she doesn't know that yet.
Eu vou tê-la de qualquer forma, ela ainda não sabe disso.
She doesn't know what I'm doing, then she doesn't have to deal with it.
Ela não sabe o que ando a fazer, logo não precisa de lidar com isso.
She doesn't have to know you stole from her. - You'll still get your money.
Ela não tem de saber que a roubou, e recebe o dinheiro na mesma.
She doesn't have to know what you did.
Ela não tem de saber o que fizeste.
She doesn't have to know that I saw you.
Ela não precisa saber que encontrei com você.
I should have waited before i sent her into la-La land, But the woman is a force of nature, and she doesn't know when to stop.
Devia ter esperado para a mandar para a terra dos sonhos mas a mulher é uma força da natureza e não sabe quando deve parar.
It's the one good thing about Julia being in a coma, she doesn't have to know what he's done.
Pelo menos Julia estar em coma é bom para uma coisa, ela não precisa saber o que ele anda fazendo.
She doesn't know, I'll have to deal with it.
Com certeza que ela não saberá de nada. Terei que me encarregar de tudo.
How can I rely on Sarah to help me - if she doesn't know I have any problems?
Como posso contar com a Sarah, se ela nem sabe que tenho problemas?
And she doesn't have to know.
E ela não tem de saber.
But if Addison does this, and the girl goes back to Kabul to marry a man she doesn't know who'll only have her if her hymen is untouched?
Mas se a Addison fizer isto e a rapariga voltar para Cabul para se casar com o desconhecido que só a aceita se o hímen estiver intacto?
Look, she doesn't have to know, okay? - What?
Ela não tem de saber, certo?
Did you ever think that she doesn't even know that I paid you to have sex with her?
Já pensaste que ela nem sabe que eu te paguei para fazeres sexo com ela?
Maybe she doesn't have to know about that part.
Talvez ela não tenha de saber disso.
She doesn't have to talk to run tests on her. We both know she's obsessed with the fact that Lois vanished for three weeks.
E ambos sabemos o quão obsessiva tem estado com o facto de a Lois ter desaparecido por 3 semanas.
Well, she doesn't have to know.
- Bem, ela não precisa de saber.
- She doesn't have to know.
Ela não precisa saber.

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