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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ S ] / So i've been thinking

So i've been thinking translate Portuguese

257 parallel translation
So I've been thinking you better wire your father.
Por isso, acho melhor mandares um telegrama ao teu pai.
But as I've been telling it to you, I've been thinking. I'm not so sure.
Mas conforme lhe contava, andei pensando. Não sei, não.
I've been thinking that all my life I've been so busy... snapping to and giving orders and taking orders and being a general's son and doing the job and all that, I just never took time to sit right down and... you know, think about what my reason for living is.
Tenho estado a pensar que tenho passado toda a minha vida ocupado... a receber ordens e a dar ordens e a ser o filho do general e dar conta do recado e tudo isso, que nunca me dei ao trabalho de me sentar e... pensar qual é a minha razão de viver.
You know, I've been thinking so much about the last weeks... when Mark wrote those short, restless letters.
Você sabe, eu tenho pensado tanto sobre as últimas semanas... Quando Mark escreveu aquelas cartas curtas, agitadas.
I've been thinking, and I want to do this, so don't say no.
Pensei muito e estou firmemente decidido, por isso não digas não.
I've been thinking about my mama and she's getting so old, and I want to see her.
Tenho pensado na minha mäe... estä velha e quero vê-la.
I've been thinking about Pepper. Maybe he'd have murdered those two so they wouldn't inform on him.
Esse Ned Pepper... talvez queira matar esses dois para que não falem.
I've been thinking so much about it.
Tenho pensado tanto sobre isso.
I guess because I've been thinking about you so much.
Talvez porque eu tenha pensado tanto em você.
So I've been thinking about something, and what I think we should do...
Então, andei a pensar nisto, e acho que o que devíamos fazer...
I've been thinking, what if I closed the store for a few months, so you and I can travel, see America.
Estive a pensar, que tal eu fechar a loja por uns meses, para que tu e eu possamos viajar, pela America.
So I've been doing a lot of thinking about last night.
Pensei muito sobre a noite de ontem.
Okay, so here's what I've been thinking.
Isto é o que eu penso.
- I've been thinking about something. - Yeah, so have I -
- Tenho estado a pensar numa coisa.
Well, you know, I was thinking about what you said before and you're right, I've never really been a couple, so if that's the rule I'm gonna go by the rule.
Estive a pensar no que tinhas dito antes e tens razão. Nunca fiz parte de um casal, portanto, se essa é a regra, - sigo a regra.
- Just like the lady should I ´ ve been thinking about this for so long. I want you so bad.
Ando a pensar nisto faz tempo Quero-te desesperadamente.
I've been thinking a lot about... the rituals that my mother taught me, and... they don't seem quite so hateful as they did when I was a child.
Estive pensando sobre os rituais que minha mãe me ensinou e... hoje eles não me parecem tão odiáveis quanto eu achava na minha infância.
Thank you. So I've been thinking about you a lot.
Pensei muito em ti.
So I`ve been thinking, is this Malkovich fellow appealing?
Este tal de Malkovich é atraente?
I, uh I I've been thinking about getting into law enforcement... after graduation, so I thought for my project...
Estou a pensar tornar-me agente policial depois de terminar o curso.
I've been thinking about her all the time. Stop being so self-involved for one minute.
Pára de estar tão envolvido um minuto.
So I've been thinking about why I called you... you know, that day from the hospital.
Tenho andado a pensar na razão pela qual te liguei. Sabes, aquele dia, do hospital.
And I'll go figure out what to do. Look, I've been thinking about it and it's gonna be so weird, Sabrina.
Eu vou ter que esconder os meus poderes mágicos e dar um monte de desculpas pelo resto da minha vida.
So, I've been thinking about it... and I'm gonna do the right thing.
Estive a pensar sobre isso... e vou fazer o que está correcto.
Oh, I hope I look okay. She's so excited. We've only been thinking about ourselves.
Não vamos dizer uma palavra, não importa o que Willard Kraft disser.
So I thought maybe now is the time for a job I've been thinking about the last few months. One of those impossible ones.
Por isso, agora é altura para um trabalho que tenho andado a pensar, neste últimos meses.
I've been analyzed to death, and so... I was thinking maybe I could use a friend.
Tenho passado a vida em analistas que pensei que talvez pudesse recorrer a um amigo.
Marion, I've been thinking about you so much.
Marion, tenho estado a pensar muito em ti.
But it is okay, because I've been thinking about it... and I think what happened is that you're my best friend and I love you... and I got jealous when you were spending so much time with Ryan... and then with you graduating. And then I think in a weird way...
- Não, não está, mas está, porque estive a pensar, e tu és a minha melhor amiga eu adoro-te e fiquei com ciúmes por passares tanto tempo com o Ryan e depois estás a formar-te e tudo
I've been taking shit from people I've known all my life so that I could be with you, thinking that we're in this together.
Aguento merda de pessoas que conheço há anos para poder estar contigo, pensando que é uma relação a dois.
the one I've told you about, she just got last-minute house seats to "Cabaret". And you know I've been dying to go, so what I'm thinking is...
E sabes que ando morta para ir, por isso estava a pensar se
I've been thinking a lot about the future, and you're not in it. So, sorry. It's not me, it's you.
Estive a pensar no nosso futuro e não fazes parte dele, o problema não sou eu, és tu.
- So I've been thinking. We skipped way too many steps.
- Estive a pensar, saltámos muitos passos.
So I've been thinking about a car.
Tenho andado a pensar num carro.
So, I've been thinking about great actors to model myself after... and I choose Travolta.
Então, estive a pensar em grandes actores para me servirem de exemplo... e escolhi o Travolta.
Lucky for you, I've been checking out the competition, and the pickings are pretty damn slim, so I was thinking, what the hell?
Tens sorte que eu andei a analisar a concorrência, e as escolhas são muito poucas, por isso pensei, que se lixe?
You've been so very kind to me and I've been perfectly reckless and foolish in return, thinking- - Thinking what?
Você tem sido tão carinhoso comigo e eu tenho sido descuidada e parva, -... pensando que... - Pensando o quê?
Então eu tenho estado a pensar sobre o Dia dos Namorados.
So I've been thinking, the next time that I feel adventurous... what if I include Nate?
Estava a pensar incluir o Nate... na minha próxima aventura.
She said, "I know you've been thinking about that so I figured we'd get it out of the way and be friends."
Disse "Sei que pensaste nisso logo achei melhor despachar isso e sermos amigos".
Well, we've made camp in North Carolina for prep so I've been thinking about killing myself.
Estamos na Carolina do Norte, a preparar-nos, por isso, estou a pensar em suicidar-me.
So I've been thinking about getting into films.
Então, eu estive a pensar sobre entrar em filmes.
So I've been thinking about it, Linda and a trial separation is exactly what we need.
Estive a pensar nisso, Linda e uma separação à experiência é o que nós precisamos.
I've been thinking about him so much.
Estive pensando muito nele, Tom.
But if you know what I've been thinking, you'd know that, so...
Mas se soubesses o que tenho estado a pensar, saberias isso, portanto...
I ´ ve been thinking about what to say to you for so long. Everything I came up with sounded about as stupid as whatever the hell I just said.
Há muito tempo que pensava no que te ia dizer e tudo o que me ocorria parecia tão estúpido como aquilo que acabei de dizer...
So, you guys, I've been thinking about a plan.
Meninos, tenho andado a pensar num plano.
So, I've been thinking... I might let Norma bring her baby in.
estive pensando que poderia deixar que Norma trouxesse para seu bebê.
So I've been thinking.
Estive a pensar.
[Sighs] So, I've been thinking.
Eu estive a pensar,
So, I've been thinking, right, ain't nothing you can do really at all, you know what I mean?
E estive pensando, não há nada que vocês possam fazer. Entendes o que te digo?

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