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System translate Portuguese

26,416 parallel translation
That's exactly the kind of defendant that gets bulldozed by the system.
É exactamente esse tipo de acusado que é atropelado pelo sistema.
Okay, look, I'm trying to help Leo and, in the process, hundreds of others like him, who are being railroaded by the system because they lack the wherewithal to protect themselves.
Oiçam, estou a tentar ajudar o Leo e, no processo, centenas como ele, estão a ser atropelados pelo sistema porque lhes faltam os instrumentos para se protegerem.
According to the restaurant's POS system, another passcode logged off around 1 : 00 A.M.
Segundo o POS do restaurante, houve outro código que se desligou à uma da manhã.
Hey, has Jason logged in to the system yet?
- O Jason já chegou? Não o vi.
NSA estimates it'll take days to comb through the system and assess the stolen data.
A NSA vai demorar vários dias a estimar a quantidade de dados roubados.
Okay, signaling system 7... SS-7. Lets every cellphone tower talk to each other so your phone works anywhere in the world.
O sistema de sinalização sete, SS7, permite às torres de telemóveis criarem rede em todo o lado.
If the van Kirk's guys were using has a GPS system, could you use that to retrace where it's been?
Se a carrinha dos tipos do Kirk tiver um sistema GPS, podes usá-lo para localizar onde estiveram?
If the van has a telematics system, it may have a two-way link to a service provider that relays GPS data.
Se a carrinha tiver um sistema telemático, pode haver uma ligação de duplo sentido com a operadora que transmite os dados do GPS.
Now, it's about to erupt, and I need Happy's help in building a system to off-gas the lake and prevent limnic eruption.
Agora, está quase a entrar em erupção, e eu preciso da ajuda da Happy na construção de um sistema que tire o gás do lago e impeça a erupção línica.
Looks like you got into their system no problem.
Parece que entraste no sistema deles sem problemas.
Last night they ran a security update and patched the hole in their system I was using as a backdoor.
A noite passada correram uma actualização de segurança e corrigiram a falha no sistema que eu estava a utilizar como backdoor.
Let's hack into their system and change Mac's work assignment.
Vamos lá hackear o sistema e mudar a afectação de tarefas do Mac.
It's unregistered, there's no matches in the system, there's no prints.
Não registada, não cadastrada no sistema, não há impressões digitais.
Even those who thought they were attacking the system - the radicals, the artists, the musicians, and our whole counterculture - actually became part of the trickery, because they, too, had retreated into the make-believe world, which is why their opposition has no effect and nothing ever changes.
Mesmo aqueles que pensaram que estavam atacando o sistema e toda a nossa contracultura ) e por isso sua oposição não tem nenhum efeito e nada nunca muda.
To them, there was no alternative to this system.
não havia alternativa a este sistema.
And like in New York, it was going to be a struggle between the old idea of using politics to change the world and a new idea that you could run the world as a stable system.
seria uma luta entre a velha idéia de usar a política para mudar o mundo e uma nova idéia - a de que é possível gerenciar o mundo como um sistema estável.
It was the system that ran the Cold War. Both sides believed that if they attacked, the other side would immediately launch their missiles and everyone would be annihilated.
Foi o sistema que gerou a Guerra Fria. o outro lado imediatamente lançaria seus mísseis e todos seriam aniquilados.
But what Kissinger took from the Cold War was a way of seeing the world as an interconnected system, and his aim was to keep that system in balance and prevent it from falling into chaos. I believe that with all the dislocations we now experience, there also exists an extraordinary opportunity to form, for the first time in history, a truly global society carried up by the principle of interdependence, and if we act wisely, and with vision,
Mas o que Kissinger aprendeu da Guerra Fria e seu objetivo era manter esse sistema em equilíbrio e impedi-lo de cair no caos. existe também uma oportunidade extraordinária uma sociedade verdadeiramente global
I think we can look back to all this turmoil as the birth pangs of a more creative and better system.
Pautada pelo princípio da interdependência. penso que poderemos olhar para toda esta agitação e enxergá-la como as dores do parto de um sistema melhor e mais criativo.
They were irrelevant to the structural balance of the global system.
Eles eram irrelevantes para o equilíbrio estrutural do sistema global.
You were so much a part of the system that it was impossible to see beyond it.
Você era tão absorvido pelo sistema que era impossível ver além dele.
By the middle of the 1980s, the banks were rising up and becoming ever more powerful in America. What had started ten years before in New York, the idea that the financial system could run society, was spreading.
os bancos estavam crescendo e ficando cada vez mais poderosos nos EUA. estava se espalhando.
Now, TRW had adapted their computers to run a new system, that of credit and debt.
a TRW tinha adaptado suas máquinas para operar um novo sistema : o de crédito e débito.
But the system that was allowing this to happen were the new giant networks of information connected through computer servers.
Mas o sistema que estava permitindo que isso acontecesse eram as enormes novas redes de informação conectadas através de servidores de computador.
What was going to emerge instead was a new system that had nothing to do with politics. A system whose aim was not to try and change things, but rather, to manage a post-political world.
O que iria surgir no lugar era um novo sistema que não tinha nada a ver com a política. gerenciar um mundo pós-político.
But a system that could anticipate the future and keep society stable was already being built, pieced together from all kinds of different, and sometimes surprising, sources.
Mas um sistema que poderia antecipar o futuro e às vezes até inesperadas.
It can do this because it has, in its memory, a vast history of the past 50 years. Not just financial, but all kinds of events. Out of the millions and millions of correlations, the computer then spots possible disasters, possible dangers lying in the future and moves the investments to avoid any radical change and keep the system stable.
uma vasta história mas todos os tipos de eventos. e movimenta os investimentos para evitar qualquer mudança radical e manter o sistema estável.
When a person's central nervous system is changed by an SSRI, with that medicine they will view things differently and they will be strangers.
com esse remédio eles vão ver as coisas de forma diferente e eles serão estranhos.
It was a system that ordered the world in a way that was centred around you. And in an age of anxious individualism, frightened of the future, that was reassuring, just like Eliza.
Era um sistema que ordenou o mundo de maneira que o centro estava em você. assim como Eliza.
What was rising up in different ways was a new system that promised to keep the world stable.
O que estava crescendo de maneiras diferentes era um novo sistema que prometia manter o mundo estável.
But the biggest change was to politics. In a world where the overriding aim was now stability, politics became just part of a wider system of managing the world. The old idea of democratic politics, that it gave a voice to the weak against the powerful, was eroded.
Mas a mudança maior foi na política. política tornou-se apenas parte de um sistema mais amplo de gestão do mundo. - a que daria uma voz aos fracos contra os poderosos - foi corroída.
But the new system did have a dangerous flaw.
Este novo sistema tinha uma falha perigosa.
"Glass containers were not typically used in chemical munitions..." ... seizes your nervous system...
Recipientes de vidro não são normalmente utilizados em munições químicas..... invade seu sistema nervoso...
But to make the system work, Pearl and others had imported a model of human beings drawn from economics. They created what were called rational agents, software that mimicked human beings but in a very simplified form.
Pearl e outros importaram um modelo do Ser Humano extraído da economia. um software que imitava seres humanos mas de maneira muito simplificada.
And the reason they gave was that it might destabilise the system.
E a razão que eles deram foi que isso poderia desestabilizar o sistema.
The issue is that certain individuals that are very wealthy, have pretty much corrupted our political system and this is like the heart of it.
O problema é que alguns indivíduos corromperam nosso sistema político e aqui é o centro dele.
But together they became components in a network that organised itself through the feedback of information around the system.
Mas juntos se tornavam partes de uma rede que se organizou através de trocas de informações ao redor do sistema.
Yet the structure of power remained the same. Nothing ever changed, because nothing could be allowed to destabilise the system.
a estrutura do poder permaneceu a mesma. porque não era permitido desestabilizar o sistema.
Trump attacked his Republican rivals as all being part of a broken and corrupt system - a politics where everyone could be bought, using words that could have come from the Occupy movement. You've also donated to several Democratic candidates,
Trump atacou seus rivais republicanos usando palavras que pareciam saídas do movimento Occupy.
I will tell you that our system is broken.
Eu digo que nosso sistema está falido.
- They are there for me. - So what did you get? - And that's a broken system.
e isso é um sistema doente.
And I would love to fight this, but I've already upset the system by running as an Independent.
E adorava lutar contra isto, mas já irritei o sistema em concorrer como independente.
Mine has a fully developed immune system.
O meu tem um sistema imunológico totalmente desenvolvido.
Ours doesn't need an immune system because it lives in a state-of-the-art German incubator.
O nosso não precisa de um porque vive numa incubadora alemã de ponta.
So first, you'll slip into the system and study the Empire's orbital defenses.
Então, primeiro, vais entrar no sistema... e estudar as defesas orbitais do Império.
I need it to access the system.
Preciso dela para aceder ao sistema.
Best I can tell, he screwed with the mainframe, tanked the whole system.
Pelo que vejo, mexeu na mainframe, para avariar todo o sistema.
System overload.
Sobrecarga do sistema.
How do we access the operating system to delete it?
Como acedemos ao sistema operativo para o apagar?
By now it was becoming ever more clear that the system had deep flaws.
Agora estava cada vez mais claro que o sistema tinha falhas profundas. do envolvimento da maioria dos bancos em corrupção global ;
Whole system's down.
- Perdemos o sistema todo.

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