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Tell him i'm sorry translate Portuguese

184 parallel translation
I wish I could tell him I'm sorry.
Queria poder pedir desculpas.
Well, tell him I'm sorry, but I can't see him tonight.
Diga-lhe que lamento, mas näo posso recebê-lo.
I'm sorry to hear that, senor, I will return to Don Pedro and tell him his generous offer has been rejected.
Sinto ouvi-lo, senhor. Irei dizer a Dom Pedro que a sua generosa oferta foi rejeitada.
Tell him I'm sorry it's overpriced.
Diz-lhe que lamento que esteja sobrevalorizado.
Tell him... I'm sorry but I had to go.
Diz-lhe que sinto por ele, mas tenho de ir.
No, I got Little Willy. Call him off, call him off. Tell him I'm sorry.
Willy disse para mim me desculpar.
Hoss, I got to see him and tell him I'm sorry about all that back there.
Hoss, teno de o ver e dizer-lhe que lamento aquilo tudo que aconteceu.
Tell him I'm real sorry, Ron, but when push comes to shove, we're more interested in covering our own tails.
"Desculpa lá, Ron mas, na hora da verdade, estamos mais interessados em safar a nossa pele."
I'm sorry, but I had to tell him.
Desculpa mas tive que lhe contar.
By the way. Call him and tell him I'm sorry.
Já agora, ligue-lhe e diga-lhe que lamento.
I need to tell him I'm sorry and that I want to pay for it.
Preciso de lhe pedir desculpa e quero pagar as despesas.
Tell Spencer I'm sorry about last night and I shouldn't have kicked him out.
- Bem, Diga ao Spencer que peço desculpas por ontem à noite, e que eu não o devia ter expulsado de casa.
I'm sorry, I couldn't tell him.
Desculpa. Não consegui dizer-lhe.
I wanted to tell him I'm sorry.
Queria apenas pedir desculpas.
Tell him I'm, uh, sorry if I inconvenienced anything.
Dile que, uh, lamento se molestei em algo, se?
- Hello. - Tell Jerry I'm sorry. I'm going to have to write him some new checks.
Diga ao Jerry que lamento mas que vou ter de lhe passar novos cheques.
- I'm sorry. Nance gives me trouble, I'll tell him I'll take the eyes out of his frickin'head.
O Nance chateia-me muito e arranco-lhe a porra da cabeça.
Tell him I'm sorry, I blew it.
Diga-lhe... que peço desculpa por ter mentido.
We just wanted to come by and say thank you and ask if you could thank Superman for us too and tell him, you know, that I'm sorry I...
Só queríamos passar por aqui para agradecer e pedir se podiam agradecer ao Super-Homem por nós e dizer-lhe que, vocês sabem, que peço...
Tell him I'm sorry I didn't bring back the Republic.
Diz-lhe que lamento não ter conseguido a República.
Would you tell Epius that I'm really sorry, but that I can't marry him?
- O quê? Não está exagerando um pouco nisso? Nunca o viu antes.
And please tell him that I'm... That we're very sorry about his loss.
E, por favor diga-lhe que que lamentamos muito a perda dele.
Tell him I'm sorry.
Diga-lhe que tenho pena.
Tell Agee I'll call him tonight, and I'm sorry I couldn't make it.
Diz ao Agee que lhe telefono à noite e que lamento näo poder ir.
Tell him that I'm sorry.
Diga-lhe que... eu lamento.
Tell him I'm sorry.
Peça-lhe desculpa por mim.
Can you tell him I'm sorry... for the things I've done, that I fucked up?
Podia dizer ao Earl que eu lamento todas as coisas que fiz, as asneiradas que cometi?
I just thought that Michael was in danger... and that I'd better tell him. Look, I'm sorry. In danger of what?
Perigo de quê?
Tell him. I'm sorry.
Não me diga isso a mim.
Can i talk to him and tell him i'm sorry?
Posso falar com ele e pedir-lhe desculpa?
Would you tell him that I'm sorry too?
Será que você diga a ele que eu sinto muito também?
If you do, tell him I'm sorry and I want to see him.
Se o vir, pode dizer que sinto muito e quero vê-lo?
John, I'm sorry, but you have to tell him.
Lamento, mas tens de lhe dizer.
And I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys that I've been keeping in touch with him, but...
E desculpem não vos ter dito que andava a falar com ele, mas...
Now I can't even tell him I'm sorry.
Agora, não posso nem sequer pedir desculpas.
Tell him I'm sorry.
Pede-lhe desculpa.
I couldn't even tell him I'm sorry.
Nem lhe pude pedir desculpa.
Tell him I'm sorry for putting him out there like that.
Diz-lhe que peço desculpa por o ter posto lá daquela maneira.
As a matter of fact, and I'm sorry to tell you this, recently a member of his family reported him missing.
Recentemente, um parente notificou o seu desaparecimento. Oh, não!
As for my little helper, I'm sorry to have to tell you that him and his prune-faced, mail-order wife are gonna be exploring mountains with your dad.
Quanto ao meu pequeno ajudante, lamento informar-te que vai passar algum tempo com a esposa a explorar montanhas com o teu pai.
He says he thinks you are a great fighter and he wants you to have it. - It's for luck. - Tell him I'm sorry, I can't.
Ele diz que o acha um grande lutador e quer que fique com o colar para lhe dar sorte.
And if you talk to Johannes tell him I'm sorry, too.
E, se falares, com o Johannes, pede-lhe desculpas também.
I'm sorry. You traveled up from the surface to tell Dr. Phlox you wouldn't help him?
Vieram da superfície para dizer ao Dr. Phlox que não o ajudariam?
I ´ m sorry. Just tell him I ´ m sorry.
Desculpe, diga-lhe que eu lamento.
Just tell him that I love him and that I'm sorry.
Diz-lhe que o adoro e que peço desculpa.
Will you get me out of this? So I can hug my kid. - And tell him I'm sorry.
Tira-me daqui, para eu abraçar o meu filho e dizer a ele que sinto muito.
I need you to tell him that I love him. And tell him that I'm sorry for everything, okay?
Diz-lhe que o amo e que lamento tudo o que aconteceu.
Will you tell him I'm real sorry?
Pode dizer-lhe que lamento muito?
Just tell him I'm sorry I couldn't stay.
Diz-lhe apenas que não pude ficar.
- If you see Luka, tell him I'm sorry...
- Se vires o Luka, diz que lamento
I just want to tell him that I love him and I'm sorry.
Só quero dizer-lhe que o adoro e pedir-lhe desculpa.

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