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Thought you'd want to know translate Portuguese

150 parallel translation
I don't wanna interrupt but I thought you'd want to know. If you're willing to start, I'd be glad to take you to gorilla country.
Nâo quero interromper, mas pode gostar de saber que, se quiser pôr-se a caminho, Ievo-o ao território dos gorilas.
I thought you'd want to know.
Pensei que devia saber.
I thought you'd want to know that Mr. Russell died three nights ago.
Pensei que gostasse de saber. Que o sr. Russell morreu há três noites atrás.
I thought you'd want to know what they found.
Compreendo. Pensei que quisesse saber o que eles encontraram.
We don't know how serious it is, but Steve McCroskey thought you'd want to come over right away.
Ainda desconhecemos a gravidade, mas o Steve McCroskey pensou que gostaria de vir imediatamente.
I thought you'd want to know.
Pensei que quisesse saber.
I thought you wouldn't want to be mixed up in it, but as you were a friend of poor Mr. Hawes, I thought you'd like to know...
Pensei que não se quisesse se envolver, mas como era amigo do pobre Sr. Hawes, pensei que gostaria de saber.
Thought you'd want to know.
Achei que quisesse saber.
Sorry to wake you, Sheriff, - but I thought you'd want to know we got us another murder.
Lamento acordá-lo, sheriff... mas achei que iria querer saber que temos mais uma vítima.
I thought you'd want to know.
Pensei que gostaria de saber.
- l thought you'd want to know.
- Achei que gostaria de saber.
I just thought that would be something you'd want to know about the human spirit.
Eu apenas pensei que era algo que tu irias querer saber sobre o espírito humano.
I thought you'd want to know.
Achei que você gostaria de saber.
I thought maybe if there's anything I can do for you anything you'd like to talk about I want you to know I'm here, I'm available.
Pensei talvez se haveria alguma coisa que eu pudesse fazer por si alguma coisa de que gostasse de falar quero que saiba que estou aqui. Estou à sua disposiçäo.
I thought you'd want to know the phase in Moya's converters is getting worse.
Achei que gostaria de saber que o desbalanço de fase nos conversores de Moya piorou
I called you'cause I thought you'd want to know if your mother was ill.
Telefonei porque pensei que quisesses saber, se a tua mãe estivesse doente.
"l'm sorry I don't have better news to report, but I thought you'd want to know."
"Desculpe-me por não ter melhores notícias para lhe dar, mas achei que gostaria de saber."
I thought you'd want to know there's been some talk about you and your friends.
Achei que gostaria de saber que existem rumores sobre você e seus amigos.
I just thought you'd be- - I thought you'd want to know.
Pensei que tu irias.... Pensei que ias querer saber.
I just thought you'd want to know what really happened.
Pensei que vocês quisessem saber o que realmente se passou.
Frank is being released from prison on Wednesday and I thought you'd want to know.
Frank vai ser libertado da prisão na Quarta. e pensei que quererias saber.
I thought you'd want to know.
Achei que gostariam de saber.
I thought you'd want to know your mother's transfer is complete.
Vim dizer-te que a transferência da tua mãe está completa.
I just thought you'd want to know about the group.
Achei que querias ter notícias do grupo.
Michael, I thought you'd want to know. I...
Michael, achei que gostarias de saber que estou grávida.
I thought you'd want to know what happens in my Iife.
Pensei que gostasses de saber destas coisas.
Anyway, if he's running your case, I just thought you'd want to know.
Seja como for, é ele que comanda o caso, achei que gostarias de saber.
Just thought you'd want to know.
Pensei que gostasses de saber.
I thought you'd want to know what happened to Wendy.
Pensei que quereria saber o que aconteceu à Wendy.
Thought you'd want to know, Jason henderson was released from the hospital.
Pensei que gostasses de saber que o Jason Henderson teve alta do hospital.
I thought you'd want to know :
Achei que querias saber :
Thought you'd want to know I got a hold of Stevie's aunt.
Pensei que gostasses de saber que encontrei o tio do Stevie.
Thought you'd want to know. Great.
- Pensei que gostasses de saber.
I know it's last-minute, but I thought as my maid of honor, you'd want to.
Sei que é em cima da hora, mas pensei que quisesses, como dama de honor.
Yeah, I thought you'd want to know that.
Sim, pensei que quererias saber isto.
Thought you'd want to know about it straightaway.
Pensei que queria ser informado imediatamente.
Thought you'd want to know.
Pensei que gostasses de saber.
Thought you'd want to know, that Matt Young character gave our guys the slip.
Pensei que quisesses saber que o Matt Young deu aos nossos homens uma dica.
I just thought you'd want to know.
Pensei que gostassem de saber.
I'm just telling you because, you know I thought you'd want to me to tell if I noticed that.
Só te estou a dizer porque, tu sabes pensava que querias que eu te dissesse se reparasse nisso.
Uh, i know you probably think i'm disgusting but, well, we have to mate with someone and... and i thought maybe, you'd want to hook up for this season and have my baby.
Eu sei que tu provavelmente me achas repugnante. Mas como a gente tem que conhecer alguém eu pensei que talvez podería-mos namorar nesta época só para ter um bebé meu?
I just thought you'd want to know.
- Julguei que ia gostar de saber.
I thought you'd want to know.
Pensei que quererias vir cá.
And I thought you'd want to know.
E pensei que quereria saber.
I just thought you'd want to know before you go in there.
Pensei que gostasse de saber antes de entrar.
Sir, i thought you'd want to know. We identified the girl in the video...
Achei que gostaria de saber que identificamos a garota do vídeo.
SCANLON : I'm sorry to call you this late, but I thought you'd want to know.
Desculpa ligar-te tão tarde mas achei que irias querer saber.
I just thought you'd want to know that.
Apenas pensei que gostarias de saber isso.
Thought you'd want to know.
Escuta, pensei que querias saber,
I thought you'd want to know. What?
- Pensei que gostaria de saber.
I thought you'd want To know, jack.
Acho que você deve querer saber, Jack.

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