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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ U ] / Urbain

Urbain translate Portuguese

5 parallel translation
And do you, Madeleine de Brou, take me, Urbain Grandier, for your unlawully wedded husband?
E você, Madeleine do Brou, quer tomar Urbain Grandier... como leal e legítimo marido?
"This said priest, Urbain Grandier, did debauch and defile my person " six times between midnight and dawn "on the night of May the 13th, in the year of our Lord, 1634"
O chamado sacerdote Urbain Grandier, violou e manchou minha pessoa seis vezes... entre a meia-noite e o amanhecer de 13 de Maio do ano do Senhor de 1634.
Urbain Grandier, you have been found guilty of commerce with the Devil
Urbain Grandier, é considerado culpado de comércio com o Diabo.
Discovered by Urbain Le Verrier in 1846...
Descoberto por Urbain Le Verrier em 1846...
However, thanks to the tracker, we now have Dunne's vehicle at Banque Privée on Urbain.
Com o localizador, sabemos que o carro está no Banque Privée na Urbain.

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