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Waffles translate Portuguese

890 parallel translation
Say, how about some waffles?
E umas bolachas de baunilha?
Melba made you strawberry waffles for breakfast and then we couldn't find you, so I ate yours.
A Melba fez doce de morango para o pequeno almoço e como não te encontrávamos eu comi o teu.
Popcorn, Cracker Jacks, and strawberry waffles. Pardon me.
Pipocas, pipocas doces e waffles de morango.
Have you been eating some more of those Belgian waffles? No.
Tens comido mais daqueles waffles belgas?
Next time try the waffle iron.
Para a pròxima, experimente a grelha dos waffles.
- WaffIes.
- Uns waffles.
I already ate. I had waffles, too.
Eu também comi waffles.
They ain't bad for waffles.
Não são maus.
They're called waffles.
São panquecas.
- How many frozen waffles you want? - Waffles?
- Quantos waffles gelados queres?
What happened to the capon?
- Waffles? E o capäo?
Frozen waffles is all we've got.
Waffles congelados säo tudo o que temos.
Waffles are browning.
Os Waffles estäo a dourar.
And turn the waffles off.
E desligar os waffles.
We are going to have strawberry waffles.
Vamos comer waffles de morango.
who's doing props over there- - rip taylor?
Sumo? Sim. E que tal um bocado daqueles Waffles belgas?
Hey, Mom, tomorrow, could you make us some waffles?
Mãe, amanhã podes fazer-nos waffles?
I like my waffles crisp, yet al dente.
Gosto das minhas waffles crocantes.
On waffles?
- Com waffles?
Goodbye, waffles.
Adeus, waffles.
Well, breakfast was Margaret's favorite meal of the afternoon.
Ovos, salchichas, rolos de canela, waffles?
Eggs, sausage, cinnamon rolls, waffles...?
- Surpreende-me. - Roger Wilco.
Eggs and bacon, chicken and waffles.
Ovos e bacon Galinha e panquecas
All of Grandma's pies last night... and waffles this morning.
Foram as tartes da avó de ontem à noite... e os waffles desta manhã.
We're gonna be meat waffles.
Vamos ser waffles de carne!
I fixed your favorite, pecan waffles.
Fiz-te o teu prato preferido, "waffles" de noz-pecã.
Ah, so you're a waffle man!
Ah, então gosta de waffles!
This is going to be about waffles, isn't it?
Vais ser sobre waffles, não vai?
Now, see, to me heaven has to be like a cross between... a Sir Mix-A-Lot video and Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles.
Para mim, o céu deve ser uma mistura de... um videoclip do Sir Mix-a-Lot com Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles.
So look, why don't we just kick it over to Roscoe's Chicken N'waffles?
então, e se fossemos relaxar para o Roscoe's Chicken N'Waffles?
From willy at Roscoe's Chicken'n'waffles.
Disse-me o Willy do restaurante.
Man, from willy at Roscoe's Chicken'n'waffles.
Meu, foi o Willy do restaurante.
It's waffles with boysenberry syrup... eggs, extra-runny... and sausage, extra-burnt.
Panquecas com xarope de bagas, ovos, mal passados, e uma salsicha, bem tostada.
" Joy is gone from our hearts... our dancing has turned to mourning.'" The perfect chance to make my patented, space-age... out-of-this-world moon waffles.
"A alegria saiu dos nossos corações... a nossa dança transformou-se em luto." A chance perfeita para fazer a minha waffles patenteada, espetacular... e do outro mundo.
Oooh, waffle runoff.
Oooh, fuga das waffles.
Special today is blueberry waffles.
A especialidade de hoje são panquecas de mirtilo.
Hey, you know I was gonna put the waffles up there... but that's just a little too close to your mouth, you know what I mean?
Sabe, é que eu ia pôr aí as waffles, mas é demasiado perto da sua boca, percebe o que quero dizer?
I hate it when the waffles stick together.
Odeio quando os waffles se unem.
Sticking together is what good waffles do.
Isso é o que bons waffles fazem.
Toast? - Waffles!
- Waffles!
- No time for waffles.
- Não temos tempo.
Or you might want to call me Waffles, as some do... on account of the pockmarks on my face.
Ou se prefere me chamar de Waffles... Alguns fazem isso por causa das marcas de varíola.
Waffles, get me a glass of vodka, would you, please?
Me dê um copo de vodka, por favor?
- No, not now. Not now. Please!
Agora não, Waffles.
Waffles, while they're at it, have them bring my horses too.
Waffles. Diga para trazerem meus cavalos também.
Because there's like 83 cans of frozen orange juice in there... if you can see past all the frozen waffles.
Tem 83 lateje de suco de laranja congelado aí, se podes ver atrás, todos os waffles congelados. As meninas lhe gosta agora.
- Waffles.
Thank you, Waffles.
Obrigado, Waffles.
Thank you, Waffles.
Sim, obrigado, Waffles.

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