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Wasps translate Portuguese

174 parallel translation
From the amount of poison in his body, he estimates that Davis was stung by no less than 250 wasps.
Para a quantidade de veneno para o corpo Ele estimou que Davis foi picado pelo menos 250 vespas.
My friend was killed by your wasps yesterday afternoon.
Meu amigo foi morto por seus vespas ontem à tarde.
They're not my wasps.
Estamos meus vespas.
We'll have to get the wasps in their nests, and they don't go home till after dark.
Nós colocamos vespas em seus ninhos, e não vai sair até o anoitecer.
- Vega was bitten by a wasp. - Wasps sting, my dear.
- Uma vespa mordeu a Vega.
The cluster of houses, although they were in ruin, reminding me of an old wasps'nest, made me think that once there must have been a fountain or perhaps a well.
Aquelas casas aglomeradas, em ruínas, como um velho ninho de vespas, me levaram a pensar que um dia deve ter havido por lá uma fonte ou um poço.
That's the thing you gotta remember about wasps.
Não te esqueças de uma coisa sobre os brancos protestantes.
He hadn't got that way swatting wasps had he?
Não andou a matar vespas na cabeça.
He knows that here there are wasps on the whole side.
Sabe que aqui há vespas por todo o lado.
He knows the nest of wasps of what it released me in last Summer?
Sabe o ninho de vespas de que me livrou no Verão passado?
I was liking leaving of preoccupying, but the questions keep on whistling in my head, like wasps around the nest.
Gostava de me deixar de preocupar, mas as perguntas continuam a zunir na minha cabeça, como vespas à volta do ninho. - Perguntas?
Because it did not get the Monsieur Langton to destroy the nest of wasps in the garden of Monsieur Harrison?
Porque não conseguiu o Monsieur Langton destruir o ninho de vespas no jardim de Monsieur Harrison?
A little stronger of what to petrol to kill the wasps, no?
Um pouco mais forte do que a gasolina para matar as vespas, não?
- And Monsieur Claude Langton, to which hours does he come to destroy the nest of wasps?
- E Monsieur Claude Langton, a que horas vem ele destruir o ninho de vespas?
Right now it is be preparing to take away the life to thousands of wasps...
Agora mesmo está a preparar-se para tirar a vida a milhares de vespas...
The wasps turn the house, calm in the end of the day.
As vespas voltam a casa, plácidas no final do dia.
For the wasps, there is no a Hercule Poirot who warns them.
Para as vespas, não há um Hercule Poirot que as avise.
It is not opposed the one that returns later to see this destruction of the wasps?
Não se opõe a que volte mais tarde para ver essa destruição das vespas?
When Monsieur Claude Langton it was coming to kill the wasps with a spray of petrol, it was failing.
Quando Monsieur Claude Langton viesse matar as vespas com um pulverizador de gasolina, falhava.
I do not even want already to kill those wasps.
Eu já nem quero matar aquelas vespas.
Hurry up and get rid of the wasps.
Afasta as tuas vespas!
It's about time my wasps sent them to hell.
As minhas vespas irão exterminá-los rapidamente.
Well, the wasps in the hive are trying to escape the water. So they desperately sting his body. Mushizo is defeated.
As vespas na colmeia tentam escapar da água... desesperadamente ferrando no seu corpo...
- Barbed stingers filled with venom, and an immunity to pesticides, the spider wasps have yet to be slowed.
- Ferrões peludos carregados de veneno, e com imunidade aos pesticidas, as vespas-aranha ainda não foram retardadas.
You said the wasps were dead!
Eu volto já.
I wanted to burn that wasps nest, but I got stung. A wasp stung you?
Queria queimar aquele ninho de vespas, mas fui picada.
And some cookies here called Wasps'Nests.
E umas bolachas chamadas Ninhos de Vespa.
A wasps nest, that could be deadly.
Ninho de vespas. Isso pode ser mortal.
Wasps. Keep them away from me, I'm terribly allergic.
Fiquem longe de mim, sou muito alérgica.
I'm huntin'wasps.
Estou à caça de vespas.
The janitors just been attacked by a swarm of wasps.
O zelador foi atacado por uma invasão de vespas.
What about bees and wasps?
- E de marimbondos e abelhas?
Its nest is pretty obvious..... and equally obvious is another one close by, a wasps'nest.
Seu ninho é bastante óbvio, .. e igualmente óbvio é um outro perto, um ninho de vespas.
Fun fact about wasps.
Uma informação curiosa a respeito de vespas.
It's a whole family of wasps.
É uma família inteira de Vespas.
Call off your wasps!
Afasta as tuas vespas!
My wasps should finish them off soon.
As minhas vespas irão exterminá-los rapidamente.
No... The wasps in the hive are trying to escape the water. Desperately stinging his body as they do so...
As vespas na colmeia tentam escapar da água... desesperadamente ferrando no seu corpo...
Just paper wasps and they're having too much fun to worry about us.
São apenas vespas de papel e elas estão a divertir-se muito para se preocuparem connosco.
They're wASPs. There's never food, only booze.
Nunca há comida, só bebidas.
The John Hughes Wasps take on the North Compton Wildcats.
As John Hughes Wasps enfrentam As North Compton Wildcats.
Let`s go, Wasps!
Vamos, Wasps!
Or a hive of wasps nesting in my throat.
Ou ter um ninho de vespas na minha garganta.
! There's a wasps'nest by the down spout.
- Há um ninho de vespas na caleira.
They're wasps.
São vespas.
The pepsis, or "tarantula hawk", has a 5-inch wingspan and is one of the world " s largest wasps.
A "pepsis heros", também conhecida como "vespa vermelha" com 12 cm de comprimento é uma das maiores vespas do mundo.
The Irish, too. And the WASPs.
E os irlandeses.
And territory of the wasps.
E território das vespas.
Hey, I have something for you, I œwietne in the Wasps. broken free of Wasps in the back of each. - I need money.
- Preciso de dinheiro.
Darryl represents an interesting point of view of your class work more and it may take a few more user on the grid in the Wasps.
Talvez o Darryl tenha uma tese sobre trabalhadores... ou, digamos, o uso de redes de cabelo.

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