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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / We've got her

We've got her translate Portuguese

600 parallel translation
We've got to get her out from under here.
Temos que tirá-la daqui de baixo.
It's not enough to love her, we've got to fight for her.
Não basta amá-la, temos de lutar por ela.
We've got to go to her rescue.
Temos que a salvar.
We've got a chance. The wind's against her.
O vento näo está de feicäo.
Tell her I lost a collar button in New York and we've got to go look for it.
Diz que perdi um botão de colarinho em Nova Iorque, e que vamos procurá-lo.
If we're to save her and your throne, we've got to act now!
Para a salvarmos, temos de agir já!
- No, no! We've got to find her.
Temos de a encontrar.
We've got enough on her already to hold her as a material witness.
Já sabemos o suficiente para a deter como testemunha material.
We've got to arrest her.
Temos de a prender.
But, darling, we've got to face her at lunch today.
- Vamos almoçar com ela hoje.
We've got to find her.
Metade desapareceu. Temos de a encontrar.
I'm afraid we've got to send her away.
- Terei de mandá-Ia a algum lugar.
We've got her!
If she won't leave voluntarily, then we've just got to force her.
Se ela não vier voluntariamente, temos que obrigá-la.
We've got to tie her down!
Temos de a amarrar.
We've got to get her tonight.
- Não podemos permitir que fique lá.
We've got nothing on her.
Não temos nada contra ela.
Say, we've got to go over to the club and see her tonight.
Esta noite temos de a ir ver ao clube.
Tell her to come to the Windsor Theater. We've got-a lots of sardines here.
Diz-lhe que venha ao teatro Windsor que o que aqui não falta, são sardinhas.
We've got nothing against her.
Não temos nada contra ela.
We've got to get her nose up or we'll be in trouble.
Temos que levantar o nariz dela, ou ficamos em dificuldade.
She's out there now drinking champagne that I can't pay for. We've got to entertain her, don't we?
Ela está ali a beber champanhe que eu não posso pagar.
Quite right, Mr. Harvey, we've got to tell her.
Certo, senhor Harvey.
He'll try to persuade them they've got a clear track below, and we'll run into her.
Tentar persuadi-lo que têm... o caminho livre e que nós cruzaremos com ele.
We've got to get her out of there.
Devemos tira-la de lá.
They won't rush us as long as we've got her.
Eles não nos apressarão se a tivermos connosco.
- We've got to get her out of here.
- Temos de a levar daqui.
Well, we've not only got to get her out of there, but we must get the land cleared, the houses and trees down...
Bem, não só a temos que tirar de lá, como temos de limpar as terras as casas derrubadas, as árvores derrubadas...
We've got her!
We've got to get her to a hospital.
- Temos de levá-la para o hospital.
We've got to find her.
Saiu, sim, seu idiota.
We've got to call her something.
Temos que dar-lhe um nome.
Mas precisamos protegê-la!
Temos de a encontrar antes da KAOS.
But we've got to find her.
Mas temos de a encontrar.
We've got to take Elsa out, and leave her for at least a week and we've got to move camp so that she can't find us.
Temos que levar a Elsa, e deixá-la pelo menos uma semana... e mudar o acampamento de modo a que ela não nos consiga encontrar.
Small cog in the wheel, but we've got her staked out for the big fish.
É arraia miúda, mas estamos atentos ao peixe graúdo.
Max, we've got to find a pattern in her method of operation.
Max, temos que encontrar um padrão no seu método de operação.
What we've got to do is to get Sophie back to her husband.
Captain, we've got to stop him. He wants her.
Capitão, temos de o impedir...
Captain, we've got to wait until Carolyn comes back before we fire on the temple. We don't know what would happen to her if he was suddenly attacked.
Temos de esperar que a Carolyn volte, antes de dispararmos contra o templo.
We've got to go and find her.
Temos de a procurar!
We've got a sick child, two women, one woman out of her head, three men, and the place is surrounded with these things.
Temos uma criança doente, duas mulheres, uma rapariga louca, três homens... E este local está rodeado por estas coisas.
Exactly That's why we've got to help her
Exactamente. É por isso que temos de a ajudar.
We've got to let the air out of her!
Temos que lhe tirar o ar!
- We've got some Germans arriving tomorrow, so Polly's brushing up another one of her languages.
Amanhã vão chegar uns alemães, e a Polly está a desenferrujar uma das suas línguas.
We've got to stop her!
- Temos que parar com isso!
All right, Helena, we've got her trapped.
Muito bem, Helena. Temo-la presa no subterrâneo.
We've got her, 70-to - 1.
70 para 1.
We've got to go with her. Yeah.
Temos de ir com ela.
We've got to find out where they're taking her!
Temos de descobrir para onde a levam!

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