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We have to get going translate Portuguese

427 parallel translation
We're late, and we have to get going.
Estamos atrasados, temos que ir.
We have to get going, but you won't find it lonely.
Temos que nos pôr a caminho, mas não te vais sentir só.
Come on, honey, we have to get going.
Regan, temos que ir, filha.
She says it's fine, and we have to get going.
Ela diz que está bem e nós temos de ir.
Doc, we have to get going.
Doc, temos de ir embora.
We have to get going.
Temos de ir embora.
We're going to have to stick together..... or we're just going to get lost.
Nós vamos ter que permanecer juntos..... ou vamos perder-nos, apenas.
Are you going to pay and get out peacefully or are we going to have to throw you out?
Vai pagar ou sai pacificamente, ou temos de o tirar de lá?
I have a feeling we're going to get on very well.
Tenho a impressão que nos vamos dar muito bem.
So you see we have gone through quite something to get this far, Captain, and nobody is going to make us turn back now, if only for the little old man who didn't get to come with us.
Então já está ver, passámos por muito até chegar aqui, capitão. Ninguém nos vai obrigar a regressar agora. Se ao menos o velhote tivesse vindo connosco.
You can have the dough we get from selling the car but you're not going to keep me a prisoner. It's a good thing I bought the paper.
Ficaste com o dinheiro, e podes vender o carro, mas não vais manter-me preso.
But I'm not going to get one, so we'll have to forget about Jackie's Hot Spot and the Blue Devil and all the rest.
Mas não vou conseguir nada, portanto temos de esquecer o "Jakie's Hot Spot" o " Blue Devil e todo o resto.
We'll have to wait until dark if we're going to get out of here.
Esperamos pela noite para partir.
I thought you were going to get her started earlier tonight so we can have dinner and then go to a movie.
Ainda não está pronta? Pensei que você ia fazê-la começar mais cedo para que pudessemos jantar e depois ir a um cinema.
But if we're going to get you to Metaluna alive, there's a little procedure you'll have to go through.
Mas se quisermos que cheguem vivos a Metaluna, há um pequeno procedimento o qual têm que atravessar.
Ron, we're going to have to wait to get married.
Ron, teremos que esperar para nos casar.
I wasn't even impatient to get to Maurice, for we were, at last, going to have an undisturbed time together.
Nem estava impaciente por ir ter com o Maurice, porque, finalmente, íamos ter algum tempo juntos sem preocupações.
It's gonna be tough going we'll just have to get out of the middle of this glacier and just keep going.
Vai ser bastante difícil sair do meio deste glaciar. Mas temos que continuar, temos que continuar.
We may have to close down if we don't get Sara's column going again.
Temos que fechar se Sara não voltar a escrever sua coluna.
He'll drive there and get the money and we're going to have it. That's how!
Ele vai lá, pega o dinheiro e fica todo para nós!
Keely. As soon as I get the other council men, we're going to have a meeting.
Keely, convoca o conselho, vamos ter uma reunião.
We'll get us a drink'cause we're going to have a raffle.
Que beleza. Vou pagar uma bebida, pois vamos ter um sorteio!
If we're going to have visitors, we better get out of here.
Se vamos ter visitas, é melhor sairmos daqui.
Meanwhile, if we don't wanna get eaten up, we're going to have to grow bigger and faster than nature intended.
Enquanto isso, se não querermos que nos engulam, teremos que crescer mais rápido pelo que acostumávamos.
we best keep on going. whoa. we should have time to get to my shop.
Devíamos voltar para trás.
I have an awful feeling we're not going to get our fees on this job.
Tenho um mau pressentimento que não seremos pagos por este trabalho.
We're gonna have to get him going again.
Temos de tentar fazê-lo andar outra vez.
If anything happens to me, if I get hurt, we're going to have to live with the fact that we had one chance, one chance in a million, to humiliate those bastards, and we blew it.
Se alguma coisa me acontecer, se me lesionar, teremos de viver com o facto de termos tido a hipótese, uma hipótese num milhão, de humilhar esses bandalhos, e de a termos desperdiçado.
We`re going to have to get out of this village on our own.
Teremos que sair desta vila sozinhos.
I hope we don't have to pass a zoo before we get where we're going!
Espero não ter que passar por um zoo antes de chegarmos onde vamos.
And you came to save us. And we're going to get married, and live happily ever after. We'll have lots of children.
E você veio para nos salvar. e viveremos felizes para sempre. e em um teço das conxas terá uma pérola.
I think we're going to have to shoot in some coagulants to get a scab to form.
- Devemos ter de injectar coagulantes.
We're gonna have all kinds of weather out there. Sun, rain, cold in the morning. Get used to this idea - you're going in the water and that water's going to be cold.
Vamos encontrar todo o tipo de inclemências neste maldito bosque.
If we're going to keep this place, we're going to have to get a job, out of the High Country.
Se quisermos ficar com este lugar, temos... que arranjar trabalho fora das terras altas.
I... think we're going to have to get drunk.
Eu... acho que teremos de nos embriagar.
She's never gonna get that chance because unless you go outside, get some air, and dry out, we're going to have to pour you on that bike tomorrow morning.
Ela nunca vai ter essa oportunidade porque, a não ser que vá lá fora apanhar ar e secar, vamos ter de enxugá-lo amanhã, em cima da mota.
We are going to get there first yet you have the knowledge to make the trip work.
Nós vamos lá chegar primeiro mas vocês é que têm o conhecimento para que a missão resulte.
Come on! Get up! We are going to have it out right now!
Vamos, levante!
I heard before that you're kind of a strange girl, Anne Shirley, but I have a feeling we're going to get along really well.
Já tinha ouvido que eras uma garota estranha, Anne Shirley. Mas tenho um pressentimento de que vamos dar-nos muito bem.
Já disseste á tua mulher que nos vamos casar?
I can assure you that her father and I are going to have a long talk with her when we get home.
Garanto-lhe que eu e o pai dela... vamos ter uma longa conversa com ela.
Crawford, we have to get out of here. The resonator's going to blow up.
Crawford, temos que sair daqui, o Resonator vai explodir!
- Then we're going to have to get down to it son.
Bom, vamos usar outro método.
How are we going to get there? I don't have any gas, and gas stations don't take these cards.
Não tenho gasolina, e as gasolineiras não aceitam estes cartões.
If we don't stick together they're going to have us on our toes before we even get off the Harwich Ferry
Se não nos unirmos, vão dar-nos uma coça mesmo antes de sairmos do ferry em Harwich.
All right. lf we're going to get along, we'll have to come to an understanding.
Se vamos viver juntos, temos de nos entender.
We're going to have to live together, so you better get used to it.
Nós vamos viver todos juntos portanto é melhor habituar-se!
Valkenvania, but it is still America, and we have an appointment in Atlantic city, so we'd just like to get going. Will you just write a ticket here, or we could settle it some other way, perhaps? Step back, please.
Aqui é Valkenvania, mas ainda estamos nos EUA, temos de ir para Atlantic City... se me puder multar aqui, ou arranjarmos outra forma...
- Well actually, we do have to kind of get going.
Bem, para falar a verdade, temos de ir andando.
If we're going to get along, you'll have to say what you mean and mean what you say.
Se nos queremos entender, tens que começar, a explicar-te melhor.
We have to turn the direction around that we've been going in order to end inflation, end unemployment and get this country back where it should be in the eyes of the world.
Temos que mudar o rumo que levamos para acabar a inflação e o desemprego e devolver a este país ao lugar que lhe corresponde.

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