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Weatherly translate Portuguese

69 parallel translation
She suggested weatherly.
Eu disse-lhe para te arranjar uma boa escola para ti... e ela sugiriu-me Weatherly, no Surrey.
"The weatherly school For the daughters of gentlemen,"
A Escola de Weatherly, para os filhos dos cavalheiros...
It's the weatherly school, one of the best.
É a Escola de Weatherly, Sally. Uma das melhores.
He's not the secretary of the weatherly school.
Ele não é secretário da Escola Weatherly.
- Mrs. Weatherly.
- Mrs.Weatherly.
- Oh, please sit down, Mrs. Weatherly.
- Queira sentar-se, Mrs.Weatherly.
So you need help, Mrs. Weatherly.
Então precisa de ajuda, Mrs.Weatherly.
- A drink, Mrs. Weatherly?
- Uma bebida, Mrs.Weatherly?
Yes, I know that, Mrs. Weatherly.
Sim, eu sei, Mrs.Weatherly.
No, not my eyes, Mrs. Weatherly- - your husband's.
Não! não os meus olhos, Mrs.Weatherly... os do seu marido.
You'd better have another drink, Mrs. Weatherly.
Melhor tomar outra bebida, Mrs.Weatherly.
Your ID tag reads Weatherly, J.D.
- Na sua identificação está Weatherly, J.D.
There was an incident two nights ago Involving a homeless person in Weatherly Park.
Houve um incidente há duas noites com um sem-abrigo em Weatherly Park.
Where was that guy killed, Weatherly Park?
Onde é que esse tipo foi morto? Weatherly Park?
She's a fine sea boat, weatherly, stiff and fast.
É um belo navio, bolineiro, forte e veloz.
Kenneth Weatherly, Clearwater, Florida.
Kenneth Weatherly, Clearwater, Florida.
Our Lead Actress, Weatherly Adams, Had Her Dressing Room Violated Last Night.
Nossa atriz principal, Weatherly Adams, teve seu camarim invadido ontem à noite.
Weatherly Attracts Them Like Flies.
Weatherly os atrai como moscas.
- Hi, It's Weatherly. - Yeah.
- Oi, é a Weatherly.
Ah, Weatherly...
Ah, Weatherly...
When Weatherly Adams Dies, It's Money In The Bank.
Quando Weatherly Adams morre, é dinheiro no banco.
I Understand That Weatherly Adams Was A Long-Time Member
Entendo que Weatherly Adams era membro antigo
He Had A Thing For Weatherly, And Then He Got Hurt, Blamed It On Us, Went A Little Nuts.
Ele era afim da Weatherly, e se machucou, culpou a nós, ficou doido.
Tell Me About You And Weatherly Adams.
Conte-me sobre você e Weatherly Adams.
Weatherly And I Were Already An Item.
Weatherly e eu já éramos um só.
Weatherly... Dumped Me.
Weatherly... me deu o fora.
'Cause I Just Got The Dna Results For Weatherly Adams, And The Skin Under Her Nails And The Semen From Her S.A.E., They Both Belong
Acabei de pegar os resultados do DNA de Weatherly Adams, e a pele sob as unhas e o sêmen do kit, os dois pertencem a
Weatherly And I, Yes, We Were Knocking Boots, Man.
Weatherly e eu, sim, estávamos no rala-e-rola, cara.
Weatherly Was...
Weatherly era...
Why Would I Kill Weatherly?
Por que eu mataria Weatherly?
After Examining The Crime Scene, I Determined There Were Between 200 And 300 Milliliters - That's Less Than A Cup - Of Weatherly's Actual Blood Outside Of Her Body.
Depois de examinar a cena do crime, determinei que havia entre 200 e 300 mililitros, é menos do que uma caneca do sangue de Weatherly fora de seu corpo.
Looks Like Weatherly's Missing Heel.
Parece o salto perdido da Weatherly.
We Found The Pipe That Killed Weatherly.
Achamos o cano que matou Weatherly.
All Six Feet, Three Inches Of You Impersonating Your Brother, Which Makes You Good For Weatherly's Murder.
Todo o 1,90m de você imitando seu irmão, o que o torna bom para ser o assassino de Weatherly.
- No, No, No. Nobody Killed Weatherly, Okay?
Ninguém matou Weatherly, Ok?
Good Night, Weatherly.
Boa noite, Weatherly. Boa noite, menina.
He... He Said "The Show Must Go On," Th-That Weatherly...
Ele... ele disse "O show deve continuar", que Weatherly...
Dickie Was Blackmailing Us About Weatherly's Accident.
Dickie estava nos chantageando pelo acidente da Weatherly.
This May Be Weatherly's Finest Performance.
Essa pode ser a melhor performance de Weatherly.
Meet Carl Weatherly from Ontario.
Apresento-te o Carl Weatherly, de Ontário.
Or rather, the Weatherly family as Mr. Stafford was known before he had to leave town.
Ou melhor, a família Weatherly, como o Mr. Stafford era conhecido, antes de ter de deixar a cidade.
The trouble with hubris, Mr. Weatherly, you know, we hold on to stuff.
O problema da arrogância, Mr. Weatherly, é agarrarmo-nos a coisas.
At North Shore, they were called the Plastics, and Mandi Weatherly was the number one Plastic.
No liceu North Shore, eram conhecidas como as Plásticas, e a Mandi Weatherly era a Plástica número um.
And it might have been, if not for the two's long history.
E poderia ter sido, não fosse o longo historial entre elas. A Mandi Weatherly detesta cabras que envenenam os animais dos outros
Well, now, Miss Weatherly may be the spawn of Satan, but unless you have proof, there's nothing I can do except expel you.
Bem, a Menina Weatherly pode ser a filha de Satanás, mas a não ser que tenhas provas, não me resta alternativa a não ser expulsar-te.
It sure looks like it's you, Miss Weatherly.
- Mas parece, Menina Weatherly.
I am Mandi Weatherly!
Sou a Mandi Weatherly.
Did Weatherly know?
O Weatherly sabia?
Billy Weatherly.
Billy Weatherly.
If You're Implying That You Know Something About Weatherly's Death, And You're Not Giving It Up, That Makes You,
Se você está sugerindo que sabe de alguma coisa sobre a morte de Weatherly e não está falando, isso faz de você, no mínimo, um cúmplice depois do fato, e isso leva a uma boa esticada de uma cara baixinho.

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