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Weighed translate Portuguese

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And your notes tell me that you weighed 9lbs 6oz!
E a tua ficha diz-me que pesaste 4,350 kgs.!
And that the phony gold weighed more than the real gold.
E que o ouro falso pesava mais que o ouro verdadeiro.
He must have weighed 250 pounds, if he weighed an ounce.
Ele devia pesar uns 110 quilos, pelo menos.
And after you've deliberated sufficient... weighed all the evidence fair and square... and brought in a verdict of not guilty... you'll be amply rewarded, y'understand? - Okay, boss.
E depois de terem deliberado o suficiente, pesado bem todas as provas e apresentado um veredicto de inocente, serão largamente recompensados, perceberam?
And I know how greatly your tragedy must have weighed upon his mind.
E sei o quanto a vossa tragédia deve ter pesado na consciência dele.
- Weighed down by newspapers...
- Carregados de jornais...
She weighed up everything that I had on
Ela examinou tudo O que eu levava posto
It must have weighed 900 if it weighed a pound.
Devia pesar alguns 400 kg ou mais.
He must have weighed at least 1,000 easy.
Devia pesar uns 500 kg no mínimo.
No, she's just gone out to be weighed.
Não, ela só foi ser pesada.
- I know, I weighed them for her.
Pesei-as na balança da casa de banho.
Perhaps he loves you now, but you must fear, his greatness weighed, his will is not his own, for he himself is subject to his birth.
É possível que vos ame agora, mas deveis recear que a sua grandeza vença a sua vontade. Ele é súbdito do seu nascimento.
Then they weighed him down with a cross and scourged him.
Depois, puseram-lhe uma cruz aos ombros e flagelaram-no.
I weigh now what I weighed the summer you left Belle Reve the summer Dad died and you left us.
Meu peso é o mesmo desde que você saiu de Belle Reve quando papai morreu, e você nos deixou.
One hundred gold bars, weighed to the value of £ 495,987!
100 lingotes de ouro num valor de 495.987,00 libras...
When Ricky and I were married, I weighed 110, and I weigh exactly that right now.
Quando Ricky e eu nos casamos, eu pesava 50, E eu peso exatamente isso agora.
- Have you weighed this well?
- Você ponderou bem sobre isso?
The wife of the last scientist who was here weighed 180 pounds of pure muscle had a good start on a mustache and every time she spoke to her husband every lion in the territory took off.
A mulher do último cientista que cá veio era 80 quilos de puro músculo, começava a ter bigode e sempre que falava com o marido todos os Ieôes desatavam a fugir.
I'd say he weighed close up to 700 or 800 pounds.
Diria que pesa cerca de 315, 360 quilos.
The boy whose mother was sick resolved that very day, to become a tutor in this school, so that the boys would have someone in whom they could confide anything that weighed on their hearts.
O menino, cuja me estava doente, resolveu naquela época virar nesta escola mais tarde ele mesmo preceptor, pra que os meninos tivessem alguém para quem pudessem dizer tudo que os apertasse o coraço.
When you weighed 168 pounds... you were beautiful.
Quando pesavas 75 quilos, eras bestial.
[Having weighed up the situation carefully, I said to my companions :]
Depois de avaliar a situação cuidadosamente, disse aos companheiros :
[Lt was a sad day for Don Camillo : ] [... the theft of the victory chickens weighed heavily. He felt defeated.]
Foi um dia triste para Don Camillo, o roubo das galinhas da vitória pesou-lhe muito, sentiu-se derrotado.
But I don't like being weighed, measured and counted.
Mas não gosto de ser pesada, medida e contada.
There was Lord Aeneas, nephew of King Priam on his way to the palace where the future of Troy was being weighed by the royal council.
Lá ia o Lorde Eneias, sobrinho do Rei Príamo, a caminho do palácio, onde o futuro de Tróia estava a ser estudado pelo conselho real.
His whole, high, broad form weighed down upon a barbaric white leg carved from the jawbone of a whale.
"a sua silhueta larga e alta apoiada sobre uma barbara perna branca", "talhada a partir de uma mandíbula de baleia".
The court has carefully weighed the evidence which has been presented by the Prosecution and the Defence and it is the unanimous verdict of this court...
O tribunal pesou as evidências apresentadas pela acusação e defesa. O veredicto unânime...
After all, the rules of television seem weighed far too much in favor of the viewer.
Afinal, as regras da televisão são demasiado em prol do espectador.
Something heavy, anyway. Must have weighed about eight or nine pounds.
Alguma coisa pesada, aí com cerca de três quilos.
When Mr. Webster first came to me, he weighed nearly 300 pounds.
Quando o Sr. Webster ma apareceu, pesava quase 140 quilos.
I'm sure a great many tellers have weighed their chances.
Decerto muitos caixas pensaram nessa hipótese.
Sr. Superior weighed up all the options.
A Directora está só a pesar todas as opções.
Then when he weighed in at 50 pounds when he was just a couple of months old, well, people just forgot the other name and started calling him Hoss.
Mas dado que já pesava 22kg aos dois meses, a pessoas esqueceram o outro nome e começaram a chamar-lhe Hoss.
Am I to believe you weighed, appraised and selected me out of all the men on the boat?
Devo deduzir que me escolheu a dedo entre todos os homens no barco?
In other words, a long, slender bullet would have a higher caliber than a short, thick bullet if it weighed more, is that correct?
Por outras palavras, uma bala longa e cilíndrica terá um calibre e uma curta e grossa se pesar mais, terá outro. É assim?
The only danger with that plan that I see, and it's one that ought to be weighed, is that the governor's resentment at being made a fool of will be such that he will move way over to the segregationist side and make life much more difficult and more dangerous in the future.
O único perigo que eu vejo nesse plano, e que deve ser pesado... ê que o ressentimento do Governador de ter sido feito de idiota... seja tal que eIe fortaleça seu lado segregacionista... e torne a vida das pessoas muito mais difícil e perigosa no futuro.
Specifically, the day I went to Vic Tanny, I got on the scale, as they normally do, to check you in, and I weighed 153 pounds, and then after six months,
No dia em que fui à academia, eu me pesei... como é de praxe... e vi que estava com 69 kg.
I weighed myself on that very same scale, and I found that I weighed 151.
Seis meses depois... eu me pesei naquela mesma balança e vi que estava com 68 kg.
He weighed nearly 30 stone.
Pesava quase 190 quilos.
He weighed in, fought and won.
Foi à pesagem, combateu e ganhou.
When I left from here, I weighed 1 70 pounds. I weigh 180 pounds now.
Quando saí daqui, eu pesava 70 quilos e agora peso 80.
- Pesou exactamente 108 kg.
A man like you must see the world and conquer it. Do not be weighed down at the foot of a woman. A bed of stone and ice?
um homem como tu deve ver o mundo e conquistá-lo não se ate aos pés de uma mulher um trono de fogo e gelo?
He weighed 15 stone.
Ele pesava 95 kg.
The components must be weighed. Our dangers to ourselves as well as our duties to other life forms. Friendly or not.
Temos de pesar o perigo e os nossos deveres para outras formas de vida, sejam elas amigáveis ou não.
Carson got paid for his hand when he weighed anything.
Carson pagou por ter sido um comerciante desonesto.
From all over the world cardinals will come weighed down with years and authority to put on the scarlet of princes and sit in the conclave for the election of the successor of St. Peter.
Os cardeais virão de todo o mundo com o peso de anos de autoridade para colocar o chapéu dos príncipes e sentar no conclave para a eleição do sucessor de S. Pedro.
Everything is weighed against money. That is why naked glamour is photographed by everyone.
Por isso é que o nú é fotografado por toda a gente.
When I told you about Dad's 600-pound swordfish I didn't mean that you weighed that much.
Quando falei do peixe de 300 quilos do papai não quis dizer que a senhora pese tanto.
In the end of the afternoon, the Germans had initiated, what many of the pilots that they deal with this onslaught, they consider the attack more weighed that already they had seen.
No fim da tarde, os alemães iniciaram, o que muitos dos pilotos que lidaram com esta investida, consideram o ataque mais pesado que já tinham visto.
The invading force of Hitler it weighed anchor in 6 of April.
A força invasora de Hitler zarpou a 6 de Abril.

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