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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / Were you aware of that

Were you aware of that translate Portuguese

116 parallel translation
- Were you aware of that?
- Sabia isso? - Não.
Were you aware of that?
Tinha conhecimento?
Were you aware of that?
Sabias disso?
Were you aware of that, ma'am?
Sabia disso, senhora?
Were you aware of that? I...
Were you aware of that?
Voces sabiam?
Were you aware of that, Agent Booth?
Você sabia, Agente Booth?
It must have gone right over my head. Do you feel conscious... that is, are you aware of the fact that you are not the same boy that you were when you went over?
Tens consciência, quer dizer, entendes que não és o mesmo rapaz que eras quando foste?
No, but... you must have been aware of some of the events that were going on.
Não, mas... mas vocês estariam cientes do que acontecia aqui.
I see. Were there any other checks that you might be aware of, that could...
Soube da saída de outros cheques que poderiam...
Were you aware that it was that kind of funds from the very beginning?
Sabia desde o princípio da existência desse fundo?
Four years ago, when you were working as a nurse... are you aware that these doctors, Marx and Towler... based their treatment of Deborah Ann Kaye on this admitting form... which you signed?
Há quatro anos, quando trabalhava como enfermeira, sabe que estes doutores, o Marx e o Towler, basearam o tratamento dado à Deborah Ann Kaye nesta ficha de admissão, que a senhora assinou?
Were you aware that drugs were gonna be part of this examination?
Sabia que neste exame iria receber medicamentos?
You're aware that during your surgery you were given 20 units of blood from Irwin Memorial?
Sabia que na operacao lhe deram sangue do Irwin Memorial?
Were you aware of any problems that the senior partners had with Andrew's work prior to this?
Estava a par de algum problema que os sócios tivessem com o trabalho do Andrew antes disto?
Mr.wheeler, were you aware that Andrew Beckett had AIDS at the time of his departure from Wyant Wheeler?
Mr. Wheeler, sabia que Andrew Beckett tinha Sida. na altura em que abandonou a Wyant Wheeler?
Were you aware that your client was carrying on an affair... with Audrey Price at the time of the murder?
Sabia que o seu cliente tinha um caso com Audrey Price na altura da sua morte?
It is possible that in your distress over the Captain's death, you imagined that you were aware of her.
É possível que no seu tormento com a morte da Capitã, você imaginou que você estivesse ciente dela.
There were some procedures that I wanted you to be aware of.
Quero pô-lo ao corrente de certas normas.
Good, I just wanted to make sure that you were aware of the situation.
Só queria ter a certeza de que estava a par da situação.
When you were at Manticore, were you aware of any experiments that involved exposure to virulent bacteria or pathogens?
Quando estiveste na Manticore, apercebeste-te de algumas experiências que envolvessem exposição a bactérias venenosas ou patogênicos ou.. Não.
Are you aware that of the seven witnesses two were subsequently killed in combat?
E por acaso sabe que, das sete testemunhas... dois morreram depois em combate?
That you were not aware of what you were getting yourself into.
Não percebias naquilo em que te estavas a meter.
Were you aware that the only documented cases of kuru were members of a cannibalistic tribe in Papua New Guinea?
Tens consciência de que os únicos casos documentados de Kuru... Foram em membros de uma tribo canibalística na Papua-Nova Guiné Oriental?
I am aware that you were in charge... of the mission that destroyed the Olympic Carrier.
Sei que chefiou a missão que destruiu a Olympic Carrier.
Were you aware that the other "jerk" ended up dead in the back of an SUV?
Tinhas consciência de que o outro "parvo" acabou morto na parte de trás de uma carrinha?
You know, General... you're probably aware that there were film cameras on the beaches of Normandy decades before Survivor debuted on CBS.
Sabe, General, creio que talvez esteja muito ciente de que havia câmaras de filmar nas praias da Normandia decadas antes de Surviver estrear na CBS.
I am sure you are aware, Admiral, of the concrete evidence that Caprica's defenses were compromised by a Cylon agent who infiltrated the Ministry of Defense on the eve of the attacks.
Por certo conhece, Almirante, as provas concretas que indicam que as defesas de Caprica foram desactivadas por um agente Cylon que se infiltrou no Ministério da Defesa na véspera do ataque.
And I guess I just wanted to know if you were aware of that and if your office, if- - since your office uh- - since the attorney general investigates uh, consumer fraud, and since you're a part of and investigate um, polygamy,
Só queria saber se está a par do caso e se o seu gabinete, se... como o seu gabinete... Como a Procuradoria investiga fraude ao consumidor, e como investiga... a poligamia, podia fazer alguma coisa?
You were aware that until the suspension of the Posse Comitatus Act... any independent action taken by your unit was a violation of the law?
Você sabia que, até à suspensão do posse comitatus, qualquer acção independente da sua unidade seria uma violação da lei.
Were you aware that prior to suspension of the Posse Comitatus Act... any military action taken by your unit was in violation of the law?
Sabia que, antes da suspensão da posse comitatus, qualquer acção militar da sua unidade era uma violação da lei?
I just wanted to make sure that you were fully aware of the circumstances.
Eu só quero ter certeza de que você está completamente ciente das circunstâncias.
I wasn't aware the two of you were that close.
Não sabia que eram assim tão amigas.
Were you aware of anything that was out?
Reparaste em alguma coisa fora do normal?
Were you aware that even though there is such a furor over the declining birth rate, 50,000 children under the age of six needlessly lose their lives every year'?
Sabiam que apesar desta sociedade ser atormentada pela baixa taxa de natalidade, anualmente, não menos de 50 mil crianças morrem desnecessariamente antes de atingirem os seis anos?
Were you aware of that? And they took away the Microwave Division. I'm having terrible Lemon problems.
Tiraram-me a Divisão de Microondas, tenho problemas com a Lemon, passo a vida a comer...
It's a transcript of mr. Were you aware that your company was being investigated by the sec at the time?
É uma transcrição dos comentários do Sr. Frobisher datada... de 21 de junho de 2002.
I mean, since taking my vows, I've become aware that my breasts are a source of confusion for people, just like they were for you just now.
Quer dizer, desde que fiz os meus votos, compreendi que os meus seios são uma fonte de confusão para as pessoas, assim como o estão a ser para si agora.
Were you aware that Dr. Fuller was receiving sex from many of these young women in lieu of payment?
Estava ao corrente que o Dr. Fuller estava a receber sexo de muitas dessas raparigas como meio de pagamento?
Okay. Were either of you aware that she'd been fired last week?
Algum de vocês sabia que ela tinha sido despedida?
And you were aware that you were forbidden to use magic outside school... -... while under the age of 17? - Yes, I was, but- -
E sabias que estás proibido de praticar magia fora da escola enquanto não atingires os 17 anos?
Doctor, you're aware of just how dire the circumstances were in that hospital after Katrina hit.
Doutor, o senhor está ciente de quão complicada era a situação no hospital... depois que foi atingido pelo furacão Katrina?
And you were aware that you were forbidden to use magic outside school... -... while under the age of 17? - Yes, I was, but...
E sabias que estás proibido de praticar magia fora da escola enquanto não atingires os 17 anos?
I thought you were aware of the fact that our job doesn't afford us the luxury of assumption.
Pensava que sabias que no nosso trabalho não nos podemos dar ao luxo de supor.
Were you aware that a mate of yours is being targeted by the jacks?
Estavas a par que um amigo teu tem sido alvo dos chuis?
were you aware that he had An outstanding warrant At the time of his arrest?
Estava ciente que ele tinha um mandado de prisão em aberto quando foi detido?
There is one thing I can tell you. We were very aware that we represented the hopes of an unredeemed America.
Só lhe posso dizer que estávamos muito conscientes de que representávamos a esperança de uma América redimida.
Were you aware that Eric had a history of alcohol abuse?
Sabia que Eric tinha um histórico de alcoolismo?
Were you aware of anything that happened To me when I was 13?
Tens ideia de alguma coisa que eu fiz quando tinha 13?
Did the councilman have any enemies that you were aware of?
Sabe se o vereador tinha alguns inimigos?
Were you aware of any stops that Prince had to make this morning, any meetings?
Sabia de algumas paragens que o Prince tivesse de fazer de manhã? Alguns compromissos?

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