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Were you talking to me translate Portuguese

200 parallel translation
Ravage : Were you talking to me?
Falou comigo?
Oh, were you talking to me?
Estava a falar comigo?
I'm sorry. Were you talking to me?
- Está a falar comigo?
Were you talking to me?
Estavas a falar comigo?
Were you talking to me, Grampa?
Estava a falar comigo, avô?
Were you talking to me?
Esta falando comigo?
Begging your pardon, and begging in general, but were you talking to me?
Imploro o teu perdão... imploro de modo geral... mas falastes comigo?
Were you talking to me just then?
Estavas a falar comigo?
Stop talking to me as if I were a child and you a schoolmaster!
Pare de falar comigo como se eu fosse criança.
Why, of course it was me you were talking to a moment ago.
Claro que foi comigo que falou.
Or were you going to tell him what Ames and me were talking about?
Ou ias contar-lhe a conversa que eu e o, Ame tivemos.
But we weren't talking about me... You were supposed... to tell me who you are, what you do, how you live...
Mas acabamos a falar de mim e era de si... que tinha que contar quem é, o que faz, como vive...
That's why I wouldn't agree to having you fired. So, that was me you were talking about when I came in.
- Era de mim que estava a falar!
You were always good at talking. No, you won't move me to pity.
Não me comoves, já antes falavas assim.
Say, who were you talking to about me on that telephone?
Com quem estava a falar sobre mim ao telefone?
Pardon me, madam. Were you just talking to this mannequin?
Desculpe, mas a senhora estava a falar com este manequim?
Pardon me for bothering you so late, but... but while we were talking about the Virgin Mary, I forgot to tell you some very important things.
Peço desculpa de o incomodar tão tarde, mas... quando falámos da santíssima Virgem, há uns minutos, esqueci-me de lhe dizer várias coisas muito importantes.
It sounded like you were talking to someone.
Pareceu-me ter ouvido vozes.
It didn't feel to me like you were interested in talking just now.
Não achei que estarias interessada em conversar agora.
- I'm sorry, were you talking to me?
- Desculpe.
You were talking to me!
- Falavas comigo!
Me? You were drooling when you were talking to her...
Estavas-te a babar quando falavas com ela ao telefone, mas não tenho ciúmes.
Well, I was talking to brenda, and... wait, wait - you were talking to brenda about me?
Bem, eu estava a falar com a Brenda, e... Espera, espera... estavas a falar com a Brenda sobre mim?
You were talking to me?
Estava a falar comigo?
Stop talking to me as if you were a rajah with jewels stuck all over you.
Pára de falar como se fosses um Rajá, coberto de jóias.
No, one second, I was talking to you. The next, you were around me.
Não, em um segundo falava com você e no seguinte me rodearam.
I'm certain you know which ones I'm talking about. They were the ones that you promised to supply the EPA with.
Sei que sabe a quais me refiro aos que prometeu dar à EPA.
- Who, me? - Yeah, yeah, just now, you were talking to somebody on the phone, right?
Não falavas com alguém ao telefone, mesmo agora?
We were talking about coming of age... and when you'll be able to make love to me.
Estavamos a falar que com o tempo... ficavas pronta para fazer amor comigo.
You wouldn't be talking to me if you were.
- Não mo diria se fosse.
Sorry, I thought you were talking to me.
Desculpa, pensei que fosse comigo.
Were you talking to me?
Es... espere.
Perry is worried about Jimmy but he's talking about Elvis and you were trying to tell me you remember our date tonight but instead you joke about ordering dinner.
O Perry está preocupado com o Jimmy e fala do Elvis e tu queres dizer que te lembras do nosso encontro e fazes uma piada sobre pedir o jantar.
You never seemed interested in talking to me while we were married.
Nunca pareceste interessado em conversar enquanto estivemos casados.
For a minute there, I thought you were talking to me... as a friend.
Por um minuto, pensei que estivesse a falar comigo como amigo.
We were still doing it while I was talking to you and I didn't realise.
Ainda o estávamos a fazer quando falei contigo e nem me apercebi.
You were talking to me!
Estavas a falar comigo!
I did have fun. I thought you were talking to me like a real father.
Pensei que estivesses a falar-me como um pai a sério.
So the whole day Barn and me talking to you and everybody thought we were a couple of...
Estivemos todo o dia a falar contigo e as pessoas a pensar que éramos dois...
When you thought you were talking to Netcom, you were talking to me.
Quando julgaste estar ligado à Netcom, estavas ligado a mim.
I thought you were talking to me.
Pensei que estavas a falar comigo.
To be clear-we were talking about me being in love with you and you rejecting me, right?
Só para ter a certeza, estávamos a falar de eu estar apaixonado por ti e tu rejeitares-me? - Sim.
You were talking to him, not me.
Estavas a falar com ele, não era comigo.
I was joking around'cause you guys were talking... and I wanted to see if you were paying attention. You didn't even hear me say that.
Eu estava a brincar porque vocês estavam a falar e eu queria ver se estavam a tomar atenção.
You were talking to that slug were you telling him about me?
Você estava falando com aquela lesma. Você lhe falou sobre mim?
When you told me we were going to a bar called The Tight End I just assumed you were talking about a sports bar
Quando me disseste que íamos a um bar chamado "O Fim Apertado", pensei que estavas a falar de um salão de jogos.
I cut myself while you were talking to make you think that something happened to me.
Magoei-me, enquanto tu falavas, para te levar a pensar que me tinha acontecido alguma coisa.
I remember one time you had a meeting in some office, and you were talking to the security guard for some reason while you were waiting for the elevator, and you're telling me,
Lembro-me de uma vez em que tiveste uma reunião num escritório qualquer, e, por alguma razão, estavas a falar com o segurança, enquanto esperavas pelo elevador, e estavas a contar-me :
Let's see... last time we talked, you told me that dead people were talking to you... so I thought I might be remiss if I didn't follow up.
- Bem, vejamos. Da última vez, disseste que os mortos falavam contigo. Achei que seria indelicado não voltar a perguntar.
I operate in secret, so I won't be interested in your new ideas... until we resolve the matter that we were talking about when we first met... which, frankly, is the reason I'm standing here talking to you.
Trabalho em segredo e não me interessa nenhuma das suas novas ideias... até que resolvamos a questão da que falamos ao conhecernos... a qual, sinceramente, é a razão pela que falo com você.
Practically threw me out of his room when he found out we were talking to you.
Pôs-me praticamente fora do quarto, quando soube que estávamos a falar consigo.

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