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Westfall translate Portuguese

23 parallel translation
- Call neural surgery, get Westfall into scrub. - Done! - Name?
O Westfall que se prepare.
My left one is James Westfall, and my right one is Dr Kenneth Noisewater.
O da esquerda é o James Westfall e o da direita é o Dr. Kenneth Noisewater.
Now you're sure this girl has a friend, Westfall?
Essa rapariga tem mesmo uma amiga, Westfall?
Passengers were Navy lieutenants Dean Westfall and Curtis Janssen.
Eram os Tenentes da Marinha Dean Westfall e Curtis Janssen.
According to the car rental place, Westfall rented a Mustang two months ago.
Segundo a empresa de aluguer do carro... O Westfall alugou o carro há dois meses.
According to his unit, he was on leave visiting his friend, Lieutenant Dean Westfall.
- De acordo com a unidade dele... estava a visitar um amigo, o Tenente Dean Westfall.
Maybe they used Westfall's prints to access the base.
Usaram as impressões digitais do Westfall na base?
Hey, I want to know what Westfall was doing at Aberdeen by the time I get back.
Ei, quero saber o que é que o Westfall fazia em Aberdeen... quando eu voltar.
Now tell me about Westfall.
Agora conta-me sobre o Westfall.
Lieutenant Westfall was the military liaison for Danborn's Modular UAV project.
O Tenente Westfall era a ligação militar... para o projeto Modulado UAV da Danborn.
Oh, and, uh, before you ask, we changed all our security codes and removed Westfall's from the system last night.
E antes que pergunte... mudámos todos os nossos códigos e removemos os do Westfall... do sistema, ontem à noite.
Lieutenant Westfall was missing his hands.
As mãos de Westfall desapareceram.
And I'll bet Lieutenant Westfall's is missing.
E aposto como o do Tenente Westfall está a faltar.
Mrs. William Westfall in Plattsburg the Wymore family in Clay County perhaps even Mrs. Joseph Heywood in Northfield, Minnesota.
A Sra. William Westfall em Plattsburg, a família Wymore em Clay County. Talvez até a Sra. Joseph Heywood em Northfield, no Minessota.
According to his driver's license, Daemon's real name is Jonas Westfall.
De acordo com a carta de condução, o nome real dele é Jonas Westfall.
So, Jonas Westfall, aka Daemon, was inches away from getting his master's in Forensic Science from NYU.
O Jonas Westfall, ou Daemon, estava quase a conseguir o mestrado em Ciência Forense na NYU.
- Jonas Westfall.
- Jonas Westfall.
The Connecticut State Police found a 9-millimeter handgun in your client's home, and I am just betting that that is the same gun that killed Elizabeth Dryden McGinty and Jonas Westfall.
A Polícia do Estado do Connecticut encontrou uma arma 9 milímetros em casa do seu cliente e sou capaz de apostar que se trata da mesma arma que matou Elizabeth Dryden McGinty e Jonas Westfall.
Corner of Dermott and Westfall. Corner of Dermott and Westfall.
Esquina da Dermott com a Westfall.
We find out what Westfall's doing in Aberdeen yet?
Já descobriram o que é que o Westfall fazia em Aberdeen?
Like Westfall.
- Como o Westfall. - Sim.
3057 Westfall.
- Nº 3057, Westfall.
- Yee-ow! - ( Boomer ) He's mine, - bitches!
Desculpe, fui ver a psiquiatra, Sra. Westfall, ela vai fazer alguns programas de reabilitação e me quer como cobaia.

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