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Whalen translate Portuguese

32 parallel translation
I suppose Mr. Whalen's already given us up for dead.
Acho que o Sr. Whalen já nos considera mortos.
Have you ever heard of Whelan's infraction?
Já ouviu falar no Síndrome de Whalen?
Oh, let me introduce you. This is Donovan Lehman, Christopher Weland... our two collaborators.
Eu apresento-os, Donovan Lane e Christopher Whalen, nossos colaboradores.
- Chief Whalen doesn't have a doubt about Petty Officer Dobbs's guilt.
O Delegado Whalen pensa mesmo que a culpa é do Sub oficial Dobbs.
Chief Whalen concluded the investigation a long time ago.
O Delegado Whalen concluiu a investigação há muito tempo.
Chief Whalen said we don't have to deal with you.
O Delegado Whalen mandou não atendê-los.
Chief Whalen always thought she was buried in the woods.
O Delegado Whalen pensou que fora enterrada na mata.
But, you guys weren't very close, were you? We didn't always see eye to eye. But he was my brother, you know?
Sim, mas não eram chegados, porque, se fossem, o Jimmy Whalen, o Harry Doyle e o Mike Flynn estariam vivos, a trabalhar para vocês, em vez de terem o corpo cheio de sangue nas primeiras páginas de todos os jornais da cidade.
First name Terrence, last name Whalen.
Primeiro nome, Terrence, sobrenome, Whalen.
We're lookin for Terrence Whalen!
Estamos procurando Terrence Whalen!
This is Miranda Spedding and Shaun Whalen, friends of Colin Gibson's.
Miranda Spedding e Shaun Whalen, amigos do Colin Gibson.
I arrested Whalen, next thing you know, lickety-split, he escapes.
Prendi o Whalen e quando dei por isso, ele tinha escapado.
Mickey Cohen... you're under arrest for the murder of Jack Whalen.
Mickey Cohen está preso pelo homicídio de Jack Whalen.
When he was sent to Alcatraz, friends of Jack Whalen welcomed him with a lead pipe.
Quando foi enviado para Alcatraz, os amigos do Jack Whalen deram-lhe as boas-vindas com um tubo.
Whereas old Whalen slogged away,
Considerando que a idade Whalen slogged distância,
I was with Philip Whalen and slept by the water.
Eu estava com Philip Whalen e dormiu pela água.
And Neal Cassady and Albert Saijo and ravened Michael McClure and perfect, starry Philip Whalen, they'll all pass through one way or the other.
E Neal Cassady e Albert Saijo e ravened Michael McClure e perfeita, estrelado Philip Whalen, todos eles passam por uma forma ou de outra.
The most recent info I can get on Raoul Whalen is from 2002.
A informação mais recente que tenho de Raoul Whalen é de 2002.
The guy who owns the farm's name is Frank Whalen.
O proprietário da fazenda chama-se Frank Whalen.
It turns out they sent an engine to New York with a dozen volunteers after the Chitauri invasion, including Cross and Whalen.
Eles enviaram um veiculo para Nova Iorque com uma dezena de voluntários após a invasão Chitauri, incluindo o Cross e o Whalen.
Were you in New York with Mr. Cross and Mr. Whalen after the Chitauri invasion?
Estava em Nova Iorque com o Sr. Cruz e o Sr. Whalen, após a invasão Chitauri?
Uh, Whalen and Cutler were leaving when I came in.
O Whalen e O Cutler estavam de saída quando cheguei.
Was it you, whalen?
Foste tu, Whalen?
It's never been descaled before, but suddenly Detective Whalen has a wild hair up his ass about calcium deposits affecting the taste, so...
Nunca foi descalcificado antes, mas de repente o detetive Whalen fica obcecado acerca do calcário que se deposita e que afeta o sabor, e daí...
And don't worry about Whalen.
E não te preocupes com o Whalen.
His name was Jeff Whalen.
O nome dele era Jeff Whalen.
Huh. Well, I don't know what Shana was looking to find in that report, but it refers to witness statements taken at the party where Shana's boyfriend, Jeff Whalen, died.
Bem, eu não sei o que a Shana procurava nesse relatório, mas refere-se aos depoimentos das testemunhas dados na festa onde o namorado da Shana, Jeff Whalen, morreu.
Something about how Jeff Whalen really died.
Algo sobre como o Jeff Whalen realmente morreu.
She wanted to know how Jeff Whalen really died that night at Radnor University.
Ela queria saber como é que o Jeff Whalen realmente morreu naquela noite na Universidade de Radnor.
Because she knew the truth about what happened that night at the party. About Jeff Whalen's murder.
- Porque ela sabia a verdade sobre o que aconteceu naquela noite na festa, sobre o assassinato do Jeff Whalen.
Whale Earnhardt Jr., Eddie Van Whalen.
Baleia Earnhardt Jr., Eddie Van Balein.
Because if you were, then Jimmy Whalen and Harry Doyle and Mike Flynn would still be alive and working in your hall instead of having their blood spattered bodies all over the front pages of the city's newspapers.
Isso não ajuda, Dokey. Este tipo de coisa não ajuda. Era isso que o Huey sabia.

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