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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / What do you think now

What do you think now translate Portuguese

557 parallel translation
And what do you think now, Peter?
E o que acha de mim agora? Como eu mudei?
Now, what do you think?
Que acha disto?
But now, what do you expect me to think of you and that woman?
Mas agora, que espera que acredite em voce e nessa mulher?
Now, what do you think of women in politics?
O que opina as mulheres em política?
Now that you're Secretary of War, what kind of an army do you think we oughta have?
Agora, como meu Secretário de Guerra Que tipo de forças armadas acha que devemos ter?
Now, what do you think of it?
Então, o que acha dele?
Now, what on earth do you think he can do?
Mas o que pensa que ele pode fazer?
Now what did you think I was trying to do, kill you?
Que pensou que lhe ia fazer? Matá-la?
Now what do you think, Miss Susie Suspicious?
Que dizes agora, sua desconfiada?
I don't think I'll do anything that will displease you but from now on you must give me complete freedom. Including deciding what I wear where I sleep, what I read.
Não acho que eu vá fazer nada para Ihe desagradar... mas, mãe, de agora em diante, precisa me dar total liberdade... incluindo decidir o que visto, onde durmo, o que leio.
What do you think he'll do now?
O que achas que ele fará agora?
What do you think is going to happen now?
Que acontecerá agora?
Now what do you think of that?
- O que pensa disto?
What do you think you'll do now?
Que acha que irá fazer agora?
- Now what do you think of it?
- Que diz agora?
What do you think will happen now?
Que acontece agora?
What do you think of me now?
O que é que pensas de mim agora?
And what do you think these boys think now of our New York hospitality?
E o que vocês acham que esses rapazes estão pensando da nossa hospitalidade?
What do you think it is now?
O que achas que é isto?
Quiet, now! What do you think you're doin'?
Onde pensa que vai?
- Yes. Now, now, what do you think of this?
- Está bem, querido.
Well, now that you have had an opportunity to examine it closely... what do you think of our Atlantic wall?
Agora que examinou atentamente, o que acha do nosso Muro Atlântico?
Well, we can tell him what the situation is now, but I think you'd better let me do it.
Agora, já podemos dizer-lhe qual é a situação, mas é melhor ser eu a fazê-lo.
What do you think I'm doing now?
Que acha que estou a fazer?
- What do you think of your boy now?
- Que pensas agora do teu rapaz?
What you think of old Spanish Joe now?
O que acha do Joe Espanhol agora?
- Now, what do you think?
- O que é que achas?
What makes you think I do now?
Crêes que não suspeito já?
Now, Colonel, this letter, what do you think it represents?
Agora, Coronel, sobre a carta, o que acha que representa?
Well, what do you think you'll do now?
O que pensas fazer, agora?
Now, what do you think?
Agora, o que você acha?
Now what do you think of Mr. Bliss?
Agora, o que é que achas do S.r Bliss?
Now what do you think will happen?
Então, que acha que vai acontecer?
Now, what do you think the Major's wife and family are gonna think when they hear about him and Lola?
O que acha que a mulher do Major e a sua familia vão pensar quando ouvirem falar dele e da Lola?
Now what do you honestly think of it's commercial chances, Wally?
E que pensas tu, das suas hipóteses de receitas, Wally? Lou!
Now is no time to think of what you do not have.
Não é hora de pensar no | que não trouxe.
Now what do you think you'll do?
- O que vai fazer?
Now just what do you think you're doing?
Com licença, Xerife.
Now what do you think, boy?
E, agora, o que achas?
Now, what do you think about that, Abner?
O que achas disso, Abner?
Now, what do you think of that, colonel?
Que acha, meu Coronel?
What do you think about my little car? I can just see Sally's face now.
"O que acha do meu carrinho?" Imagino a cara da Sally.
Now tell me, what do you think you know of the Knights of the Round table?
Que pensas que sabes dos cavaleiros e da Távola Redonda?
So now what do you think of all that bravery?
O que pensa agora de toda essa bravura?
What makes you think I do now?
O que o leva a pensar que agora jà sei?
- Now, what do you think?
- O que acha?
What do you think of me now?
O que é que pensará de mim?
Now what do you think of your old friend Jack, huh?
Agora, o que achas do teu velho amigo Jack?
What do you think will happen now?
O que achas que vai acontecer?
Now, what do you think happened?
O que achas que aconteceu?
- Now sit down! - What the hell do you think you're up to?
Mas quem julgas tu que és?

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