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What do you want to drink translate Portuguese

77 parallel translation
What do you want to drink, McClan?
O que é que vais beber, McClan?
What do you want to drink?
- Que deseja beber?
- What do you want to drink?
- O que você vai ter?
There's people, you say, "What do you want to drink?"
Há pessoas que você diz : "O que quer beber?"
- What do you want to drink?
- O que queres beber?
What do you want to drink?
Que querem beber?
What do you want to drink?
Seu cheeseburger.
And you, cowboy guy, what do you want to drink?
- E para ti, cowboy? - Uma cerveja.
- OK, what do you want to drink?
- O que você quer tomar?
Rita, what do you want to drink?
Rita, o que é que queres beber?
- What do you want to drink?
- O que é que queres beber?
What do you want to drink?
- Óptimo.
What do you want to drink?
O que bebes?
What do you want to drink?
O que queres beber?
What do you want to drink?
Que queres tomar?
I meant, what do you want to drink?
Eu queria dizer, que deseja tomar?
What do you want to drink?
O que querem beber?
Anyway, what do you want to drink?
O que quer beber?
- What do you want to drink, Ray?
O que queres beber, Ray?
What do you want to drink, baby?
Que queres beber, amor?
What do you want to drink?
Que queres beber?
What do you want to drink?
O que tomas?
What do you want to drink to?
A que queres beber?
What do you want to drink.
O que quer pra beber?
- What do you want to drink, Moss?
- O que queres beber, Moss?
- What do you want to drink?
- O que quer para beber?
So, what do you want to drink?
- Então, o que vais beber?
- What do you want to drink?
- O que bebe?
So, what do you want to drink?
Então, o que queres beber?
What do you want to drink?
- Sabes onde está o Hans?
Sophia, what do you want to drink, honey?
Sophia, o que vais tomar, querida?
What do you want to drink? You want a Pepsi?
- Queres uma Pepsi?
- To drink. What do you want to drink?
O que queres para beber?
What do you want to drink? Anything.
O que queres beber?
What do you want to drink, Shel?
O que é que queres beber, Shel?
What do you want to drink?
Querem beber alguma coisa?
- What do you want to drink?
O que queres beber?
What do you want to drink?
O que queres tomar?
- Not really, no. What do you want to drink?
O que queres beber?
What do you want me to do, drink to the men you killed here?
O que quer que faça? Que beba pelos homens que matou aqui.
We all know what you used to do for a drink and we forgive you for it. If you want to go back to wool blankets and dirty sheets, it's all right with me.
Sabemos o que costumavas beber e perdoamos-te, mas se queres percevejos na cama, tudo bem.
What do you say, you want to go get a drink till it stops?
Quer ir beber um copo até a chuva parar?
- What do you want to drink?
O que é que quer beber?
What do you both want to drink?
Que é que querem beber?
What do you guys want to drink?
O que querem beber?
Do you know what it's like for me to want to drink blood?
Sabes como é para mim, querer beber sangue?
Let's drink to hydrate while what you expect to come here and to do what they want with us?
Vamos refrescar-nos com água, enquanto aguardamos que venham por nós, enquanto ele faz o que quiser connosco?
What do you want me to do - he's a grown-ass man - tell him he can't have a drink?
Que queres que faça? É um adulto. Que lhe diga que não pode beber?
I'm going to get something to drink, what do you want?
Vou buscar uma bebida. Também queres?
Go ahead. If you was to hand a drunk a drink and tell him he don't want it, what do you think he'd say?
Se fosse dar uma bebida a um bêbado e dizer-lhe que ele não a quer, O que acha que ele diria?
Uh, what do you want to drink?
O que queres beber?

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