What were you looking at translate Portuguese
73 parallel translation
- Well, what were you looking at when I interrupted you?
O que estava a ver, quando o interrompi?
What were you looking at?
E que era o que via?
What were you looking at that made me turn?
Para onde estavas a olhar que me fez olhar também?
Just what were you looking at when you were supposed to be pitching?
Para onde estavas tu a olhar quando devias estar a lançar?
what were you looking at?
Então para onde estavas a olhar?
What were you looking at?
Pelo que estava à procura?
What were you looking at, anyway? Nothing.
- Para onde estavas a olhar?
So what were you looking at, then?
- Então, o que estava olhando?
What were you looking at over there, Murray?
O que estavas a ver ali, Murray?
What were you looking at?
- Estás a ver o quê?
So what were you looking at?
Por isso, está a olhar para onde?
What were you looking at?
Para onde estavas a olhar?
That night in my front yard when you were looking at what remained of her, I could feel the pain in the air.
Aquela noite, no meu pátio, quando estava à procura do que restava dela, eu pude sentir a sua dôr.
What were you doing at the Institute looking for her?
Foi procurá-la ao Instituto para quê?
- Were you looking at this girl? - What?
- Estavas a olhar para aquela rapariga?
What were you doing at Aaron's house? What were you looking for?
O que fazias na casa do Aaron?
- What's that stuff you were looking at?
O que estava a ver?
You know, I used to think that the Vorlon planetkillers were scary... but now, I don't even know what I'm looking at.
Sabe, eu pensava que os destruidores de planetas Vorlons eram assustadores... mas agora, eu nem sei para o que estou a olhar.
Is this what you were looking for earlier at that architectural firm?
Era disso que andavas à procuras naquele gabinete de arquitectura?
Even now, you were looking at your father to tell you what to do.
Disse-lhe para romper com o traste ou ficaria de fora do programa.
If you didn't know what you were looking at or for.
Se não soubéssemos que estávamos a olhar para um ou à procura de um.
- I just got this gut feeling... when you were looking at me... that you like me. - What?
- Acho que gosta de mim.
You know what I kept thinking when we were looking at that house?
Sabes no que estive sempre a pensar ao olhar para aquela casa?
What were you looking at?
O que estavas a ver?
What were you guys looking for at my hotel?
O que é que vocês estavam à procura, no meu hotel?
That's not what you were looking at.
Não era para isso que estavas a olhar.
What you were probably looking at were the aircraft warning lights on the Marblehead lighthouse.
Aquilo que terão visto, eram as luzes de aviso à aviação do farol de Marblehead.
What were you thinking? Just now, here on your own..... looking at the sky.
No que estava a pensar quando estava aqui sozinha a olhar para o céu?
At least that's what you said you were looking for.
Pelo menos, foi o que tu disseste que estavas à procura.
- What were you looking at?
- Para nada.
What the fucking hell were you looking at, then?
Então para onde é que estavas a olhar?
What were you doing outside the brownstone looking in at the exact time liz was there?
Que estava a fazer fora da obra a espreitar a Luz quando ela esteve lá?
God knows, guys have actually named names For a hell of a lot less than what you were looking at.
Sabe Deus que há quem tenha dito nomes por muito menos do que tu enfrentavas.
What were you just looking at, Caleb?
Estavas olhar para onde, Caleb?
If you were looking at what I'm looking at, you'd be in a hurry, too.
Se visses o que estou a ver, também tinhas pressa.
And, I don't know, I guess you were looking at a couple days off and... ( chuckles ) you thought, I think it's time for me and my dad to start spending some time together, or what
Então, acordaste ontem em Los Angeles e talvez tivesses uns dias de folga e pensaste : "Está na hora de passar uns tempos com o meu pai." Foi isso?
Isn't that what you were looking at? No, I was watching Annie dance with a drug dealer.
Eu estava a ver a Annie a dançar com aquele traficante.
Tell me what you were looking at.
Reparaste em alguma coisa. Diz-me o que viste.
It only made sense when you realized they already knew what they were looking for, and what they were looking for was the same woman whose picture we've been staring at for the last eight weeks.
Só fez sentido quando vocês concluíram que eles já sabiam o que procuravam. E o que eles procuravam era a mesma mulher cuja foto temos fixado, nas últimas 8 semanas.
Did you at least understand what you were looking at?
- Conheces o meu pai? - Percebeste ao menos onde estavas a olhar?
Is that what you were looking at?
Era isso que estavas a olhar?
You know, looking back, I realize, like, we all got together in that room at that time, and you know, I was still thinking about stuff with, like, my dad and loss and all that, and then what they were thinking about, having been through the situation with Andy and everything, so...
Olhando para trás, apercebo-me que, todos nos juntámos naquela sala naquele momento e eu ainda pensava em coisas como o meu pai e a perda e tudo isso, e depois o que eles estavam a pensar, passando pela situação com o Andy e tudo, por isso...
- Hello, daddy. What were you guys looking at?
- Para o que vocês estão olhando?
I saw what you two were looking at this morning- - the tattered box, old photographs.
Vi o que vocês os dois estavam a ver esta manhã. A caixa, fotografias antigas.
Hey, Uncle Hank, what about that case you were looking at with that crazy singing guy?
Tio Hank, como está aquele caso que estavas a investigar, sobre aquele cantor maluco?
What were you looking for back at the bar?
Andavas à procura de quê no bar?
Because when they were asking me what happened it seemed like you were looking at me like we were saying to each other,
Porque quando me perguntaram o que aconteceu, parecia-me que você tinha olhado para mim como se disséssemos um ao outro,
Seems you have a choice, you can die here at this crossroads a long way from home, or you can go back to your city and tell your masters you didn't find what you were looking for.
Parece-me que tens uma escolha : podes morrer aqui, nesta encruzilhada, longe de casa, ou podes voltar para a tua cidade e dizer aos teus senhores que não encontraste o que procuravas.
Looking at it, I didn't see how you were gonna reinvigorate it by bringing in people who were already enamored by it, because all you were gonna do was reproduce what was going on before.
Olhando para ele, eu não via como ia ele revigorá-los trazendo pessoas que já estavam "enamoradas" por eles, porque tudo o que ele ia fazer era reproduzir o que já tinha acontecido antes.
Last time you were over at the house, you were looking at that photo album. What'd you do with it?
A última vez que vieste a casa, estiveste a ver o álbum de fotos.
When you look at the Obama website where they were looking for information-what is important to you, what do want to see us do?
Quando vemos o site de Obama onde procuravam informação : "O que é importante para si? O que gostaria de ver-nos fazer?"