While you were gone translate Portuguese
213 parallel translation
While you were gone, I kept your name on his lips, your praises in his ears.
Enquanto estiveste fora, mantive o teu nome em seus lábios... e os teus elogios em seus ouvidos.
They went in there yesterday morning while you were gone.
Ontem de manhã, enquanto esteve fora.
Someone was in here yesterday while you were gone.
Ontem esteve aqui alguém, enquanto estavas fora.
- We did a bit of work while you were gone.
- Trabalhamos muito enquanto esteve fora.
Miss Lucy-Ann would not sleep a wink while you were gone.
A menina Lucy-Ann não dormiria Piscada enquanto você estava fora.
This cable came while you were gone.
Este telegrama chegou quando estavam fora.
- well, while you were gone all that time... I was here fighting that same rotten system every day.
- Enquanto estiveste fora, eu estive aqui a lutar contra esse sistema corrupto, todos os dias.
I loved you while you were gone.
Amei-te depois que te foste embora.
While you were gone, as I was holdin'Buddy, I thought if that bastard, Frank Bennett... ever tries to take my child,
Mas enquanto estiveste fora, peguei no Buddy ao colo e pensei que se o sacana do Frank Bennett tenta levar-me o meu filho,
- Audrey, while you were gone,
- Audrey, enquanto estiveste fora,
David Kleinfeld became a very big fish while you were gone.
Kleinfeld tornou-se um tubarão, enquanto você esteve ausente.
You know, a lot of things happened around here while you were gone.
Muita coisa aconteceu aqui desde que te foste embora.
While you were gone, we spoke to Starfleet Command.
Enquanto esteve fora, falámos com a Frota Estelar.
While you were gone, I found something that will get us out of here.
Enquanto estiveste fora, descobri uma coisa que nos vai tirar daqui.
Wilson subbed for you while you were gone.
O Wilson substituiu-te enquanto estiveste desaparecido.
Seems we've developed a new problem while you were gone.
Parece que desenvolvemos outro problema enquanto esteve fora.
It happened while you were gone, but it was a good thing.
Aconteceu enquanto estavam desaparecidos, mas foi uma coisa boa.
So now you have an excuse to give your mother why you didn't practice while you were gone.
Então agora você tem uma desculpa para dar à sua mãe do porque você não praticar enquanto esteve fora.
You asked me to take control of the bank while you were gone.
Você pediu-me para tomar controlo da banca enquanto você estivesse fora.
He's never been without that while you were gone.
Ele nunca andou sem aquilo desde que partiste.
While you were gone, we heard about more attacks.
Enquanto estiveste fora, nós ouvimos falar de mais ataques.
John Doe shot up in the polls while you were gone.
John Doe disparou na tabela enquanto estiveste fora.
While you were gone, I bought some soldier toys from Joe.
Quando estiveste fora, comprei alguns soldados ao Joe.
I guess I just got used to all the quiet while you were gone.
Acho que me habituei ao silêncio enquanto estavas fora.
Packed while you were gone.
Fiz as malas na tua ausência.
Did you run into any kind of trouble while you were gone?
Vocês tiveram algum problema por lá?
While you were gone, I breathed some of the sulphur-based environment..... being created by the ship.
Quando vocês se foram embora, respirei o ar do ambiente de enxofre que a nave está a criar.
Burt, while you were gone there was this conga line of cement trucks going up to your place.
Enquanto estiveste fora, havia uma fila indiana de betoneiras até tua casa.
He moved in while you were gone, started this business taking people out on graboid safaris.
Mudou-se para cá quando estavas fora, começou o negócio... levando as pessoas a safaris de grabóides.
I looked up Swedish web sites while you were gone.
Andei a navegar em sites suecos enquanto estiveste fora.
We make love here everyday while you were gone.
Fizemos amor aqui todos o dias enquanto você estava fora.
You'll be happy to know, while you were gone, things went well here, too.
Na sua ausência, as coisas também correram bem por aqui.
While you were gone, some guy came by to compliment me on my headlights.
Enquanto não estavas, um tipo passou aqui e elogiou-me os faróis.
I looked something up while you were gone.
Enquanto não estava, estive a procurar uma coisa.
( Clears Throat ) Look, man, I got to talk to you about some things... that happened while you were gone this summer.
Ouve, meu, tenho de te contar umas cenas... que aconteceram enquanto estiveste fora este verão.
Enquanto não estavas, ela disse que te poria a trabalhar com a LJJ se eu comesse contigo de vez em quando.
Honey... something happened while you were gone, something bad.
Querida aconteceu uma coisa quando estavas fora, uma coisa muito má.
While you were gone, she didn't make it after delivering the baby.
Enquanto estavas fora, ela não conseguiu, durante o parto
Oh yeah, while you were gone, I sent plenty of money to your folks
Ah sim, enquanto estiveste fora, mandei algum dinheiro aos teus pais.
I got you something while you were gone.
Comprei-te uma coisa enquanto estiveste fora.
While you were at it, you might as well have gone to the other side.
Já que lá estavas, podias ter atravessado.
- We missed you so while you were gone.
Sentimos muitas saudades, mamãe.
While you were gone we lost three more troopers.
Depois que você partiu perdemos mais três soldados.
Did you notice any unusual symptoms while we were gone? No, nothing at all.
Ela apresentou sintomas estranhos?
Three days ago, while you and Buck were gone :
- Há três dias. Quando tu e o Buck não estavam.
Two men came while you were gone.
- Dois homens vieram quando saiu.
Look, Doc, I'm impressed with the way you handled yourself while we were gone.
Olha Doutor, eu realmente estou impressionado pela maneira como lidou com essa situação, na nossa ausência.
Julie Cooper- - definitely understands the weakness of man. You were gone for a while.
Bom, a parte triste é que acho que vais mesmo.
You were gone a while, Mist.
Demoraste bastante, Mist.
Were you busy while I was gone?
Divertiu-se na minha ausência?
WATKINS : You were gone a while, huh?
- Ficou fora bastante tempo, hein?
while you were sleeping 17
while you can 25
while you're at it 123
while you 41
while you were away 22
while you're here 68
while you still can 38
while you were out 22
while you're doing that 16
while you're there 26
while you can 25
while you're at it 123
while you 41
while you were away 22
while you're here 68
while you still can 38
while you were out 22
while you're doing that 16
while you're there 26