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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / Why would you want to

Why would you want to translate Portuguese

1,175 parallel translation
- But why would you want to rip me off?
Mas porque ias querer roubar-me?
- Why would you want to help me?
- Porque é que me quererias ajudar?
I said, "Why would you want to?"
Perguntei : "Qual é o teu interesse nisso?"
So, why would you want to tamper with such a rosy timeline? To answer that,
Para responder a isso, eu teria de lhe dizer mais do que você quer saber.
I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but why would you want to marry me?
Nunca pensei vir a dizer isto, mas... Porque queres casar comigo?
Why would you want to leave it?
Para que quer ir?
Why would you want to do that?
Gee, Michael, why would you want to go to Vegas with Max in the first place?
Michael, porque é que querias vir a Las Vegas com o Max?
Why would you want to go to school in the same town you grew up in?
Pois, mas para que estudar na cidade onde se cresceu?
Why would you want to buy the bad land too?
Porque compraram também as terras más?
Why would you want to marry me for anyhow?
Porque é que queres casar comigo de qualquer maneira?
Why would you want to do that?
Porque é que querem fazer uma coisa dessas?
Why would you want to?
Porque é que quererias muda-lo?
Why would you want to do that?
Porque queria fazer isso?
Why would you want to do that?
Porque quererias fazer isso?
But why would you want to leave all that fame, Mr. Presley?
Mas, por que quereria deixar toda aquela fama, Sr. Presley?
- Why would you want to be associated with that troublemaker?
- Porque andas com esse rapaz problemático?
Why would you want to think about it so much?
Porque é que hás-de querer pensar tanto nisso?
Why would you want to kill squirrels?
Porque queres matar esquilos?
Why would you want to have sex six times in one day?
Para quê fazer sexo seis vezes num dia?
Why would you want to do something like that?
Por que haverias de querer fazer uma coisa dessas?
Why would you want to stop her?
Por que iria impedi-la?
- Why would you want to?
Porque quererías?
Because why would you want to go to your ex-fiance wedding?
Porque quererias ir ao casamento do teu ex-noivo?
Why would you want to remember?
Por que haveria de se querer lembrar?
Why would you want to struggle so long and hard... to get that pain back?
Por que quereria alguém esforçar-se tanto para recuperar essa dor?
- Why would you want to do that?
- Por que quer fazer isso?
Why would you want to forget it?
Por que quer esquecê-lo?
Why would Jackie ask you to make out with her if she didn't want you to?
Porque estaria a Jackie a pedir para curtires com ela se ela não o quisesse?
Why would Jeremy want to hurt you?
Qual a razão para o Jeremy vos querer fazer mal?
- Why would he want to see you?
- Por que acha que ele quer te ver? .
You want to know why a Jew would help a German?
Você quer saber por que é que um Judeu ajuda um Alemão?
Why is it, would you say, that some people seem to get whatever they want in life?
Por que será que algumas pessoas conseguem ter tudo o que querem na vida?
Now you want me to risk my ass busting into some place, probably disable some fancy little alarm system, then you want me to play doorman for you and your rich little friends. Now you tell me- - why in the hell would I want to do something like that?
Diz-me lá por que raio havia eu de querer fazer uma coisa dessas?
- Why would he want to hurt you? - I don't know.
- Por que queria fazer-te mal?
Why would she want to kill either one of you?
Por que quereria matá-los?
Now, why on earth would you want to counteract that?
Por que diabo quer contradizer isso?
Trust me girls, trust me on this one- - you do not need padding to tackle upholstery. So please- - once and for all, tell me why on earth you would want me to sit on one of these!
Acreditem no que estou a dizer, meninas, não precisam de chumaços para lidar com estofos, por isso, por favor, de uma vez por todas, digam-me por que raio querem que me sente nisto?
Why the hell would you not want her to touch you?
Porque é que não queres que ela te toque?
Why in the world would you want to do that?
Porque é que fariam isso?
! Why... would you want to play football?
Porque... querem jogar futebol americano?
Boy, you want to give me one good reason why you would steal a Snickers bar.
Rapaz, dá-me uma boa razão para o facto de estares a roubar uma barra de chocolate?
Why would he lead me to you, knowing that you'd want to flush him out?
Porque me levaria a si, sabendo que você quer matá-lo.
I would never make this an official request, but I also know that what you want more than anything is to destroy SD-6 and bring an end to The Alliance. If she can help us, then why not use her?
Nunca faria disto um pedido oficial, mas também sei que ambicionas destruir a SD-6 e acabar com a Aliança, e se ela nos pode ajudar, porque não usá-la?
Why would I want to leave you behind?
Porque iria querer deixar-vos para trás?
Why would I want to spy on him for you?
Porque quereria eu espiá-lo para si?
Robbie, please, why would I want to keep you from getting that job?
Por que haveria eu de te impedir de conseguires o lugar?
Why the hell would you want to remember me like that?
Porque me queres recordar assim?
And I don't know why you would want to do that.
E não sei por que quererias fazê-lo.
Why would they want to hurt you?
Porque é que te queriam magoar?
Why would a smart kid like you want to hear hokey old stories?
Que interesse têm estas histórias de velhos para um rapaz esperto como tu?

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