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Windermere translate Portuguese

47 parallel translation
Have you seen lady windermere's new carriage, dear?
Viu o novo coche de Lady Windermere, querida?
Are you going to Windermere?
- Vai para Windermere?
What's so important about Windermere?
O que há de importante em Windermere. Uma rapariga?
And if I take you to Windermere, I'll be late.
Se o vou levar até Windermere, vou atrasar-me!
I was bringing this lot to a shopkeeper in Windermere.
Ia levar este lote a uma loja em Windermere.
See, reasonable prices for Windermere.
Veja, preços razoáveis para Windermere.
You were discoursing for the one who wants to go for Windermere.
Razoáveis para quem quer ir para Windermere.
- It is put up in Windermere.
- Está hospedado em Windermere.
He paid the ticket up to Windermere.
Ele pagou o bilhete até Windermere.
An hour later, it arrives an old lady to Windermere with the miniatures and it directs for the hotel where Wood is.
Uma hora mais tarde, chega uma senhora idosa a Windermere com as miniaturas e encaminha-se para o hotel onde está Wood.
The type of the moustache had an accomplice to the wait in a fast car what took it the Windermere while he was disguising himself as the bank from behind.
O tipo do bigode tinha um cúmplice à espera num carro veloz que o levou a Windermere enquanto ele se disfarçava no banco de trás.
And the one who had a fast car to bring the Windermere near?
E quem tinha um carro veloz para chegar a Windermere?
It was trying to realize like the miniatures they had been going to stop the Windermere.
Tentava perceber como as miniaturas tinham ido parar a Windermere.
Yes, we used to have a little boat in Windermere.
Sim, costumávamos ter um bote em Windermere.
Windermere? Good.
- Do lago Windermere?
I'm goin'to Fuengirola. You're stayin'at the Windermere.
Eu vou para Fuengirola, tu vais para a Pensão Windermere.
- It's a pleasure, Mrs Windermere.
- Igualmente, Sra. Windemere.
- There's Mr Windermere.
- Lá está o Sr. Windemere.
I don't suppose Mr Windermere would be pleased to hear it.
O Sr. Windemere não ia gostar de ouvir isso.
It would seem, Mr Windermere agrees with you.
Parece que o Sr. Windemere concorda com você.
For Margaret Windermere.
Margaret Windemere.
Ah, Mrs Windermere.
Ah, Sra. Windemere.
Mrs Windermere.
Sra. Windemere.
And Mrs Windermere has no idea?
E a Sra. Windemere nem desconfia?
And Mr Windermere's visits?
E as visitas do Sr. Windemere?
I'll have to get it from Mr Windermere.
Tenho que pegar com o Sr. Windemere.
Meg, of the magnificent Windermere's?
Meg, dos magníficos Windemere?
That Meg Windermere is your daughter?
Que... Meg Windemere é sua filha?
Go with Mr Windermere.
Vá com o Sr. Windemere.
Windermere's fortune exceeds Tuppy's.
Windemere é mais rico do que Tuppy.
Mrs Windermere and Mrs Erlynne... look like mother and daughter, don't they?
A Sra. Windemere e a Sra. Erlynne... parecem mãe e filha, não?
Mrs Windermere?
Sra. Windemere?
- Take Windermere to the club.
- Leve Windemere até o clube.
I must have picked up Mrs Windermere's by mistake.
Creio que peguei o da Sra. Windemere por engano.
It seems I'm the ass, Windermere. Not you.
Parece que o idiota sou eu, Windemere, não você.
It's your father, Mr Windermere.
É seu pai, Sr. Windemere.
We all straddle the abyss, Mrs Windermere.
Todos transpomos o abismo, Sra. Windemere.
Goodbye, Mrs Windermere.
Adeus, Sra. Windemere.
- This is the Potters'for Windermere.
- Estas são dos Potters para Windermere.
And we all had Jags and we had a speedboat.
Costumavamos fazer watersky en Windermere.
We used to go water-skiing on Windermere.
Eles tocavam rock n roll mas com algo mais.
So I thought we'd take the B5278 along the west bank of Windermere.
Acho que podemos apanhar a B5278 ao longo da margem oeste de Windermere.
Then set off those paper lanterns. Should be beautiful.
Vão atar uma fita à volta de uma pedra e depois atirá-la para o Windermere.
Take me there.
Depois leve o carro até Windermere.
Keep the car to go to Windermere and I'll send someone for it.
Alguém irá buscá-lo.
Put it down, you!
Windermere, Flórida Dia de Acção de Graças - 2009 02 : 15 Larga isso, cabra!
They're gonna tie a ribbon around a pebble and then chuck it into the Windermere.
Tenho que fazer um casamento lésbico em Lakes.

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