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Windham translate Portuguese

41 parallel translation
- I gotta call Windham.
- É melhor chamar o Windham.
Here's the Windham file.
Aqui está o processo de Windhame.
We're defending Brooke Windham... whose very wealthy husband was found shot to death... in their Beacon Hill mansion.
Estamos defendendo Brooke Windham... Seu esposo milionário foi morto por um tiro em sua mansão em Beacon Hill.
Mrs. Windham Vandermark is on line two for you.
A Sra. Windham Vandermark está na linha 2 para você.
Mrs. Windham Vandermark?
Sra. Windham Vandermark?
We're here today covering the trial of Brooke Windham.
Estamos aqui para ver o caso de Brooke Windham.
She's charged with the murder of her husband... Boston millionaire Heyworth Windham.
acusada de assassinar seu marido... o milionário de Boston Heyworth Windham.
This is the uniform... Mrs. Windham asked you to wear while cleaning her pool?
Este é seu uniforme... que Mrs. Windham lhe pedia que usasse enquanto limpava a piscina?
Are you having an affair with Brooke Windham?
Tem um caso com Brooke Windham?
Have you and Mrs. Windham had sexual relations?
Teve relações sexuais com a sra. Windham?
Mr. Salvatore, do you have any proof... that you and Mrs. Windham were having an affair?
Sr. Salvatore, tem alguma prova... de que você e a sra. Windham tinham um caso?
Did you ever take Mrs. Windham on a date?
Alguma vez levou a sra. Windham para jantar?
How long have you been sleeping with Mrs. Windham?
Há quanto tempo está dormindo com a sra. Windham?
Mrs. Windham, you do realize what you're doing?
Sra. Windham, Está certa do que está fazendo?
Miss Windham... when you arrived back at the house... was your father there?
Srta. Windham... Quando voltou a sua casa...
But Mrs. Windham didn't have a gun?
Mas, srta. Windham não havia uma arma?
Miss Windham, did you hear a shot fired?
Srta. Windham, ouviu algum tiro?
Miss Windham... what had you done earlier that day?
Srta. Windham... O que fez antes nesse dia?
Miss Windham, had you ever gotten a perm before?
Srta. Windham, alguma vez fez permanentes antes?
Brooke Windham wouldn't have had time to hide the gun... before you got downstairs... which would mean you would have had to have found...
Brooke Windham não teria como esconder a arma... antes de você descer as escadas...
Bailiff, take the witness into custody... where she will be charged for the murder of Heyworth Windham.
Guarda, Ponha a testemunha sob custódia... Onde será acusada do assassinato de Heyworth Windham.
In the matter of The State vs. Brooke Windham... this case is dismissed.
Em relação ao caso O Estado vs. Brooke Windham... Está encerrado!
Mrs. Windham, you are free to go.
Sra. Windham, está livre para ir.
I'm told that, after I left Camden, she got really drunk and went wandering through Windham House and did the whole football team.
Anos depois, já eu tinha deixado a Camden, ela apanhou um grande pifo, meteu-se na Windham House e fez toda a equipa de futebol da universidade.
A police station in Windham Harbor, please.
Uma esquadra de polícia em Windham Harbor, por favor.
It's sunny in Windham Harbor.
Está sol em Windham Harbor.
Connecticut state troopers are investigating a fatal hit-and-run accident on Reservation Road outside Windham Harbor last night.
A Polícia Estatal do Connecticut está a investigar um acidente mortal... na Reservation Road perto de Windham Harbor, ontem à noite.
So an ER doc from Windham Memorial - I.D.'d Neil from the pictures we sent.
Um médico das Urgências do Windham Memorial identificou o Neil pelas fotografias que mandámos.
Let me introduce you to Lord and Lady Windham.
Deixa-me apresentar-te ao Lorde e Lady Wyndham.
And when he has two legs, he is gonna storm up out of that basement and destroy that pink CD player and that fucking Windham Hill CD that your mom bought. Hey.
E quando tiver pernas, vai sair da cave e destruir aquele leitor rosa de CDs e aquele CD do Windham Hill que a tua mãe comprou.
What about, uh, Windham County, Connecticut?
Que tal o condado de Windham, Connecticut?
Windham County.
Condado de Windham.
1537 Windham Street.
Rua Windham, 1537.
I never knew so many people lived in Windam.
Não sabia que em Windham vivia tanta gente...
You know, yeah, I still had a tracking device on your limo from back in the day when I hated you, and I thought it was a little odd when your limo driver made a midnight trip to a romantic inn in Windham.
Eu ainda tinha um GPS na tua limusine desde a época de quando ainda te odiava, e achei estranho quando o teu motorista conduziu à meia-noite até uma pousada em Windham.
In fact, while attending university in Connecticut, he was known as the South Windham Whale.
Deram-Ihe uma alcunha pouco simpática em Connecticut.
But you never mentioned that you talked to a man at the Windham Tavern, a man who saw her leave with another person?
Mas, você nunca mencionou que tinha conversado com um homem na "Windham Tavern", um homem que viu a Angela sair com outra pessoa?
One block from the Windham Tavern.
A um quarteirão da "Windham Tavern".
Mr. Windham-Matson, sir.
- Sr. Wyndham-Matson, senhor.
Mrs. Windham with a gun in her hand... to make your story plausible.
O que significa que teria encontrado... a sra. Windham com a arma na mão... para sua estória ser possível.

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