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Worcester translate Portuguese

85 parallel translation
There came Northumberland, his son, Henry Percy, called Hotspur, and Worcester, whose purpose was ever to procure malice and set things in a broil.
Northumberland, seu filho Henrique Percy, chamado "Espora Ardente",... e Worcester, cujo objetivo sempre foi agir com malícia e tramar intrigas.
Worcester, get thee gone, for I do see danger and disobedience in thine eye.
- Worcester, saia daqui! Vejo em teus olhos a intriga, o rancor e a desobediência.
They say young Percy and Lord Worcester are 50,000 strong.
Dizem que Percy e Lorde Worcester contam com 50 mil homens.
Ill-spirited Worcester, did we not send grace, pardon and terms of love to all of you?
Falso e malvado Worcester,... não te oferecemos nosso perdão e afeto para ti e os teus?
Horace Tabor, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Horace Tabor, de Worcester, no Massachusetts.
Hit a vein this afternoon, and I aim to be back in Worcester by Christmas.
Achei um filão esta tarde, e estarei de volta a Worcester pelo Natal.
In Worcester, I had all the Polish section there.
Em Worcester, minha freguesia era toda polonesa.
- I don't need this F-N-G shit. - Well, write your congressman.
Eu não preciso de mais novatos, Worcester.
Sergeant Worcester! Ηi.
Sargento Worcester!
I see you've found a home in the army, Worcester.
Encontraste o teu lugar no exército, Worcester.
Look, I know too many goddamn names, Worcester, and I don't think one of them is worth Vietnam, Republic Of.
- Conheço demasiados homens. E qualquer deles vale mais que toda a porra do Vietname.
When we get out of this valley, Worcester... I'm gonna kick your ass.
Quando sairmos deste vale, Worcester... vou-te dar um pontapé no cú.
Worcester, move these men up.
Continuem a avançar!
Get Worcester on the horn and tell him we got his goddamn bunker!
Diz ao Worcester que já tomámos a primeira trincheira.
Get Worcester on the horn!
- Chama o Worcester pelo rádio! - Não te ouço!
All right, Worcester.
- Em frente, Worcester.
Ηey, Washburn, stay with him.
- Where's Worcester?
- E Worcester?
Well, he was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, 45 years ago, the only child of Franklin and Helene Sheldon, mediocre student, majored in History...
Nasceu em Worcester, no Massachusetts, há 45 anos, filho único de Franklin e Helene Sheldon, estudante medíocre...
After tomorrow Stephen marches for Worcester, and our murderer with him most likely.
Depois de amanhã, Stephen marcha para Worcester e o nosso assassino com ele.
This is Michelle Charters. She's a nurse at a convalescent home in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Esta é a Michelle Charters, enfermeira num lar de convalescença em Worcester, Massachusetts.
I was gonna spend a couple of days with my aunt in worcester, mass., but now...
Ia passar uns dias com minha tia. Mas agora...
We received word today from Sub-Prior Herward of Worcester.
Recebemos um pedido do sub prior Herward de Worcester.
They left Worcester alone?
Saíram de Worcester sozinhos?
A party in flight from Worcester
Um grupo fugido de Worcester.
De Worcester?
This is Sister Hilaria who came with us from Worcester.
É a Irmã Hilaria que nos acompanhou desde Worcester.
It was what she wanted all along and she only agreed to leave Worcester so she could go to him.
Só concordou em fugir de Worcester para poder ir ter com ele.
My Lord Boterel, ever since the Sub-Prior of Worcester sent word that they were lost, we have been in search of Lady Ermina Hugonin and her companions.
Meu Senhor Boterel, desde que o sub prior de Worcester, nos comunicou que estavam perdidos, temos procurado a Menina Ermina Hugonin e os seus acompanhantes.
I got all these things I got to do back in Worcester
Tenho tanto que fazer lá em Worcester
I gotta get back to Worcester tomorrow
Tenho de regressar a Worcester amanhã
I got to go back to Worcester and get my stuff
Eu ainda tenho de passar por Worcester a apanhar as minhas coisas
I do, I do know where I'm going I'm going back to Worcester
Está bem, eu sei para onde vou Vou de regresso a Worcester
John, who succeeded him, was buried in England, mostly in Worcester Cathedral, because the Monks of Craxton Abbey had taken care to steal away his entrails, making John in death, as he'd been in life, one could say, gutless.
O seu irmão João, que o sucedera, foi enterrado em Inglaterra, na sua maior parte, na catedral de Worcester, porque os monges da abadia de Craxton fizeram o favor de lhe roubar as entranhas, fazendo de João, na morte, como ele fora em vida, o mesmo é dizer : sem tripas ( cobarde ).
Now my brother and I are actually members of the Worcester Chamber of Commerce.
Agora eu e o meu irmão até somos membros da Associação Comercial de Worcester.
- Layla Moore, raised from the age of three by Tom and Susan Moore of Worcester, Mass.
- Layla Moore. Criada desde os três anos por Tom e Susan Moore de Worcester.
I'm gonna show you some pictures, and I want you to tell me who they are.
Alunos do 1º Ano Worcester, Massachusetts - Vou mostrar-te algumas imagens, e quero que me digas quem são eles.
When I start the music, you are gonna begin traveling through general space.
Escola Elementar Francis J. McGrath Worcester, Massachusetts. - Quando eu ligar a música, vocês vão começar a movimentar-se pelo espaço comum.
And you want the Worcester?
Quer a diocese de Worcester?
Our first skater for the short program is Zoey Bloch from Worcester, Massachusetts.
A primeira patinadora do Programa Curto é Zoey Bloch de Wooster, Massachusetts.
There's a history that was published at about the turn of the century that goes into great detail about Lucy.
No princípio do século publicaram a história de Worcester County, referindo-se extensivamente à Lucy.
We're not even supposed to be doing this shit this close to Worcester.
Não devíamos traficar tão próximos de Worcester.
This side of Worcester.
Deste lado de Worcester.
True infernos have raged hot and long in steel-framed buildings, but not one of the buildings ever came down
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Verdadeiros infernos tem incendiado edifícios de aço por mais tempo mas nenhum destes edifícios jamais caíram.
This is not Worcester, James.
Isto não é Worcester.
Room 509, worcester park hotel.
Hospedado no quarto 509 do Hotel Worcester Park.
At approximately 10 : 17 this morning, a massive power surge struck a downtown high-rise in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Aproximadamente às 10h17 de hoje, um enorme pico de tensão atingiu um arranha-céus na baixa de Worcester, Massachusetts.
How now, my Lord of Worcester.
Escute-me, milorde Worcester, é triste que nos encontremos assim...
Bear Worcester to the death.
- Leve-o à execução.
- No shit.
- Worcester!
Jonathan Barnett, PhD., Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Jonathan Barnett, PhD.

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