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Worthington translate Portuguese

95 parallel translation
Won't you sit down, Miss Worthington?
Quer sentar-se, Menina Worthington?
Worthington can drive me home later, can't he? Of course.
O Worthington depois pode levar-me a casa, não pode?
Hello, this is Mrs. Worthington Proudfoot.
Olá, esta é a Sra. Worthington Proudfoot.
( in high-toned accent ) : Mrs. Worthington Proudfoot and party.
Sra. Worthington Proudfoot e grupo.
The Worthington Bank Gang? Precisely.
A quadrilha do Banco de Worthingdon?
You may have heard of the great Worthington bank affair?
Não ouviu falar do famoso caso do Banco de Worthingdon?
- Congratulations, Miss Worthington.
- Parabéns, Menina Worthington.
- Oh, congratulations, Miss Worthington.
- Muitos parabéns, Menina Worthington.
Just finished, Mr. Worthington.
Acabámos, Sr. Worthington.
Miss Worthington, someone has to make a selection.
Menina Worthington, alguém tem de fazer a selecção.
What have you done with the real Mr. Worthington?
O que fez com o verdadeiro Sr. Worthington?
I'm an attorney with Worthington, Ferris, and Clarke... and we're initiating a new public service program.
Sou procurador na Worthington, Ferris e Clarke, e começámos agora um programa de serviço público.
Not Mrs. Worthington's Rolls-Royce?
O Rolls-Royce da Sra. Worthington?
Tomorrow at 12 : 00, I'm marrying Wendy Worthington.
Amanhã às 12 : 00 irei casar-me com a Wendy Worthington.
You, marry Wendy Worthington?
Você, casar-se com a Wendy Worthington?
- Oh, Mr. Worthington.
- Sr. Worthington.
Well, what about Mrs. Worthington's car?
E o carro da Sra. Worthington?
Hey, this is where Wendy Worthington lives.
É aqui que vive a Wendy Worthington.
Don't worry, Miss Worthington.
Não se preocupe, Menina Worthington.
She was at the Children's Hospital... because they just opened the Wendy Worthington wing.
Ela estava no Hospital Pediátrico, pois abriram lá a ala da Wendy Worthington.
Miss Worthington, your application is very impressive.
Menina Worthington, a sua candidatura é impressionante.
Now, Loudon... I see here that you're with Worthington, Ferris and Clarke.
Loudon, vejo aqui que trabalha para a Worthington, Ferris e Clarke.
I'm marrying Wendy Worthington in two hours, as scheduled.
Vou casar com a Wendy Worthington em duas horas, como combinado.
Hey, this is the Worthington place.
Esta é a residência dos Worthington.
"His daughter does not put in the stage, Mrs. Worthington."
"Não ponha a sua filha no palco, Sra. Worthington."
And heading to the VIP box, behind Senator Rawlings, the Honorable Nigel Worthington, British Ambassador, who with dignitaries from all over the world are now taking their seats for the formal opening of the Jerico Games and the dramatic lighting of the Friendship Torch.
E dirijo-me agora aos VIPs detrás do Senador Rawlings, está o Honorável Nigel Worthington, Embaixador britânico que junto com outras personalidades de todo o mundo procura tomar o seu lugar para a abertura formal dos Jogos de Jericó e a iluminação da Tocha da Amizade.
Mrs. Worthington, I want you to note all test and exam times for Ms. Paula Bell.
Sra. Worthington, quero que faça uma lista dos horários das provas da Srta. Paula Bell.
She can't be expected to control the world, Mrs. Worthington. Her alarm didn't go off.
Claro, ela não pode controlar o mundo, e seu alarme não soou.
Wally. Wally Worthington.
É Wally Worthington.
- All aboard, Mrs. Worthington.
Todos abordo, mrs.
- Thank you, Arthur.
Mornin', Miss Worthington.
Bom dia, mrs. Worthington.
When the plane was hit, the crew chief and the radioman jumped close together. The co-pilot jumped third, all on Captain Worthington's orders.
O chefe técnico e o rádio - - telegrafista saltaram juntos, o co-piloto depois, tudo por ordem do Cap.
They never saw Captain Worthington's parachute either.
E também nunca viram o pára - - quedas do Cap. Worthington.
Captain Worthington is paralyzed from the waist down.
- O capitão está paralizado.
I'm Nola Fox Worthington.
Por favor, perdoe-me.
- Victor's sister. - Victor's sister?
Chamo-me Nola Fox-Worthington, sou irmã do Victor.
Steve had a Worthington 1000 delivered to his home office.
O Steve mandou entregar a casa dele um Worthington 1000.
You install a Worthington 1000 only if you've got something big to guard.
Só se instala um Worthington 1000 se se tiver algo grande para guardar.
She can crack the Worthington 1000 without flinching.
Ela arromba um Worthington 1000 sem pestanejar.
- This isn't the Worthington 1000.
- Não é o Worthington 1000.
Yeah, and Blinken, Worthington, Goffman.
Sim, e o Blinken, o Worthington, o Goffman...
- I'm Lofty Thadious Worthington Pigeon.
- Ei, quem pensas que és? - Sou o Pombo Lofty Wellignton.
Miss Diane Worthington.
Miss Diane Worthington.
Her name was Mary Worthington.
O nome dela era Mary Worthington.
But the Mary Worthington murder that one still gets me.
Mas o homicídio de Mary Worthington... Esse ainda me está atravessado.
That's too bad, Mr. Worthington.
Que pena, Mr. Worthington.
Secretary McCoy, welcome to Worthington Labs.
Secretário McCoy, bem-vindo aos Laboratórios Worthington.
The source of the cure is a mutant. A child at Worthington Labs.
A cura está num garoto mutante nos Laboratórios Worthington.
Worthington, W,
Worthingdon. "W".
- Come in.

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