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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / Would i lie to you

Would i lie to you translate Portuguese

225 parallel translation
Would I lie to you, child?
Eu, mentir?
Why would I lie to you?
Por que eu mentiria para você?
Would I lie to you?
Porque havia de te mentir?
Would I lie to you?
Eu mentiria para você?
Would I lie to you?
Eu ia mentir-te?
Would I lie to you about something like that?
Mentiria sobre uma coisa dessas?
- Yeah, why would I lie to you?
- Sim, porque haveria de te mentir?
Why would I lie to you?
Por que havia eu de te mentir?
Hey, would I lie to you?
Acha... que lhe iria mentir?
Would I lie to you?
Acha que lhe mentia?
- Why would I lie to you?
- Por que iria mentir-te?
Would I lie to you?
Eu mentiria-te?
Hey, would I lie to you?
Olha, eu mentiria para voce?
- Why would I lie to you?
- Porque havia de te mentir?
- Would I lie to you?
- Eu mentia-vos?
- Why would I lie to you?
- Por que lhes mentiria eu?
Lie to you? Why would I lie to you?
Porque haveria de te mentir?
- Would I lie to you?
- Acham que eu ia mentir-vos?
Would I lie to you?
E eu mentia-te?
Would I lie to you about something like that?
Eu mentia-te sobre uma coisa dessas?
- Would I lie to you?
- E eu mentia-lhe?
Now, what reason would I have to lie to you?
Porque haveria de mentir?
Neither would I want you to lie to me if I were a truck driver or a disk jockey.
Nem eu gostaria que você mentisse se eu fosse uma motorista de caminhão ou uma disk jockey.
Would I...? I wouldn't lie to you.
Eu não te mentiria.
What reason would I have in coming to you with a lie?
Porque viria até aqui para mentir?
I figured you'd be the one man in this town who would find it difficult to lie to me.
Achei que seria o único na cidade... que teria dificuldades de mentir para mim. O Sr. Dusaine é o perito em leis.
Would I lie to you?
- Não.
I know you are an honest man who would never lie to me.
Eu sei que és um homem honesto que nunca me mentirias.
I would not lie to you.
Eu não lhe iria mentir.
Would it bother you, Marcello if I were to lie down on your bed?
Não se importam... que me deite um pouco na vossa cama?
- Would I lie to a nice ape like you?
- Mentiria pra um símio como você?
I would lie to you if I told you the new roads would be easy.
Mentir-vos-ia se dissesse que os novos caminhos serão fáceis.
Would you prefer I lie to you?
Preferias que te mentisse?
I won't tell you that they are laid up, for the poor things have got nothing to lie upon and it would not be telling the truth. But you make them keep such rigid fasts that they are nothing but phantoms, ideas and mere shadows of horses.
Não vos direi que estão na palha, pois nem isso têm, os pobres, mas dais-lhes tão pouca comida que mais não são do que fantasmas.
The easiest thing would be to lie, but I like you...
A coisa mais simples seria a mentira, mas gosto de ti...
Anything I could tell you would be a lie, captain so how about we tag along with you to your destination and then we'll go our separate ways.
Tudo o que lhe disser, capitäo, será mentira. Por isso, que tal irmos com vocês até ao vosso destino e depois seguirmos os nossos caminhos separadamente.
Anything I could tell you would be a lie, captain so how about we tag along with you to your destination and then we'll go our separate ways.
Alguém! Penso que algumas destas plantas säo comestíveis.
If I were to say I felt for you, that would be a lie.
Se dissesse que sentia por ti, isso seria mentira.
I'm sure he would never lie to you.
Acredito que não lhe mentiria, nem a mim.
Why would I lie to you?
Juro por Deus.
Would you also rather I'd lie to you?
Preferias que eu te mentisse?
No. Absolutely not, because that would be a lie, and I wouldn't want to lie to you ever.
Não, de todo porque seria mentira e nunca desejaria mentir-lhe.
I would lie to you, but Kathy always tells the truth.
Eu mentir-te-ia, mas a Kathy diz sempre a verdade.
So I knew that down the road I would have to steer you away, that I would have to lie to you.
Por isso sabia que ao fundo da estrada, eu tinha de vos empurrar para fora, eu teria de vos mentir.
I know you would never lie to me.
Eu sei que nunca me mentirias.
- Because I knew you would lie to me.
- Por que sabia que ias mentir.
And the last thing that I would ever do is lie to you.
E a última coisa que faria... seria mentir-te.
I would never betray you. - Don't lie to me!
Nunca te trairia.
I would never lie to you.
Nunca te mentiria.
What makes me an exception is that I happen to be in love with you. And because we're married and because I would never lie to you or hurt you.
O que faz de mim uma excepção é que acontece que te amo estamos casados e nunca te mentiria nem te magoaria.
I said I would never lie to you, and I won't.
Disse que nunca te mentiria e não o farei.

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