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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / You'll get through this

You'll get through this translate Portuguese

136 parallel translation
Might as well get this through your head, Marian. You'll never go with Smith or anyone else as long as I'm alive.
Vê se isto entra na sua cabeça... nunca partirá com Smith, nem com ninguém, enquanto eu viver.
Maybe this drive will get through, and you'll have less to worry about.
Se esta manada passa, você ficará feliz.
If I ever get through this humiliation, you'll rue the day you ever met me.
Se eu escapar esta humilhação, lamentarás o dia que me conheceste.
Harmon, if I get you through this, it'll be for the department, not for you.
Harmon, Se te safar desta, será pelo departamento, não por ti.
A train's goin'through the outfield, but you strike this guy out,..... I'll take you with me tonight and get you drunk.
Um comboio passa fora do quadrado, mas tu põe-lo fora de jogo, vou-te levar comigo esta noite e embebedar-te.
You'll never know what I had to go through to get you two and this released.
Nem sabem aquilo que tive de passar para vos libertarem com isso.
But I'll call you tonight, and we'll get through this.
Mas ligo-te esta noite para conversarmos.
I'll get you through this, I promise.
Eu safo-te desta. Prometo.
But I know somehow you and I will be all right and we'll get through this.
Mas eu sei que você e eu nos sairemos bem.
We'll get him on the phone and arrange a meeting... so we can get through all this getting-to-know-you stuff, all right?
Vamos telefonar-lhe, e arranjar uma reunião... para podermos despachar esta coisa de nos conhecermos, está bem?
We'll get you through this.
Vamos fazer-te ultrapassar isto.
OK, I'll see how can you get through this night
Certo, veremos como você passa a noite.
Maybe if I stick your fuckin face through this window... you'll get unconfused.
E se te enfiar a cabeça pela janela... isso passa-te?
So, if I get through this, then you'll let me go?
Então, se eu passar esta, deixam-me ir?
We're gonna do this, you and me. And- - And we'll get through it.
Vamos os dois e ultrapassamos isto.
I'll get you through this.
Eu tiro-o desta enrascada.
I'll bet you $ 20 that you can't get through this entire meal without saying three words.
Aposto 20 dólares em como não aguentam a refeição sem dizer três palavras.
I'll get you through this, Nikita, but we can't do it now.
Eu ajudo-te a ultrapassar isto, mas não pode ser agora.
We'll get you through this.
Vamos ajudar-te a ultrapassar isto.
You'll get through this.
Já te acalmas.
- You'll get through this, Bill.
- Vais sair-te bem, Bill.
"Keep your head down... " focus on the job and you'll get through this- - just like you did in the last war. "
Não arranjes problemas foca-te no trabalho e vais conseguir passar por isto tal como fizeste na última guerra. "
You'll get through this, Seven.
Sairá disso 7.
Nobody's ever done that. You get through this, I'll get you anything you want.
Estás a dois dias de bater o recorde.
You'll get through this.
Vai conseguir safar-se desta.
You'll get through this.
Vais ultrapassar isto.
I'll get you through this.
Vou ajudar-te a ultrapassar isto.
Come on, pal. If you start crying, I'm gonna cry. And I'll never get through this.
Se começas a chorar, eu também choro e nunca mais ultrapassamos isto.
I'll get you through this.
Eu safo-te disto.
Carol, we'll get you through this.
Carol, vamos ajudar-te.
We'll get you through this, Trench.
Nós vamos te ajudar a ultrapassar isto, Trench.
It's you and it's me, and we'll get through this.
És tu e eu, e vamos ultrapassar isto.
I promise you, we'll get through this.
Prometo que vamos ultrapassar isto.
You'll get through this DUl and you'll be a better person for it.
Passas por este DUl e serás uma pessoa melhor por isso.
And when I get through with them, I doubt you'll be seeing anything strange on this farm for a long time.
Depois do que eu lhes disse, duvido que aconteçam coisas estranhas.
You'll get through this, I'm sure
Vais ultrapassar isto, tenho a certeza
I know this upsets you too. We'll get through it.
Sei que isto preocupa você também.
You'll get through this in spectacular fashion.
Você vai sair-se muito bem.
Get through this and I'll treat you as my own older brother.
Se te safares, trato-te como se fosses o meu irmão mais velho.
We'll get through this. You just stay with me.
Vamos ultrapassar isto.
Tony, I'll get back to you. I need a minute to think this through.
Preciso de um minuto para pensar no que devo fazer.
In the end, the most important thing to accept is that no matter how alone you feel, how painful it may be with the help of those around you, you'll get through this, too.
No final, a mais importante aceitação é que, não importa quão sozinho te sentes, quão doloroso possa ser com a ajuda dos que te rodeiam, vais ultrapassar isto também.
You'll get through this.
Hás-de ultrapassar isto.
- You'll get through this.
- Hás-de ultrapassar isto.
We'll get through this, but you gotta listen to me.
Vamos conseguir sair disto.
You'll get through this.
Vocês vão sobreviver a isto.
You'll get through this.
Vamos sair desta.
You and me, we'll get through this.
Vamos aguentar isto.
You'll get through this.
Você vai ultrapassar isto.
You'll get through this.
Vais superar isto.
I'm your lawyer, and I'll help you get through this, but the less you talk, the better, all right?
Sou o teu advogado, e vou-te ajudar a passar por isto. Mas quanto menos falares, melhor. Está bem?

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