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You'll get yourself killed translate Portuguese

42 parallel translation
You'll get yourself killed.
Vais é ser morto.
It's no use, Ben, you'll only get yourself killed!
Não vale a pena, Ben, apenas se fará matar!
Next time you'll probably just get yourself killed.
Não pode com eles a primeira vez. Agora provavelmente eles te matarão.
You'll get yourself killed.
Farás com que te matem.
But don't try to go to the fortress yourself,'cause you'll get killed.
Mas não tente chegar ao Forte sózinho, ou será morto.
You'll get yourself killed.
Ainda te matam.
- Bring me down. - You'll get yourself killed.
Desça mais.
You'll get yourself killed getting in.
Vais-te matar, se tentares lá entrar.
You'll get yourself killed!
Está louco! Vai ser morto.
You'll get yourself killed like that.
Assim ainda se mata.
Yeah, but you'll get yourself killed doing that in the street.
Ainda te matas a fazer isso no meio da rua.
- Go through the docks, you'll get yourself killed.
- Vai pelos portos de aterragem, e um dia vais morrer.
You'll get yourself killed.
Queres que te matem.
You'll only get yourself killed a day early.
Sabe, talvez deva prendê-lo a si, para sua própia protecção.
If you get yourself killed on my watch, I'll kill you again.
Se te matam durante a minha custódia, mato-te outra vez.
You'll just get yourself killed.
Vai acabar morto.
A kind heart is useless. you'll only get yourself killed,
Um coração amável é inútil, só conseguirá que te matem.
- You'll get yourself killed.
- Matam-te. - Está bem.
You'll get yourself killed doing that.
Vão matar-se a fazer isso.
You'll get yourself killed. - So could Lwendo.
- Também o Lwendo.
he's after you, not me, and he's turbocharged i want you to stay out of harm's way i'll take care of it you're not going by yourself you're gonna get killed just another day at the office
Ele anda atrás de ti, não de mim, e está super rápido. Quero que fiques longe de sarilhos. Eu trato disto.
You'll get yourself killed.
! Vais matar-te!
If you promise me that you won't do anything to get yourself killed, then I'll stay.
Se me prometeres que não farás nada que te possa matar eu ficarei. Está bem.
Please, just come in here, and we'll figure this out... before you get yourself killed.
Nós encontraremos uma solução antes que te matem.
- You'll get yourself killed.
Vais fazer com que te matem. Não vais entrar.
Maybe you'll get yourself killed.
Talvez morra.
You'll get yourself killed.
Fará com que o matem.
Yeah, maybe next time you'll think twice before you steal a rover and almost get yourself killed.
Sim, talvez para a próxima penses duas vezes antes de roubares um veículo e quase te matares.
- Yeah, that's right. Because I figure you'll get yourself killed before we even get started.
Porque imagino que arranje uma forma de ser morto antes mesmo de começarmos.
You'll get yourself killed.
Você vai se matar.
You'll get yourself killed. - Just stop, all right.
- Ainda te matas.
Yeah, you'll get yourself killed.
Pois, vais conseguir matar-te.
You'll get yourself killed.
Vais-te matar.
You'll get yourself killed.
Eles vão matar-te.
Don't be crazy, or you'll get yourself killed.
Não sejas doida, senão acabas morta.
You'll get yourself killed.
Vais acabar por ser morto.
No, you'll get yourself killed.
Não. Ainda a matam.
Okay, then ask yourself, if we tell Liv the truth, do you think this new version of Liv is liable to do something that'll get herself killed?
Então pergunta a ti mesmo, se contarmos a verdade à Liv, achas que esta nova versão da Liv é susceptível de fazer alguma coisa que a mate?
All right, I'll step aside, watch where you get yourself killed.
Está bem. Vou sair e ver-te morrer.
You'll get yourself killed.
Vais matar-te.

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