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You're going to kill him translate Portuguese

107 parallel translation
If you're going to pull out on us, Alberto, maybe it's best that you don't kill him.
Se é para fazer asneira, Alberto, é melhor não o matar.
You're going to kill him, aren't you?
Vai mata-lo não vai?
Drive next to him, get a good look at him - you're going to kill him.
Passa ao lado dele. Observa-o bem. Vais ter de o matar.
Today you're going to kill him because of something I've said or done?
Hoje vai matá-lo devido a alguma coisa que eu disse ou fiz?
Since you're so sure you're going to kill him... Here's a third of it now.
Já que está seguro que vai matá-lo... aqui está um terço.
Stop it, you're going to kill him.
Pare com isso, você vai matá-lo.
And you're not going to kill him.
E não vai matá-lo.
You're going to kill him?
Quer dizer que... Quer dizer que o vais matar?
Take a good look at him'cause you're going to kill him.
Vê-o bem, pois vais matá-lo.
You're going to kill him!
Vais matá-lo!
Don't, you're going to kill him!
Não, vais matá-lo.
Assume, if you Iike, that they're going to kill him.
Supõe, se quiseres, que vão matá-lo.
- You're going to kill him!
- Vais mata-lo! - Não me importa.
Will you stop it? You're going to kill him!
Você vai matá-lo!
You're going to kill him!
Vais matá-lo
You're going to have him kill me, too?
Vais ter que me matar também.
You're going to kill him!
Vão matá-lo!
You're going to kill him!
Vão matá-lo! Parem!
You're going to kill him?
Vais matá-lo?
If you don't bring me that film we're going to kill him, fuck him and film it.
Se não me trouxer aquele filme nós vamos matá-lo, fodê-lo e filmá-lo.
You're going to put him away even though he didn't kill the boy?
Então vão prendê-lo mesmo que ele não tenha matado o Davies?
So you're going to kill him?
Por isso vais matá-lo?
- You're going to let him kill himself?
- E deixa-o suicidar-se?
Geez, I didn't kill him, if that's where you're going to.
Não o matei, se é isso que insinua.
You're going to kill him!
Vai matá-lo.
- You mean, they're going to kill him?
- Eles vão matá-lo? - Não.
He wanted me to see his face because he was going to kill me, and now you're letting him go?
E agora vocês vão libertá-lo.
You're going to kill him, aren't you?
Ides matá-lo, é isso?
- Are you going to kill him, too? - We're not actually married.
- Não somos mesmo casados.
You're going to kill him.
- Vão matá-lo.
Because I think you're going to kill him.
Porque acho que vai matá-lo.
- You're going to kill him.
- Vais matá-lo!
.. but you're not going to kill him!
.. mas você não vai matá-lo.
but don't worry my friend. If he kills you, I'll kill him, either way, you're going to die.
Não te preocupes amigo, se ele te matar eu mato-o logo a seguir.
Basta, Jakub. You're going to kill him.
Pára Jakub, pára Vais matá-lo!
Now you're going to have to live with it or kill him.
Agora tens que viver com ele, ou matá-lo.
Se eu não voltar com o antídoto, você irá mata-lo, correcto?
You're not going there to offer him anything, you're going there to kill him.
- Não vais oferecer nada, vais matá-lo.
What do you want from me? You're going to kill him for me.
O que quer de mim?
And you're going to use it to kill the man who shot him down in cold blood.
E tu vais usá-la para matar o homem que o abateu a sangue frio.
You're going to kill him?
Vai matá-lo?
You're going to kill us all, but you saved him.
Vão matar-nos a todos, mas salvou-o.
God, what if I kill him? - You're not going to.
- Deus, e se eu o matar?
So, what, you're going to kill him?
Então... Você vai matá-lo?
But you heard them- - they're going To torture him and probably kill him.
Mas ouviu-os, irão torturá-lo e provavelmente matá-lo.
For God's sake, you're going to kill him!
Por Deus santo, vais matar-lo.
Mother Confessor, you're going to kill him!
Madre Confessora, vai matá-lo!
You're going to kill him.
Porque vais matá-lo.
That's enough, you're going to kill him.
Já chega, ainda dás cabo dele!
But if you go after him... if try and find him, they're going to kill Billy.
Se tentares encontrá-lo, vão matar o Billy.
- You're not going to kill him.
- Vou matá-lo. - Não vais matá-lo.

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