You're in charge now translate Portuguese
116 parallel translation
No. You're in charge now.
Não, não, agora você quem manda.
From now on, you're in charge.
Desde agora você está no cargo.
Well, now... since you're in charge here, any of them water barrels still whole?
Bem, agora... já que está no comando, algum dos barris ainda tem água?
You're in charge now.
Você está no comando agora.
You're in charge now, Lieutenant.
Você está no cargo agora, Tenente.
Hymie, why do you always take me so literally? What I mean is that you're in charge. Now wait a minute, Chief.
... Mr.Fitzmaurice escreverá um artigo que deixará a CONTROL definitivamente fora de cena.
Now, I see from the newspaper you're in charge of these strangling cases.
Penso que está encarregado dos casos do estrangulador.
Starting right now, you're to be in charge.
A partir de agora serás o chefe da barraca.
You're in charge, now.
Agora, tu é que mandas.
I'm in charge of this safari now, and if I say you're going to... keep it.
E se eu disser... Guarde-o!
You're in charge now.
Agora ficas tu a tomar conta.
And now you're in charge of setting the table.
E agora estás encarregada de pôr a mesa, meu amor.
- Looks like you're in charge now.
- A responsabilidade agora é sua.
You're in charge now, Telamon.
Fica no comando, Telamon.
You're in charge now.
Agora, quem manda és tu.
You're in charge of the world now. Don't be a sore winner.
Agora você está encarregado do mundo, não seja um mau ganhador.
- Kid, from now on you're in charge of the TV set.
Miúdo, ficas encarregado do televisor.
Red, you're in charge now.
Red, tu ficas agora a mandar.
Chief, I think that means you're in charge now.
- Chefe? - O que foi? Significa que agora está no comando.
From now on, you're gonna be in charge.
Agora, tu estarás no comando.
We used to live off my salary, but now you have to work, too, and never stop rubbing my face in it so that I know you're in charge now.
Antes vivíamos do meu ordenado sem problema, mas agora puseste-te a trabalhar na imobiliária e não paras de mo atirar à cara. Para não haver dúvidas que és tu quem manda.
You're in charge here now.
Agora é você que manda aqui.
And now you tell me you're going to kill Alvarez and I feel this little charge in my belly.
E agora me diz que matará ao Alvarez e sinto uma carga em meu ventre.
- You're in charge now, colonel.
- O comando é seu, Coronel.
Now, have you figured out a way to convince her we're in charge?
Bem, já descobriram uma maneira de a convencer que somos nós que mandamos?
I'm in charge of this investigation, and you're gonna hand me that envelope right now.
Estou encarregue desta investigação, e tu vais-me passar aquele envelope agora.
You're second in charge now.
És o segundo comandante a partir de agora.
You're in charge now.
Agora és tu que mandas.
- No, I'm doing it! No, because you're in charge now.
Não, porque és tu que mandas agora.
You're in charge now.
Agora mandas tu.
You're in charge now!
Agora você é quem manda.
You ´ re in charge of the quarry now instead of your husband.
Agora ocupa-se você dos assuntos da pedreira, como fazia o seu marido. Já vê.
All right, Reese, since you're so full of good ideas, why don't you be in charge of cleaning up the garbage from now on.
Certo, Reese, desde que você é assim cheio de idéias boas, por que não o fazer tome conta de limpeza para cima o lixo de agora em diante.
Jim, you're in charge of the vacation's schedule now.
Jim, estás a cargo da agenda para férias, agora.
You're a smart hombre, Horacio, smart enough so that now you're in charge of this operation.
És um homem inteligente, Horacio, o suficiente para ficares à frente da operação.
- You're in charge now.
- Foste eleito nosso chefe.
So that means you're in charge now?
Então és tu que mandas agora?
You're in charge now.
Agora és tu quem comanda.
You're in charge of the shop now.
Estás encarregue da loja agora.
You come traipsing across the island and suddenly now you're in charge?
Anda a vaguear pela ilha e, de repente, manda em todos?
Now, you're acting like you still in charge.
Estás a agir como se ainda mandasses.
Now you're acting like you still in charge.
E tu continuas a agir como se ainda mandasses.
Well, you're officially in charge now.
Bem, está oficialmente no comando agora.
Son from now on you're in charge. I'm staying.
Filho, agora estás tu no comando.
- I hear you're in charge now.
- Ouvi dizer que és o chefe agora.
President Igor, now that you're in charge, will pants continue to be as expensive and uncomfortable as they were under the previous administration?
Presidente Igor, agora que está no poder, as calças vão continuar a ser tão caras e desconfortáveis como eram na administração anterior?
You're the ranking agent in charge now.
- Eu? É a Agente no comando agora.
You're in charge now, remember?
Estás no comando agora, lembra-te?
Now, I know that you're in charge of the bridesmaids'dresses, but why are you wearing one?
Eu sei que estás encarregue dos vestidos, mas porque é que estás a vestir um?
Captain Piett, you're in charge now.
Capitão Piett, você comanda, agora.
I'm in charge of this family now, and you're going to respect me!
Quem manda nesta familia agora sou eu e tu vai-me respeitar!
you're invited 50
you're in here 32
you're in good hands 87
you're in a hurry 34
you're in over your head 30
you're in charge 189
you're in denial 28
you're in trouble 151
you're interested 30
you're incredible 103
you're in here 32
you're in good hands 87
you're in a hurry 34
you're in over your head 30
you're in charge 189
you're in denial 28
you're in trouble 151
you're interested 30
you're incredible 103
you're in my way 44
you're in danger 131
you're innocent 51
you're in control 31
you're in the way 44
you're in trouble now 22
you're in love 100
you're in luck 209
you're in love with me 20
you're insane 451
you're in danger 131
you're innocent 51
you're in control 31
you're in the way 44
you're in trouble now 22
you're in love 100
you're in luck 209
you're in love with me 20
you're insane 451