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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / You're still in love with her

You're still in love with her translate Portuguese

57 parallel translation
I don't care what she's done to you. You're still in love with her.
Não interessa o que ela te fez, continuas apaixonado por ela.
I'm glad to see you're still in love with her.
Que bom que ainda está apaixonado.
You're still in love with her, ain't you?
Ainda a amas, não é?
If you're still in love with her?
Se ainda estás apaixonado por ela?
You're still in love with her.
Ainda estás apaixonada por ela.
- You're still in love with her!
- Ainda a ama!
You're still in love with her.
Ainda estás apaixonado po ela.
You're still in love with her. And you would still be with her if you could.
E estarias com ela, se fosse possível.
And you're still in love with her.
E ainda estás apaixonado por ela.
Diane Wittlesey's mother died, you comfort her... and I make it into this big thing like you're still in love with her.
A mãe do Diane morreu, você a consolou... e eu perdi os estribos pensando que ainda estava apaixonado por ela.
You make it sound like you're still in love with her.
Parece que ainda está apaixonado por ela.
- You're still in love with her.
- Ainda estás apaixonado por ela.
Well, you're still in love with her.
Bem, ainda a amas.
It's not official. You're still in love with her.
- Ainda estás apaixonado por ela.
I think you're still in love with her.
Acho que ainda a amas.
Then you tell me you haven't thought about her in five years when, as sick as it is, you're still in love with her.
Dizes que não pensas nela há anos e ainda estás apaixonado por ela.
You're still in love with her.
Continuas apaixonado por ela.
You're still in love with her.
Continuas apaixonado por ela?
You're still in love with her, right?
Ainda estás apaixonado por ela.
I mean, you're still in love with her?
Ainda estás apaixonado por ela?
- You're still in love with her.
- Você ainda está apaixonada por ela.
You're still in love with her.
Ainda a amas.
- You're still in love with her?
- Ainda está apaixonado por ela?
You're still in love with her.
Ainda estás apaixonado por ela.
- You're still in love with her. - What?
- Continuas apaixonado por ela.
You're still in love with her.
- Tu continuas apaixonado por ela.
- She said to say that you've been ignoring her and that you're clearly still in love with Sally,
- Ela disse para eu dizer que tu a tens ignorado e tu com certeza ainda é apaixonado pela Sally,
All this time and you're still in love with her.
Depois de tanto tempo, continuais apaixonado por ela.
- You're still in love with her.
- Tu ainda a amas.
You're still in love with her.
Ainda continuas apaixonado por ela.
You're both in love with her, and that's the only reason she's still alive.
Ambos estão apaixonados por ela e é só por isso que ainda está viva.
You're still in love with her, aren't you?
Ainda estás apaixonado por ela, não estás?
And that you're still in love with her.
Mas ainda está apaixonado por ela.
Right, OK, so you have to tell her that you're still in love with her.
Certo, então tens que lhe dizer que ainda a amas.
Looks like you're still in love with her.
Parece que ainda estás apaixonado por ela.
- You're still in love with her.
Ainda estás apaixonado por ela, não estás? O quê?
You're still in love with her?
Ainda estás apaixonado por ela, não estás? - Não.
- Start with Laurel. You're still in love with her. - So are you.
Comecemos pela Laurel, dado que continuas apaixonado por ela.
Let's start with Laurel, since you're still in love with her.
Vamos começar pela Laurel, já que ainda estás apaixonado por ela.
Would you say you're still in love with her?
Ainda estás apaixonado por ela?
You're still in love with her, you jerk.
Continuas apaixonado por ela, otário.
You... you're still in love with her.
Tu... tu ainda estás apaixonado por ela.
And now you've realized you're still in love with her, so what are you waiting for?
E agora apercebeste-te que ainda a amas, por isso do que estás à espera?
You're still in love with her!
Ainda a amas!
You're still in love with her.
Ainda estás apaixonado, por ela.
I think you're still in love with her.
Acho que ainda estás apaixonado por ela.
Oh, so you admit you're still in love with her!
Então, admites que ainda a amas!

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